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Hippies tradutor Português

510 parallel translation
Mods and rockers,
Hippies e roqueiros.
Mods and rockers.
Hippies e roqueiros.
They're a hippie motorcycle gang who are trying to escape reality by pretending to be like King Arthur and his men.
São um bando de motards hippies....... que tentam fugir à realidade,.. ... fingindo serem o Rei Arthur e os seus homens.
All you sound trippers and hippies, you gather round the boob tube and tune up high, you dig?
Amantes de som e hippies,.. ... juntem-se em frente ao ecran e aumentem o volume.
When I was at NYU Law, I lived in Greenwich Village. Hippies.
Quando fazia Direito em New York, morava no Greenwich Village.
Yeah, that's all I have to do, give hippies and weirdoes lifts.
Sim, é disso mesmo que preciso. Dar carona a bichos-grilos e a anormais.
These people are leading every moment of their lives only for this moment - They are all lost under the influence of intoxication and enjoyment -
Estes, a quem o mundo chama hippies, porque estão a fugir da vida?
Because I doubt, that the police was having a little doubt on us
Neste momento, os hippies habitam nas casas desta área.
Had my own daughter failed like this - l would have squashed her
Quem? Os chamados hippies.
Where does this young crop stay in Katmandu? Who? The same, who keep roaming as Hippies?
Sr., tenho sono, encontra-os amanhã, procura-os nas estradas, nos bazares, no templo
They sing, drink, sleep, roam and eat - They are all called as English Hippy people in Katmandu - l'll Introduce you to them
Senhor, não quero dinheiro... eu levo-o onde param os hippies.
Actually, I'll take you to that place where those Hippies go
Isto é para o táxi.
Yes sir, on this you should ask Toofan
Ao ver a Shanti, esquecerá esses hippies.
They even couldn't have a proper aim of the bottle - lf we don't leave soon from here there is a risk of the Police coming - l lust now saw Inspector Thapa coming
Diga-me. Sir, há zaragata entre os hippies. Preciso de ordem sua.
It's the law! Hippie bastards!
Seus Hippies bastardos!
No more of the dreary, boring classes... dismal lectures, sitting around bullshitting.. with pretentious fat-ass hippies.
Acabaram-se as aulas chatas... palestras, sentado a dizer merdas... com hippies pretensiosos de cu gordo.
I swear, these motherfucking hippies from New York.
Ah, estes hippies parolos de Nova Iorque.
New York hippies come down here... and they think they can...
Hippies de Nove Iorque vêm para aqui... e eles pensam que conseguem...
Damn hippies!
Droga de Hippies!
All you see are fiilthy hippies, students who don't want to study... transvestites, drug addicts, trash of all kind.
Só se vê hippies nojentos, estudantes que não querem estudar, travestis, drogados, lixo de todo o género.
Hey, how'bout giving these hippies a haircut?
Hei, que tal darmos um corte de cabelo a estes hippies?
They're after the cops, hippies, the government, women's lib the blacks, the fag, the whole military complex and even more.
Contra a polícia, os hippies, o governo... negros, homossexuais, militares, contra todos.
I thought it was bad enough with the hippies on board. Now we got their fathers.
Achei que já tínhamos suficiente com os hippies.
Damn hippies!
Malditos hippies!
It's not a bunch of nuns in a station wagon, it's two hippies in a green van.
Não são as freiras...
Where do hippies hang out today?
Para onde é que os hippies vão hoje em dia?
We don't serve hippies.
Não servimos hippies.
- Hippies!
They're hippies?
São hippies?
Goddamn'em, those fuckin'hippy morons!
Malditos sejam aqueles idiotas hippies!
There'll be no monuments erected to the boys that fought in Vietnam. Hippies have seen to that.
Não haverá monumentos ao Vietnã, os hippies foram responsáveis por isso.
Hey, hippies!
Seus hippies!
- A rest home for old hippies.
Um asilo para hippies velhos.
Because hippies have been around since the'60s, man, you know?
Os hippies estão por aí desde os anos 60.
You're like some old 60's hippy dirt merchant. - Yeah, groovy, man.
Vai ter com os hippies de merda, idiotas dos anos 60 e 70.
Did you eat a lot of acid, back in the hippie days?
Tomaste muitas drogas na época dos hippies?
He's a lawyer or something. Used to represent hippies.
Costumava representar hippies.
You can't go in there until we find out if it's safe or not.
Não pode entrar sem sabermos se é seguro! Fora do caminho, hippies!
Haven't been hippies around here for centuries.
Já não existem hippies há séculos.
- Ex-hippies.
- Ex-hippies.
Ya lousy fucking hippies!
Bando de filhos da puta!
They're sellin'hippie wigs in Woolworth's, man.
Estão a vender perucas de hippies em Woolworth's, meu.
Separate the hippies.
Separar os hippies.
The hippies had families, and no one thought nothing about it.
Os hippies tinham famílias e ninguém se preocupava com isso.
Fucking out of control. All these hippies running around on drugs.
Está tudo doido, todos esses hippies drogados por aí...
- ♪ If all the hippies ♪
Ela é selvagem.
What do they do?
Eles são hippies.
Sir, there is a big turbulence going on here amongst the hippies - l need your orders
O quê, o meu filho?
Se gostas de estar entre os hippies, nem te atrevas entrar em casa.
And have you seen yours?
Mas se calhar gostas mais das meninas hippies.
Let's turn on the siren... get them hippies off the road!
Ligue a sirene.

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