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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / I'll go with him

I'll go with him tradutor Português

202 parallel translation
I'll go and have a talk with him.
Vou ter uma conversa com ele.
- It's all right, I'll go up with him.
- Tudo bem, vou para cima com ele.
You needn't worry, Geoff. I shan't be seeing Perry in any case. Father is being sent to Chukoti and, of course, I'll go with him.
não te preocupes Geff, não devo voltar a ver o perry, o pai vai ser enviado para Chukoti e claro que eu irei com ele.
And I'll go on living with him for the rest of my life.
E continuarei a viver com ele o resto da minha vida.
- I'll go with him.
- Eu vou com ele.
You tell him go easy with that, Major, or I'll shoot you right between the eyes.
Diga-lhe para ter calma, Major, ou dou-lhe um tiro entre os olhos.
After I go past him, he'll come out with his back to you.
Quando eu passar por ele, ele sairá, dando-lhe as costas.
I'll go with him, sir.
Vou com ele, senhor.
- I'll go with him, Pa.
- Eu vou com ele, pai.
And tomorrow you'll go along with Shaft and get that Mascola'cause I want him bad, real bad.
E amanhã vais com o Shaft ver esse Mascola, porque vou acabar com ele.
... the ball is snapped, you go into your opponent, blocking him with your left arm and bring this hand up into his chin, and I'll guarantee he'll be incapacitated for the next several moments.
... A bola é atirada, vão até ao adversário, bloqueiam o tipo com o braço esquerdo, elevam a mão até ao queixo, e eu garanto que ele ficará incapacitado nos momentos que se seguem.
- I'll go with you. - Hey, we'll all go get him.
- Vamos todos buscá-lo.
I think I'll go with him. - Okay?
Acho que vou com ele.
I'll go with him.
- Sim, eu levo... Eu vou com ele.
Go with him. I'll take the dog, Commander.
- Va com ele, senhorita.
I'll kick him around a little, have a little fun with him, but uh... that's as far as I'm gonna go.
Sou capaz de me divertir um bocado com ele... mas não vou fazer mais nada.
You know why? I'll tell you straight. I preferred my Nancy and my old pals in the Royal Mallows to go on believing that Harry Wood died a hero's death with a straight back, than see him crawling about the world more like a chimpanzee than a human being.
Não, eu... eu digo-lhe directamente, eu preferia que a Nancy e os meus velhos amigos dos Mallows reais continuassem a acreditar que o Harry Wood morreu um herói com as costas direitas do que vê-lo a caminhar pelo mundo
I shall go home, sit with half a dozen of my lads in the shrubbery, and if this fellow calls again, give him such a thrashing he'll leave us alone in the future. Well, that would be one way.
Vou para casa, ponho meia dúzia de homens nos arbustos e se ele aparecer, eles dão-lhe uma sova tal, que ele já não nos chateia mais.
If I go out with him, they'll blast us, and you'll save two million bucks.
Se eu sair com ele, matam-nos a nós. e vocês poupam 2 milhões.
After I'm finished winding you up, go upstairs with him and we'll explain what you have to do.
Depois de te dar corda, vai lá para cima que ele explica-te o que tens que fazer.
If it'll make you feel better, I'll go in there with you while you talk to him.
Se te faz sentir melhor, vou lá contigo enquanto tu falas com ele.
- I'll stay with him. Go! Go!
Fica com eles, vai, vai!
- I'll go with him.
- Eu! Eu irei com ele!
- You go with him, I'll take care of this end.
Você não pode enfrentá-la sozinho. Você o acompanha.
'Cause if I don't go to a ball with him and iron, I mean, he'll be here wrinkled.
Se não o fizer e não for com ele, fica todo amarrotado.
I'll go with that, Russell. But I want Joe and Larry with him in London.
Concordo, Russell, mas quero o Joe e o Larry com ele em Londres.
I'll go somewhere very far with him.
Vou para algum lugar longínquo com ele.
You go over there, you start flirting with him and I'll come by, and while you're keeping him busy I'll slip it in his drink.
Chegas ali e começas a meter-te com ele... Depois eu apareço e, enquanto o distrais, eu meto-lhe isto no copo.
Tell him we'll work something out with his amendments. Not a vote, I won't go that far.
Diga-lhe que arranjamos alguma coisa com as revisões.
I'll go with him as far as the park.
- Vou com ele até o parque.
I'll go stand in the courtyard with my legs open and let him kick me back. How's that
Vou ficar no pátio com as pernas abertas e deixar que ele me bata também.
I'll go with him.
- Vou com ele.
I'll go with him, sir.
Acompanharei-Ihe, senhor.
I'll go to the defence attorney and convince him to swallow manslaughter with five years suspended.
Vou falar com o advogado de defesa e tentar convencê-lo a aceitar o homicídio involuntário, com cinco anos de pena suspensa.
So, you put him up at a really nice hotel, give him the red carpet treatment, you know, room service, limos, theater tickets - - oh, and, you know, just so that he shouldn't feel alone, I'll go with him and take care of him.
Há aí produtos tóxicos. Querida, se queres limpar lixo tóxico, vai à casa de banho do Brighton. Falo a sério.
I'll ask him to wait for me downstairs, I will go with daddy.
Vou pedir-lhe para esperar por mim na entrada. Vou levar o meu pai.
Look. I'll go downtown to Chinatown with him, but that is it.
Vou a Chinatown com ele, mas acabou.
So I'll go with him.
Vou pra lá com ele.
Oh, yah? Well, maybe I'll go visit with him if I have a...
Sou capaz de lhe ir dar uma palavrinha, se tiver um...
I'll go out with him on one condition.
Saio com ele com uma condição.
Oh, yeah? Maybe I'll go out there and knock a few balls around with him.
Talvez vá jogar uma partidinha com ele.
- Book an extra ticket to Ooty. - Why? - I'll go with him.
Tio, reserve um bilhete extra para Ooty.
[Man # 3] I'll go with him.
Atrás de si!
I'll go with him as far as the park
Eu irei com ele até o parque
I'll go talk with him.
- Exatamente.
Be cross with him, and I'll go fetch thy sons to back thy quarrels, whatsoe'er they be.
Discute com ele e teus filhos vou buscar para assistirem à discussão, onde quer que estejam.
He says if he keeps having his dizziness I'll have to go hunting with him the next time.
Ele diz que, se continuar a ter tonturas... eu terei de ir caçar com ele da próxima vez.
You better go with him, I'll call you later.
É melhor ir com ele, ligo-te depois.
- Okay. I'll go out with him.
- Está bem, eu saio com ele.
If I tell him the truth, you'll go with Vidal?
Se a disser, dormes com o Vidal?
But I'll have to go alone with him.
Mas terei de ir sozinho com ele.

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