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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / I'll call you tonight

I'll call you tonight tradutor Português

103 parallel translation
I'll call you tonight.
Telefono-te esta noite.
- I'll call you tonight at 10.
- Eu telefono-te hoje, às 22 horas.
I'll check with my contact and call you back tonight at your hotel.
Vou falar com o meu contacto e ligo-lhe de volta esta noite para o hotel.
Well, you better let her stay there tonight. Right, Chief. I'll call you in the morning.
Cheiro delicioso.
- All right, you call me tonight, and I'll...
- Pode telefonar hoje à noite?
I'll be in town tonight if you'd like to call me then.
Vou estar na cidade esta noite, se quiser falar comigo.
I'll call you tonight, okay?
Telefono-te esta noite, OK?
Maybe I'll practice on you tonight and if you don't go bald, I'll give him a call tomorrow.
Se praticar contigo... e não te deixo calva, chamarei-o amanhã.
Hey, listen, I'll call you later tonight, all right?
De noite, eu ligo.
Lord, I'll do anything you ask tomorrow, just don't call an alert tonight.
Oh Deus, faço tudo o que me pedires amanhã só... faz com que não haja nenhum alerta esta noite.
Oh, Lord, I'll do anything you ask tomorrow, just don't call an alert tonight.
Oh, Deus, Faço tudo o que quiseres amanhã. Mas que não haja um alerta esta noite.
I'll call you tonight.
Ligo-te esta noite.
I'll call you tonight.
- Ligo-te amanhã.
Beverly, listen... I've got some important matters to clean up here, but I'll call you tonight.
Beverly, ouve, tenho assuntos importantes para resolver aqui, mas ligo-te à noite.
Yes, I ´ ll tell her. I ´ ll call you tonight.
Sim, eu digo-lhe.
- I'll call you later tonight.
- Eu telefono mais tarde.
But I'll call you tonight, and we'll get through this.
Mas ligo-te esta noite para conversarmos.
I'll call you tonight, Mom.
- Ligo-te à noite, mãe.
If you could direct me to the physician on call tonight, I'll speak to him.
Se me puser em contacto com o médico de serviço, falarei com ele.
I can't talk now. I'll call you tonight.
Não posso falar agora, Jim...
I'll tell you what. Give me a few hours to figure out the moves, and call me tonight in Vermont.
Olha, dá-me algumas horas para pensar no que devemos fazer e telefona-me à noite para Vermont.
So you'll call Saso, tell him I'll see him tonight.
Liga ao Saso para se encontrar comigo esta noite.
Hi, I got your message. I'll call you tonight.
Olá, eu recebi a tua mensagem.
I'll call you tonight.
Chamo-te esta noite.
I'll call you tonight.
"Ligo logo à noite."
I'll call you tonight. - l'm sorry.
- Te acenarei na noite.
I'll call you tonight.
Ligo-te esta noite, está bem?
- I'll call you tonight.
- Telefono-lhe logo.
I'll call you tonight.
Eu ligo-te hoje à noite.
- So I'll call you tonight? - Yeah.
- Telefono esta noite?
I was talking to them. I'll call you tonight.
Estava a falar com eles, depois ligo-te esta noite?
All right. I'll call you back tonight.
Tudo bem, vou telefonar-te de volta esta noite.
I'll call you guys later about tonight.
Ligo para vocês depois sobre hoje à noite.
So I'll call you tonight, let you know where to drop off my new VCR.
Eu telefono-te hoje, para te dizer onde hás-de deixar o meu novo vídeo.
Okay, ahh... I'll call you tonight
Certo, ahh... eu ligo-te hoje à noite
Alex I'll call you back tonight.
Alex, eu ligo-te logo à noite.
I promise you that. - I'll call you tonight.
- Ligo-te à noite.
- I'll call you tonight. - OK.
Eu ligo-te esta noite.
I'll get Jason, he's on call tonight and he'll be able to give you some meds.
Vou chamar o Jason, ele está de banco. Vou dar-lhe medicação.
I'll call you tonight, okay.
Eu telefono-te hoje à noite.
I'll call you tonight.
Telefono-te logo à noite.
I'll call you tonight.
Eu ligo-te esta noite.
I'll give you a call later tonight.
Ligo-te mais tarde.
Look, I'll just call you tonight, then.
Telefono-te logo à noite.
I'll work on the old man when I get back to the office and call you tonight if it's a go.
Vou tratar do velhote quando regressar ao escritório e ligo-te à noite se for para avançar.
- Hey, I'll call you tomorrow. - Okay, have fun tonight.
- Está bem, eu espero.
I'll call you tonight.
Telefono-te à noite.
- I'll call you tonight.
- Eu ligo-te à noite.
Okay. Yeah I'll call you tonight.
Bem, telefono-te hoje à noite.
I'll call you tonight.
- Telefono-te esta noite.
I'll call you tonight, OK?
Eu ligo-te esta noite, está bem?

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