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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / I'll tell you when i see you

I'll tell you when i see you tradutor Português

58 parallel translation
I'll tell you when I see you.
- Agora a sério. Já to explicarei quando te veja.
I'll tell you about it when I see you.
Conto-te tudo quando te vir.
I'll tell you why that's so funny when i see you.
Te direi porque é tão divertido quando te veja.
I'll tell you when I see you.
Conto-te quando te vir.
When you want to see the receipts, you tell me : "I want to see the receipts", and I'll show them to you.
Quando quiseres ver as contas dizes-me : "Quero ver as contas", e eu apresento-tas.
Oh Well, I'll tell ya, I'd sure hate to see his review when you write it
Detestaria ver a crítica que vai escrever sobre o trabalho dele.
I'll tell you when I see you.
Digo-te quando te vir.
I see terrible tragedy for her. And I'll tell you, I will not have George blaming himself when that happens.
E não terei o George a culpar-se a si mesmo quando isso acontecer.
When I tell you, you'll come and see me. We'll go sailing together.
Quero que venhas quando te chamar e vamos velejar 15 dias, sozinhos.
And when I tell you, then you'll understand, and then you'll see that I'm right. Sure, sure, sure.
Depois, vais perceber e verás que tenho razão.
I'll tell you more when I see you.
Eu darei mais pormenores pessoalmente.
- I'll tell you when I see you.
- Digo-te quando te vir.
- l'll tell you when I see you.
- Digo-te quando te vir.
I, I'll, I'll tell you when I see it, though.
Quando eu o vir digo-lhe.
I'll tell you when I see you.
Conto-a quando a vir.
[Sighs] Here. I tell you what. When you're feeling better... we'll see about getting this thing airborne.
Quando se sentir melhor... vamos fazê-lo voar.
Well, I came today to tell you, to see your face when I tell you that'll never, ever happen.
Pois hoje vim a te dizer, a verte a cara quando te disser que isso nunca, jamais vai ocorrer.
Maybe. I'll tell you when I see you.
Talvez te conte quando te vir.
I'll tell you when I see you.
Digo-lhe quando nos encontrarmos.
When we see her I'll tell you.
Quando a vir, dir-to-ei.
I'll tell you when I see you.
Digo-te, quando te vir.
Unless they're acting, and I'd like to think I can tell the difference there comes that moment when, if you're looking if you're really looking you'll see exactly who she is.
A menos que estejam a fingir, e gosto de pensar que sei ver a diferença chega aquele momento em que, se estivermos a olhar se estivermos mesmo a olhar vemos exactamente quem ela é.
I'll tell you when I see you.
Digo-te quando nos virmos.
When I see that, I'll tell you what you want.
Quando eu o vir, digo-lhe o que você quer saber.
How's he doing? It's a little too early to tell, but I know when he wakes up, he'll be happy to see you.
Ainda é cedo para dizer, mas sei que, quando ele acordar, vai ficar contente por vê-la.
Tell you what, when he turns 1 2, I'll track him down bring him to live with you and we'll see if you get your phone messages.
Vou dizer-te o seguinte. Quando ele fizer 12 anos, vou atrás dele, trazê-lo para morar contigo e depois vemos se vais receber os teus recados.
I'll tell you all about it when the kids and I come in to see you, OK?
Eu conto-te quando te for ver com os miúdos, está bem?
I'll tell you why. Because you disappear half way around the world and you hardly ever come back to see your parents. Because you spend the last of your money on a 1st class ticket when you know you're supposed to give me the half for the funeral.
Porque vais para o outro lado do mundo e não vens ver os pais, porque gastas o teu último dinheiro num bilhete em 1ª classe, sabendo que tinhas de pagar metade do funeral.
I'm sure you'll see that gratitude in her eyes when you tell her.
De certeza que ela vai ficar muito grata quando lho disser.
Well, I'll tell you, I know a lack of motivation when I see it.
Reconheço a falta de motivação, quando a vejo.
Uh... I'll tell you when I see you, but things...
Conto-te quando te vir, mas as coisas...
Why don't you go home and when I see Juan I'll tell him to meet you there.
Vai andando para casa. Mal o veja, digo-lhe que vá lá ter, que estás preocupada, está bem?
I'll tell you all about it when I see you.
Eu conto-te tudo quando te vir.
I know I shouldn't tell you, but you'll still be surprised { \ when you see it }.
Eu sei que não te devia contar, mas ainda vais ficar surpreendida quando as vires.
I'll tell you when I see you.
Eu direi-te quando te ver.
He's--I'll tell you all about it when I see ya.
Ele é... Conto-te tudo sobre isso quando te vir.
I'll tell you when I see her. No, no, no.
Eu digo-lhe quando puder vê-la.
I'll tell you about it when I see you.
Conto-te quando te vir.
Um, you know, I'll tell Cam when I see her.
É... - Digo à Cam quando a vir.
I'll tell you when we can't see.
Digo-te quando deixarmos de te ver.
I'll tell you when I can't see.
Eu digo-te quando não conseguir ver.
But, one day when it's safe for me, I'll tell you what I was really doin', and then you'll see I didn't have a choice.
Mas um dia, quando isso for seguro para mim, eu vou contar-te o que estive realmente a fazer e vais perceber que não tive alternativa.
I'll tell you about it when I see you. In the meantime, don't answer your phone or your door, ok?
- Conto-te quando te vir, mas entretanto, não atendas o telefone ou a porta, está bem?
OK, I'll, I'll, I'll tell you when I see you tonight.
Certo, digo-te quando te ver logo à noite.
Well, when I see her, I'll tell her you called.
Quando eu a vir, digo-lhe que ligou.
I'll tell you about it when I see you.
Conto-te mais tarde.
When I see Hot Rod, I'll tell him you said, "Hey."
Quando vir o Hot Rod, mando-lhe cumprimentos seus.
When you see her tell her I'll find her.
Quando a vires, diz-lhe que vou encontrá-la. Sei que vais fazer a coisa certa.
And tell him it'd be much better for him if he pops in to see me without me having to go looking for him the next time he has a meeting with his probation officer. OK? He'll be here when he wants summat, do you know what I mean?
E diga-lhe que seria muito melhor para ele se fosse ele a vir ter comigo, sem que eu tenha de procurá-lo, aquando do próximo encontro com o agente da condicional.
When you see her, you'll tell me. I'm not going to see her.
Não vou vê-la.
You tell them you're still looking for me, and when I'm back, they'll never see me coming.
Diz a eles que ainda andas à minha procura. E, quando regressar, não vão estar a contar comigo.

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