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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / I'll go with her

I'll go with her tradutor Português

147 parallel translation
I heard her screaming, "Guillermo, husband, wait. I'll go with you!"
Eu ouvi-a gritar : "Guilherme, meu querido, espera, eu vou contigo!"
Yes, I'll tell her not to go away again with the child
Está bem, eu digo-lhe para não voltar a levar a menina...
I'll go away and I'll vanish into thin air if you just tell me, are you in love with her?
Eu vou-me embora e desapareço sem deixar rasto, se mo pedires.
Well, I'll go on with her.
Bem, vou continuar com ela.
I'll stay with her and meet you in Coarsegold. Go on ahead.
Ficarei com ela e os verei no Coarse Gold.
I doubt I'll get to go with her myself, once she gets off.
Talvez nem eu volte a sair com ela, quando terminar o curso.
I'll go with her.
Eu vou com ela.
I'll go with her, too! Stop joking, Alok. And get ready at once.
Agora, se você não for ao tribunal o pai vai mandá-la para os seus pais no primeiro comboio.
I suppose Geechee will want to go with you, and I'll be sorry to see her go, but this is not going to work out.
Acho que Geechee vai querer ir contigo e isso eu sinto realmente. Mas assim, não podemos continuar.
I'll go with her.
- Eu vou com ela.
I'll go have a talk with her.
Vou falar com ela.
I'll just go and put it up in the attic with her iron.
Vou pô-las no sótão, com o ferro de engomar.
Listen, I'll go and catch up with her.
Escuta, eu vou e acerto tudo com ela.
I'll probably go out with her again, But, uh, not to anything funny.
Provavelmente vou sair com ela outra vez, mas... nada demais.
Listen, I'll go have a word with her.
Ouve, vou falar com ela.
I'll go get Lotus and take her with me.
Vou buscar a Lotus e trazê-la comigo.
- I'll go with her.
- Eu vou com ela.
Marissa said if I can't get you to go out on a date With her, she'll fire me.
A Marissa disse que, se eu não conseguir que saias com ela, me despede.
- I'll spend time with her before you go.
- Passarei um tempo com ela, antes.
Now, let her go and I'll come with you.
Agora, deixa-a ir, e irei contigo.
Tomorrow I'll go speak with her,
Amanhã eu irei falar com ela,
- I'll go with her.
- Vou com ela!
I'll make up an excuse and go out with her tomorrow.
Arranjo uma desculpa e saio com ela amanhã.
No, I'll just go have a talk with her.
Não, só tenho de falar com ela.
I guess I'll go with her since she already seems to know me.
Acho que vou falar com ela, uma vez que ela já me conhece.
- I'll stay with her if you want to go.
Eu fico com ela se quiser ir. Não, vá você.
What I think you need to do, is you need to hire a guy who'll go out with her.
O que precisas de fazer é contratar um tipo para sair com ela.
I don't know her, but I'll go out on a limb and say there's no way in hell she was involved with those people's deaths.
Eu não a conheço, mas se me perguntares, eu diria que ela não esteve envolvida, de maneira nenhuma, nas mortes destas pessoas.
I'm betting when she walks out of that place, somebody'll go out with her.
Aposto que quando ela sair do bar vai alguém com ela.
- You want to go there with me? - Relax! - I'll kill her!
- Queres resolver isto comigo?
Go with the trip! If I see Miriam I'll bite her tits and fuck her hung by her ears!
Se a Miriam vier, meto-lho na coisinha doce dela...
I'll go out with her
Quero partir com ela
- What do you mean? - Vancouver. I'll go with you to meet her.
Podemos tomar uma bebida nós os três, e divertirmo-nos.
I will go, and I'll take him with me. He will lead me to her.
Eu vou... e eu vou levá-lo comigo... e ele me conduzirá a ela.
Well, I'll go out with her again and I'll try to get past it.
Vou voltar a sair com ela e tentar ultrapassar isto.
Let her go and I promise I'll go with you.
Liberta-a e e eu prometo que vou contigo.
- I'll go with her. - Where's she going?
Eu vou com ela.
Go anyway. I mean, if we click back on... I'll invite her to spend a weekend with me... at Rock Springs Ranch.
Ir na mesma. Se ela ligar... convido-a para passar o fim-de-semana comigo... no rancho de Rock Springs.
A good girlfriend too. " I'll go shopping with her
Eu disse, "Está bem, vejo-te quando voltares."
Just show me the girl once. I'll go and talk it over with her, okay?
Apenas mostre-me a menina uma vez. Vou e converso com ela, ok?
You go to the office and get on with your work, my son I'll go to her house and talk it over, okay?
Você vai para o escritório e trabalhe, meu filho. Vou a casa dela e conversar sobre isso, ok?
You're going to go with her and get cleaned up, and I'll talk to you later.
Vais com ela e tomas um banho que eu depois falo contigo.
I guess I'll just have to go in there with her.
Parece que então tenho de ir com ela.
I'd love to go out with her again if you'll pay for it.
Eu adorava sair de novo com ela desde que o pagues.
Yoon-jin, I'll be helping Yoon-hye with her homework, so go to bed without me if you're tired.
Yoon-jin, eu estarei a ajudar a Yoon-hye com os trabalhos de casa, por isso vai para a cama sem mim se estiveres cansada.
- I'll go with Beba. I'll take her for a walk along the beach and I'll have a look.
Vou com Beba, vamos passear a beira do mar e enquanto, eu observo.
I'll go with her!
And if I can remember her after all these years, never mentioning her name, it means I'll remember you... and Peter, and I can take you with me when I go.
Se consigo lembrar-me dela depois de tantos anos sem dizer o nome, significa que me lembro de ti e do Peter e posso levá-los comigo quando for.
All right, I'll go with you... if you tell her about your powers, too.
Está bem. Eu vou contigo. Se lhe falares sobre os teus poderes.
I'll go have a little chat with her.
Vou lá ter uma conversa com ela.
If you love that girl, leave me, go off with her to Venice, I'll file for a divorce.
Se amas essa pequena, deixa-me, vai com ela a Veneza, eu vou pedir o divorcio.

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