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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / I'll call him back

I'll call him back tradutor Português

197 parallel translation
- I'll call him back.
- Eu volto a ligar-lhe.
Yes. If Sawyer shows up, I'll have him call you right back.
Se o Sawyer aparecer, eu digo-lhe para lhe telefonar.
Tell him I'll call him back.
Diz-lhe que eu já lhe ligo.
Tell him I'll call him back.
Diga a ele que ligo de volta.
I'll call him back.
- Eu já ligo.
There's a game on tonight, and I'll call back and give him the address... when we set a place. - This is Chalky.
- Sou o Chalky.
I'll call you back in a little while and we'll go get him next time.
Telefono-te dentro de um momento e depois continuamos da próxima vez.
I'll have him call back later.
Eu digo-lhe para telefonar mais tarde.
I'll get him on his feet and call back.
Vou colocá-lo de pé e ligo em seguida.
I'll call him back for a rest.
Vou chamá-lo de volta para descansar.
Tell the chief I'll call him back.
Diga ao chefe que ligarei de volta.
Tell him I'll call him back.
Diga-lhe que lhe ligo.
- If Stan calls, tell him I'll call him back, OK?
- Se Stan ligar, diz-lhe que ligo depois.
Tell him I'll call him back, Lar.
- Diz-lhe que logo lhe telefono, Lar.
Okay, I'll call him back.
Bom, chamarei logo.
Tell him I'll call him back.
- Diz-lhe que depois ligo-lhe.
tell him I'll call him back.
Diga que já ligo para ele.
Tell him I'll call back later.
Diz-lhe que ligo depois
I'll, uh, i'll give him a call, or i'll stop by, or i'll ask him about it when he comes back.
Eu vou-lhe ligar ou passar lá, ou perguntar-lhe isso quando ele voltar.
I'll have to call him back.
Vou ter de voltar a chamá-lo.
Tell him I'll call him back.
Diz lhe que eu ligo-lhe.
- Can he get back to you? - No. I'll call him back.
- Ele pode ligar-Ihe mais tarde?
Call him back and tell him I'll be right there.
Telefone-lhe a dizer que vou a caminho.
If I have this much influence, I'll call her and tell her to get back together with him.
Se tenho assim tanta influência sobre ela, por que não lhe telefono e lhe digo que volte para ele?
Call one of my friends I think she'll be able to keep Michael until Thursday If you're coming back Thursday We can always keep him!
- Olha, vais ligar a uma amiga que deve poder ficar com ele até quinta-feira Se dizes que voltas quinta não há problema podemos ficar com ele.
I'll call you back with an address as soon as I track him down.
Ligo-lhe a dar a morada assim que o localizar.
I'll call him back.
Eu ligo-lhe depois.
Look, just take a message and tell him I'll call him right back.
Olha, fique com a mensagem e diz que já lhe ligo de volta.
- Tell Bob I'll call him back.
- Diz que jáIhe ligo.
And Ronald Cheanie is on line 3. Tell him I'll call him back.
Eles tornam a minha personagem intrigante.
Tell him I'll call him back.
- Eu vou também. Ajudar-te.
I'll call him back.
Eu volto telefonar-lhe.
- I'll call him back.
- Ligo-lhe depois.
- Lucy, I'll call him back. I'll call him back.
- Ligo depois.
I'll call him back.
Eu depois ligo!
Tell him I'll call him back. Excuse me.
Diz-lhe que eu lhe telefono.
Tell him I'll call him back.
Diz-lhe que lhe ligo depois.
- I'll call him back.
- Ligo depois.
I'll call him back.
Diga-lhe que depois ligo.
Yes, I'll ask him to call you when he gets back.
Sim, eu digo para ele ligar quando voltar.
No, I'll call him back.
Não, telefono-lhe mais tarde.
I'll call him back later.
Ligo-lhe mais tarde.
- What? Tell him I'll call him back.
A propósito, vocês não fizeram batota, pois não?
I'll tell him to call you when he gets back.
Eu digo-lhe para te telefonar quando chegar.
I'll call him, right away... then I'll call you back.
Ligo já para ele e já te telefono a dizer.
I'll have him call you back.
Peço para ligar assim que puder.
I'll tell him to call back in 2 days.
Não faz mal, eu digo-lhe para voltar a telefonar daqui a dois dias.
He'll come right back, I'll call him. Someone'll call him.
Não lhe chega causar sofrimento e dor às suas vitimas, também tem de os causar aos pais?
Tell him I'll call him back.
Diga que já lhe ligo.
- Tell him I'll call him back.
Queres falar com ele? Diz-lhe que já lhe telefono.
I've got to phone him back or he'll call the police.
Tenho de telefonar, senão, chama a Polícia.

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