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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / I'll tell you what

I'll tell you what tradutor Português

6,299 parallel translation
I'll tell you what, though.
Mas deixa que te diga.
Yeah. Okay. Look, I'll tell you what.
Vou dizer-te uma coisa.
I'll tell you what I'll do.
Eu aconselho-te a comprar-me.
I'll tell you what, though... Thorpe'll ask around for you.
O Thorpe vai perguntar por aí.
What kind of trouble? I'll tell you when I find out.
Eu digo-te quando descobrir.
- 30, maybe. - Okay, I'll tell you what.
30, talvez.
I'll tell you what this is.
Eu digo-vos o que isto é.
I'll tell you what.
Vamos fazer assim :
You do what I tell you when I tell you and you'll get out of this without any bumps or scrapes.
Faz o que te digo, quando eu disser, e sais disto sem um arranhão.
All right, all right, I'll tell you what.
Muito bem, fazemos assim.
But tell you what... I'll make a couple of calls, see what I can do. Come on.
Mas eu vou fazer uns telefonemas a ver se descubro alguma coisa.
I'll tell him about you, and then we'll see what he wants to do.
Falar-lhe-ei de si e depois veremos o que ele quer fazer.
I'll tell you what.
Digo-te o seguinte.
I'll tell you what, Gustav.
Ouve, Gustav.
Tell you what, I'll e-mail the article to you.
Vou mandar-te o artigo por e-mail.
What's gonna happen is, when he comes, you tell him all you got is the $ 20,000. He'll take it, even if I have to persuade him.
Quando ele aparecer vais dizer que só tens 20 mil, ele vai aceitar, mesmo que tenho de o persuadir.
No, I'll tell you what I think.
Não, vou dizer-lhe o que acho.
I tell you what : we'll take a look at the evidence.
Eu digo-lhe o que é, dê uma vista de olhos nas provas.
I'll tell you what we do.
Eu digo-vos o que fazemos.
You don't have a choice. I tell you what, I'll answer your questions if you answer mine.
Fazemos assim : se responderem às minhas perguntas, respondo às vossas.
I'll tell you what I know.
- Vou dizer o que sei.
I'll tell you what.
Sabes que mais?
Mary... if I tell you what troubles me... you'll have to promise me you'll keep it quiet.
Mary... se te disser o que me preocupa... tens de prometer que o manténs em segredo.
All right, well, you know what, you enjoy all that while it lasts, because I'll tell you what.
Então tu aproveita bem tudo enquanto dura, porque eu digo-te o seguinte.
Tell me what I want to know, and I'll give you a proper death without all this messy suffering.
Diz-me o que quero saber e eu dar-te-ei uma morte decente... sem este sofrimento desagradável.
Yeah, boy, I'll tell you what, I could go for a steaming cup of joe about right now.
- Boa! Sim, um café quentinho vinha mesmo a calhar agora.
I'll tell you what. We'll go ahead and have Christmas number one at my house.
Fazemos assim : vamos ter o primeiro Natal em minha casa.
I'll tell you what, that's the best idea I've heard all day.
Essa é a melhor ideia do dia.
I'll tell you what, that's from us at the fair.
Isso somos nós na feira.
You're gonna tell me what I need to know or they'll find your body liberated of its skin.
Vais dizer-me o que preciso de saber ou vão encontrar o teu corpo liberto da sua pele.
You do that because I'll tell you what's gonna happen :
Faz isso, porque posso-te dizer aquilo que vai acontecer :
For 20 bucks, I'll tell you what happened last week on Shameless.
Por 20 dólares, digo-te o que se passou na semana passada em Shameless.
I'll tell you what you do with it. You put it aside.
Vou dizer o que tu fazes.
Tell you what, you give me $ 55, I'll give you the socks... and throw in this 12-Gauge.
Fazemos assim, se me der $ 55, eu dou-lhe as meias... E junto esta arma de calibre 12.
I'll tell you what happened.
Digo-te aquilo que aconteceu.
I tell you what, I'll think about it.
Vou pensar sobre isso.
I'll tell you anything you want to know. I already know what you did, Albert.
- Digo-te tudo o que quiseres saber.
I'll tell you what we do.
Digo-te o que fazemos. Vamos despistá-los!
But if you really want to know, I'll tell you what it is.
Mas se queres mesmo saber, digo-te o que é.
I'll tell you what we know :
Dir-lhe-ei aquilo que sabemos :
Mr. Bedford, I'll tell you what you can do.
Sr. Bedford, vou dizer-lhe o que pode fazer.
I'll tell you right now, what happened.
- Já te conto o que aconteceu.
I'll tell you what.
Ouça o que vou dizer.
You know what? I'll tell them about the bribes.
Sabes uma coisa, vou contar sobre os subornos.
I'll tell you what - - if the two of you love each other - -
Vai em frente. Se ambos se amam...
I'll tell you what women like.
Eu vou-te dizer dizer o que as mulheres gostam.
Well, I'll tell you what.
I'll tell you what we've done.
Eu digo-te o que fizemos.
I'll tell you what.
Digo-te uma coisa.
I'll tell you what. I'll give you a trial run. I'll let you counsel some of my neediest cases, but you gotta have that tooth fixed first.
Eu deixo-te experimentar, vais apoiar os meus casos mais desesperados, mas tens de arranjar esse dente, elas já são suficientemente frágeis.
I'll tell you what we told the marshals.
Vou-lhe dizer aquilo que disse aos Marshalls.

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