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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / I'll call him

I'll call him tradutor Português

1,215 parallel translation
- I'll call him tomorrow!
- Eu telefono-lhe amanhã. - Ótimo.
- I'll call him when I want to.
- Eu o chamarei quando quiser.
I'll have to call my lawyer and tell him I can't find Quacky.
Vou dizer ao meu advogado que o Quacky sumiu!
- Tell Bob I'll call him back.
- Diz que jáIhe ligo.
And Ronald Cheanie is on line 3. Tell him I'll call him back.
Eles tornam a minha personagem intrigante.
Tell him I'll call him back.
- Eu vou também. Ajudar-te.
I'll find him. This may be the dumb question, but shouldn't we call the police?
Talvez seja a pergunta tola, mas não devíamos chamar a polícia?
I'll call him.
Eu ligo-lhe.
All right, I'll call him.
Certo, vou ligar-lhe.
I'll have Superman call, soon as I find him.
Eu direi isso ao Super-Homem assim que eu o encontrar.
I think I'll give him a call.
Penso em ligar-lhe.
I'll give you a call, once we get the goods to pick him up.
Eu ligo-te assim que o formos buscar.
You know, I'll call him at home, during the day, when I know he's at work.
Ligo-lhe para casa, durante o dia, quando ele estiver no trabalho.
I think I'll call him.
Acho que lhe vou ligar.
I'll call the Red Cross and have him returned.
Vou telefonar para a Cruz Vermelha para devolvê-lo.
I'll call him back.
Eu volto telefonar-lhe.
- I'll call him back.
- Ligo-lhe depois.
- Lucy, I'll call him back. I'll call him back.
- Ligo depois.
That's fine. Give me a phone, I'll call him.
Dê-me um telefone e eu falo com ele.
I'll call him.
Eu telefono-lhe.
Call him that again, I'll put your head through a wall.
Chamas-lhe isso outra vez, e enfio-te a cabeça na parede.
I guess I'll call him.
Acho que lhe vou telefonar.
I'll call him Mr "T"! The night he beat Rocky Balboa, if he wants. He's a bad pony.
Até o trato por sr. T na noite em que vencer o Rocky, se ele quiser.
All right, Dad. - Yes. I'll call him.
Vou ligar para ele.
If I find out my son is a terrorist I'll call you myself to arrest him!
Se eu descobrir, que meu filho é terrorista, eu mesmo o chamarei para detê-lo!
- I'll call him for you.
- Eu vou chamar ele para voce.
Tell Agee I'll call him tonight, and I'm sorry I couldn't make it.
Diz ao Agee que lhe telefono à noite e que lamento näo poder ir.
I don't know, Kitty. Maybe I'll call him in a couple of days.
Não sei, Kitty... talvez lhe ligue dentro de uns dias.
I'll just call Greg and tell him we'll be a little late.
Vou ligar ao Greg a dizer que vamos chegar atrasados.
I'll call him and tell him in the morning.
- Eu ligo-lhe de manhã e digo-lhe.
I'll call him back.
Eu depois ligo!
Yes, sir, I'll get those files and make that call and buzz you when I have him on the line.
Sim, senhor. Trago as pastas e faço o telefonema. Aviso-o quando estiver em linha.
- No, I'll call him from the cell phone.
- Não, ligo-lhe eu do telemóvel.
Tell him I'll call him back. Excuse me.
Diz-lhe que eu lhe telefono.
Tell him I'll call him back.
Diz-lhe que lhe ligo depois.
I'll call you if I hear from him.
Telefono-te, assim que ouvir dele.
- I'll call him back.
- Ligo depois.
Well... I'll just call him And see if there's anything else he might need.
Então, vou telefonar-lhe para ver se precisa de mais alguma coisa.
You better go with him, I'll call you later.
É melhor ir com ele, ligo-te depois.
Have him call me. I'll set up some lessons.
Ele que me telefone e organizo umas aulas.
Then I'll call your lawyer and ask him if you killed Cretchen.
E eu ligo ao seu advogado a perguntar se matou a Gretchen.
Lennie Briscoe used to work the 3-1. I'll give him a call.
O Lennie Briscoe trabalhou aí.
I'll call him back.
Diga-lhe que depois ligo.
I'll call him "Nibbler."
Vou chamá-lo de "Nibbler".
All right, I'll call him.
Está bem, vou ligar para ele.
Yes, I'll ask him to call you when he gets back.
Sim, eu digo para ele ligar quando voltar.
I'll call him in.
- Vou avisar que estamos indo.
I'll call Harvey Tomes tomorrow in the psych department and I'll see what I can find out about him.
Ligo ao Harvey Tomes amanhã para o departamento de psicologia e vejo o que descubro sobre ele.
Will you call and tell him I'll be home in the morning?
Liga-lhe e diz-lhe que vou para casa de manhã.
I'll call him Kaa like in the Kipling story.
Vou chamá-la Kaa, como no Livro da Selva do Kipling.
- I'll tell him to call in.
- Vou lhe dizer que venha vê-lo. - Não precisa.

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