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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ H ] / He wants to see me

He wants to see me tradutor Português

211 parallel translation
Oh, well, I could see him between trips, if he wants to see me.
Podia vê-lo entre as viagens, se ele me quisesse ver.
He told me about Regan, but that's not what he wants to see me about.
Sim, falou-me no Regan, mas não foi por isso que me chamou.
I think he wants to see me.
Parece querer falar comigo.
He said he wants to see me again.
Ele disse que queria voltar a ver-me.
He wants to see me.
- Ele quer-me ver.
You tell Alec Waggoman I'll be right here if he wants to see me.
Diga ao Alec Waggoman que estarei aqui se ele me quiser ver.
Ele quer me ver morto.
He wants to see me?
Ele quer me ver?
He wants to see me urgently.
Ele quer ver-me urgentemente.
He wants to see me, I want to see him. He's the same, Jessie.
Ele continua o mesmo, Jessie.
He says if his wife leaves early he wants to see me.
Talvez tenha tempo, quando a mulher dele for embora.
And so she tells me that I pissed Chuck off, right? So he wants to see me. Then she walks away.
Então, ela me disse que eu irritei o Chuck... e que eIe quer falar comigo.
Do you know what he wants to see me for?
- Sabes porque quer falar comigo?
He'll see me looking more and more beautiful... the way he wants to see me.
Para, na próxima vez eu estar ainda mais bonita como ele gosta.
And now he wants to see me when I get back home but he can't because I got the glasses.
Entao ele agora quer ver-me quand eu voltar para casa, mas ele nao consegue porque eu e que tenho os oculos.
Lou Baird said he wants to see me in person.
O Lou Baird disse que queria ver-me pessoalmente.
Such as they, he wants to see me in the misery.
Tal como eles, quer ver-me na miséria.
If he wants to see me, he has my number.
Se ele quiser ver-me, tem o meu número.
If he wants to see me, why did he send you?
Se ele me queria ver, porque é que te mandou?
Besides, he wants to see me.
Além disso, ele quer ver-me.
General Nebe, he wants to see me?
O general Nebe queria ver-me?
- He wants to see me tonight.
- Quer falar comigo esta noite.
If he wants to see me again, he can call.
Se ele quiser voltar a ver-me, pode ligar.
Now you're saying that all of a sudden he wants to see me?
Agora dizes-me que, de repente, ele me quer ver?
No. he'll have to see me now, whether he wants to or not.
Não. Agora tem que receber-me, quer queira quer não.
He wants to put me away in an institution and I'd never see you again.
Quer internar-me numa instituição e nunca mais te voltaria a ver.
But tell him I'll be waiting outside if he wants to come and see me.
Mas diga-lhe que estarei esperando lá fora se ele quiser me ver.
He wants me to go and see him right away.
Quer que eu vá vê-lo agora mesmo.
Chalky sent me to say he wants to see you on some business, Mr. T.
Chalky, quer falar consigo acerca de negócios, Senhor T.
He told me, he wants to see love in her eyes before he dies.
Ele disse-me que quer ver o amor nos olhos dela antes de morrer.
Let me hang onto'em... and if the Maker wants'em, I'll see to it he gets'em.
Eu guardo-as. Se o criador as quiser, farei com que lhe sejam entregues.
That show with Goliath, with Garthe flexing his muscles for my benefit. He could have killed me, but he wants me to see him win at Red Bluff.
Durante aquele espectáculo com o Golias, com o Garthe a demonstrar toda a sua superioridade, ele podia ter-me morto, mas quer que eu o veja a ganhar em Red Bluff.
He wants to take me to see Rigoletto.
Ele queria levar-me a ver o Rigoletto.
He just told me he wants to see you.
Só me disse que queria falar contigo.
Mr Terrasini came to see me because he wants to build a resort in Semio.
Terrasini veio ter comigo porque quer construir uma aldeia em Semio!
My boyfriend wants to move in with me, but he still wants to see other people.
- Olá, Al.
My boyfriend wants to move in with me, but he still wants to see other people.
O meu namorado quer vir morar comigo, mas continua a querer sair com outras pessoas.
He wants me to see Dr. Simms.
Ele quer ver o Dr. Simms.
You see that? He wants to audition me.
Quer fazer-me uma audição.
He wants to see me.
Ele quer ver-me.
Oh, I see. Let me guess. He always wants to phone home, right?
Acho que o melhor a fazer é apresentá-lo.
[Scoffs] yes. He may vouch for me after he dumps me, laughs at me, and never wants to see me again.
Ele pode testemunhar por mim depois de me deixar, rir-se de mim e nunca mais me querer ver.
I'm going to see him He wants to talk to me
Vou agora vê-lo. Ele quer falar comigo.
- I give you my word, Hercule, he didn't hear it from me, but Superintendent Boucher wants to see you.
Dou-te a minha palavra, Hercule, ele não o ouviu da minha boca. Mas o Superintendente quer falar contigo.
But he's not sure which one so he wants me to come back again tomorrow to see him.
Mas não tem a certeza de qual. Por isso, quer que eu volte lá amanhã.
I don't think he'd call if there wasn't something here... something I'm supposed to see, something he wants me to see.
Ele não ligava se não houvesse nada que eu devesse ver. Algo que ele quer que eu veja.
He wants to see me?
- Ele queria falar comigo?
He told me to tell you he's gone to see Victoria because he's sorry, but he's found his true love and he wants to spend the rest of his life with her.
Ele me pediu para te dizer que el foi ver a Victoria, porque ele sente muito, mas que encontrou o verdadeiro amor... e que deseja passar o resto de sua vida com ele.
Now he wants to see me.
Steinbrenner que eu sou comunista e ele agora, quer falar comigo.
Do something for Poirot, He wants me to go and see the Comissaire of Police.
Tenho de fazer um recado ao Poirot, quer que eu visite o Comissário.
He wants to see me again.
Ele quer ver-me outra vez.

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