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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / I'll see you guys

I'll see you guys tradutor Português

565 parallel translation
Well, I'll see you guys.
Bem, até logo.
I'll see you guys later.
Vemo-nos depois.
I'll see you guys.
Até logo, rapazes.
Look, guys, I'll see you later, okay?
Moças, nos vemos depois.
I'll see you guys later.
- Vemo-nos depois.
I'll talk to these guys, see if I can soften their position and get you something so it's not a hassle.
Eu falo com estes tipos, vejo se consigo fazê-los mudar de opinião e arranjo-te qualquer coisa para não ser tão mau.
I'll tell you what I see. I see some guys doing pretty damn good.
Eu vejo uns tipos muito bem na vida.
I'm going to go set myself up in Mike's room. So I'll see you guys later.
Vou para o quarto do Mike.
And don't forget, I'll see you guys on the golf course Saturday.
Lembrem-se, vemo-nos no sábado no golfe.
I'll see you guys later.
Até logo.
I'll see you guys later.
Vemo-nos mais tarde, rapazes.
- I'll see you guys in Home Ec. Okay?
- Depois vejo-vos casa Ec, ok?
I'll see you guys later.
Vejo-vos mais tarde.
See, all the guys are down at the mall, you know, waiting for me to give me their cards and candy and other gifts of their devotion, so I'll be taking the laundry bag.
Os rapazes estão á minha espera para me darem cartões, doces e outras provas de devoção. Levo o saco da roupa suja.
I'll see you guys later.
Até mais logo.
I ´ ll see you guys at dinner.
Vejo-vos ao jantar.
I'll see you guys Sunday.
Vejo vocês no Domingo.
I'll see you guys in Mexico.
Encontramo-nos no México.
I'll see you guys later.
Volto a ve-los mais tarde.
I'll see you guys later!
Até logo.
- I'll see you guys.
- Até à vista.
Hey, I tell you what, I'll see you guys on the show. - Okay?
Bem, encontramo-nos no programa.
All right. I'll see you guys.
Até depois, rapazes.
Thank you, I'll see you guys later.
Obrigado. Vejo-vos depois.
Guess I'll see you guys later.
Ah, vemo-nos aí, está bem?
I'll see you guys later.
- Encontro-me lá com vocês.
I'll see you guys later.
Eu vejo vocês mais tarde, caras.
I wish you guys had been here to see it, because you'll never believe it.
Story, gostava que vocês tivessem visto, porque nunca irão acreditar.
I'll see you guys.
Até depois, rapazes.
I'll see you guys later.
depois nos vemos.
- Well, I'll see you guys.
- Eu vejo-os por aí. Adeus.
Maybe I'll just see you guys later.
Falamos depois.
- All right, listen, I'll see you guys later.
- Pronto, até logo.
- All right. I'll see you guys later.
- Até logo, rapazes.
- Well, I'll see you guys later.
- Obrigado. Então, até logo.
I'll see you guys. Bye.
Até logo.
I'll see you guys back at the room.
Rapazes, vejo-vos quando regressar ao quarto.
- I'll see you. - Hi, guys. Bob, fancy seeing you here.
É engraçado encontrar-te aqui com o resto da malta, Bob.
I'll see you guys at the soccer game.
Eu vejo-os no jogo de futebol.
I'll see you guys.
Vejo voces depois.
I'll see you guys later.
Vejo voces depois.
I'll see you guys tomorrow, man.
Bom, até amanhã...
I'm gonna get me some coffee, donuts, Prozac, see if I can find some crack, Special K... "X", not Malcolm... and I'll be back when you guys start talking about something... a little more Saved By The Bell-ish, all right?
Vou buscar um café, donuts, Prozac, ver se descubro por aí algum crack, e depois volto quando chegarem ao capítulo "salvos pelo Gongo".
I gotta book. I'll see you guys later.
Já arranjei im livro.
I'll take you there and I'll see you guys in French.
Bem, sabes que mais? Eu levo-te lá e vemo-nos a francês.
Really nice to meet you guys. - I'll see you guys later. - Catch you on the fIip-fIop.
Eh, Pai, aquele programa da Guerra Civil está quase a começar.
Here, I'll slow it down so you guys can see it.
Ouçam, faço mais devagar, para vocês conseguirem ver.
Yeah, right. Okay, I'll see you guys later.
Certo, até mais logo.
I'll see you guys.
Vemo-nos depois, malta.
I'll see you guys later.
Até depois, pessoal.
Well, I'll see you guys later.
Bom, até depois.

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