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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / I'll call her

I'll call her tradutor Português

786 parallel translation
I'll call from outside and tell her I sent you out of town for a few days.
Eu ligo lá de fora e digo que te mandei para fora da cidade uns dias.
I'll call her up right now.
Vou telefonar-lhe.
Elsa's still in her room but I'll call her.
A Elsa ainda está no seu quarto, mas vou chamá-la.
- How can I tell her I'll call her back?
- Como lhe posso dizer isso?
Tell her I'll call her back.
Diga que ligo de volta.
- I'll tell you what you can call her. - What?
Sei que nome podes dar-lhe, se quiseres.
I'll have her call back.
Ela depois liga-lhe.
Tell her I'll call at 10...
Diga-lhe que telefono às 10...
- She's upstairs dressing, I'll call her.
- Está a vestir-se, vou chamá-la.
I'll call her up and tell her so.
Telefonarei e dir-lhe-ei isso.
I'll arrange for someone to call for her.
Eu vou ver que alguém woo.
He's got to get to Paris to call her. When he does, I'll answer!
Quando ele lhe telefonar em Paris, quem vai atender sou eu!
Call my wife and tell her I'll be a little late.
Liga à minha mulher, diz-lhe que vou chegar tarde.
I'll call her.
Eu vou chamá-la.
And I think I'll call Ethel, too, and have her come down and wait with me.
E acho que vou chamar Ethel, também, e faço-a vir e esperar comigo.
Sure. I'll go down and see Ethel, and after you fire her, call me. Good.
Call her back. Tell her I'll stop by on my way home.
Diga-lhe que eu passo por lá quando for para casa.
I'll tell you what you could call her :
Acho que lhe podes chamar :
I guess I'll call Mrs. Drayton. Tell her we're back. She can bring up Hank.
Vou ligar para a Sra. Drayton, para trazer o Hank.
I'll call the ambulance, take her to the hospital.
Para chamar a ambulância.
I will. Look, would you give my apologies to Miss Lester and tell her that I'll call her tomorrow.
Olhe, podia apresentar as minhas desculpas à Menina Lester e dizer-lhe que lhe ligo amanhã.
I'll call Molly and tell her you're much too tired.
Vou ligar à Molly e dizer-lhe que estás muito cansado.
And I'll call Agnes and have her fix up something real special, huh?
E vou telefonar à Agnes e pedir-lhe que prepare alguma coisa especial.
I'll take her after roll call.
Eu a pegarei depois da chamada.
Ms. Blanche, I'll tell you right now, if that sister of yours has gone and given you sleeping pills to keep you quiet while she's out doin I don't know what I'm sure as hell gonna call the police on her.
Sra. Blanche, se a sua irmã lhe deu sedativos para a manter calada não sei o que faço. Vou chamar a polícia!
I'll call her the Argo, after her builder.
Vou chamar-lhe Argo como o construtor.
I'll call her. We can't stay long.
Não podemos ficar muito tempo.
Vou chamá-la.
She's special, I'll call her myself.
- Não. Ela é especial, eu telefono.
Well, you better let her stay there tonight. Right, Chief. I'll call you in the morning.
Cheiro delicioso.
Well, I'll call her.
Vou chamá-la.
I'll call her tomorrow.
Ligo-lhe amanhã.
I'll call Christine and tell her you stopped by.
O Shapiro é porreiro. Ligo à Christine e digo que estiveste aqui.
I'll call her in a couple of days because we have a lot to talk about.
Ligarei para ela daqui a dois dias, temos muito que falar.
Now that I know her, I'll just call her.
Agora que a conheço, vou ligar-lhe.
I'll call my wife and tell her about my friends.
Vou telefonar à minha mulher e falar-lhe dos meus amigos.
No, no. I'll call her for you.
Não, não, eu vou chamá-la.
I'll call your wife and tell her what flight you're on.
Vou telefonar à tua mulher a dizer-lhe qual o voo em que vais.
Tell her I'm working. I'll call her tomorrow.
Que me desculpe mas estou a trabalhar.
I mean it, now. If I want to see Marianne, I'll call her.
Se quiser ver a Marianne, telefono-lhe.
Will you call in at Mary's house, tell her I'll be away overnight.
Faça o favor de chamar a casa de Mary, diga-lhe que estarei fora toda a noite.
I'll call Daisy tomorrow and invite her for tea.
Amanhã, convidarei a Daisy para lanchar.
I'll call her.
Vou chamá-la.
Well, I'll get her to call.
Eu peço-lhe que te ligue.
- Ok, I'll call Marguerite and ask her to bring you a suit.
- Bom, chamarei a Marguerite... - E pedir-lhe-ei um fato.
Now, I'll get the police on the phone and give them our good news, and call Miss Rainbird and give her the bad.
Vou dar as boas notícias à polícia e as más a Miss Rainbird.
- Let her! I'll call her myself!
- Eu chamo a porteira!
I'll call her father in Geneva. Perhaps she might have gone there.
Eu vou telefonar para o pai, em Genebra.
Then I'll call her Lina.
Então chamar-lhe-ei Lina.
- Have her call me and I'll explain.
- Ela que me ligue e eu explico-lhe.
I'll call her... Anything else?
Eu ligo-lhe... mais alguma coisa?

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