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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ H ] / He wants to see you

He wants to see you tradutor Português

404 parallel translation
He wants to see you, sir.
Quer falar consigo.
There's a man outside, he wants to see you.
Está lá fora um homem que quer falar contigo.
He wants to see you privately, sir.
- Ele quer falar consigo em particular.
- He wants to see you.
- Quer vê-la.
He wants to see you.
Quer lhe ver.
He wants to see you.
Ele quer vê-lo.
I said you were ill and he wants to see you.
Disse-lhe que estavas doente e ele quer ver-te.
He wants to see you. He's waiting for you.
Ele quer falar contigo, está ã tua espera.
He liked the act and he wants to see you right away.
Gostou da peça e quer vê-los no seu escritório, imediatamente.
He wants to see you right away.
Quer vê-lo imediatamente.
He wants to see you!
Quer falar contigo!
He wants to see you.
Ele quer falar contigo.
He wants to see you.
Vem aí um oficial. Quer falar contigo.
He'll come back, if he wants to see you alive.
Ele vai voltar, se quiser vê-la viva.
Perry, there's a George Moore in my office, he wants to see you.
Perry, há um George Moore no meu escritório, ele quer te ver.
The doctor's finished his examination, and he wants to see you.
O médico terminou o exame. Quer falar consigo.
He wants to see you...
Quer ter a certeza que você volta para casa...
Nuttheccio found the diamonds. He wants to see you.
Nutteccio encontrou as jóias, quer falar contigo.
He wants to see you.
Ele quer ver-te.
He wants to see you.
Quer ver-te.
- He wants to see you.
- Quer falar contigo.
A relative of Jim's has come, he wants to see you.
Um parente do Jim chegou, ele quer vê-los.
He wants to see you.
Ele quer falar convosco.
He knows you, he's paid your fine, and he wants to see you.
Ele pagou a tua caução e quer falar imediatamente contigo.
I think he wants to see you.
Acho que ele quer vê-lo.
Chalky sent me to say he wants to see you on some business, Mr. T.
Chalky, quer falar consigo acerca de negócios, Senhor T.
Father said he wants to see you become a champ too.
O pai também disse que deseja ver tornares-te campeão.
He wants to see you right away.
Quer falar contigo, imediatamente.
Fifty thousand dollars if he wants to see you alive again.
Cinquenta mil dólares se ele a quiser ver viva de novo.
Professor, the Dean of Science wants to know when he'll see you.
Professor, o Decano das Ciências deseja vê-lo.
He wants to see you, Jack.
Ele quer vê-lo, Jack.
He wants to know if you'll see him.
Ele quer saber se aceita falar com ele.
You'll see him, he wants to interview you.
Vais vê-lo, ele quer entrevistar - te.
- He wants to see you Saturday afternoon.
- Quer ver-te no sábado à tarde.
He wants to put me away in an institution and I'd never see you again.
Quer internar-me numa instituição e nunca mais te voltaria a ver.
Can't you see he wants to go to sleep?
Não vêm que ele quer dormir?
He wants particularly to see you, Melanie.
Ele quer ver-te... a ti, Melanie.
Well, you see, it was really David's idea I go out with you, because he wants you to help him.
Foi ideia do David eu sair contigo... -... porque quer que o ajudes.
You tell Alec Waggoman I'll be right here if he wants to see me.
Diga ao Alec Waggoman que estarei aqui se ele me quiser ver.
Como já lhes disse antes, ele... está ficando irritado.
He wants to see to it that you get something really worthwhile.
Ele quer certificar-se que recebe algo que valha mesmo a pena.
Why don't you phone him and see what he wants to do?
Por que não lhe telefona e vê o que ele quer fazer?
He insisted on talking to you, and I have orders... from Akiva that Ari Ben Canaan may see us any time he wants to.
Ele insistiu em falar contigo, pessoalmente. E eu tenho ordens... de Akiva que Ari Ben Canaan pode ver-nos em qualquer altura que quiser.
Group Captain Barratt wants to see you. He says it's urgent.
O Coronel Barratt quer vê-lo urgentemente.
Is it a crime that he wants the world to see it and share in his pride... this... this fresco that he's forced you to paint... come day and night to watch... defended against its critics... this work of art, which to him, has become a work of love.
Será um crime que ele queira que o mundo veja e compartilhe o seu orgulho... neste... neste fresco que o obrigou a pintar... vinha dia e noite ver... defendeu-o contra os críticos... esta obra de arte, que para ele, se tornou uma obra de amor.
He likes you and wants to see you both.
Ele gosta de vocês e quer-vos ver.
Where's Harris? He wants you to come see him.
Ele quer que o venha ver.
He's not on the list, but Luca Brasi wants to see you.
Ele não está na lista, mas o Luca Brasi quer falar consigo.
Now he wants you to open up them packages... and see what's inside.
Agora ele quer que abra as bolsas... para ver o que há lá dentro.
He's wants to see You.
Ele quer vê-lo.
To protect himself, he wants you to sign a paper saying you won't see your past friends.
Para cobrir-se, quer que firmes um papel dizendo que não verá a teus velhos amigos.

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