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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / I've had it up to here

I've had it up to here tradutor Português

79 parallel translation
I feel badly that you keep treating me, but I've had it up to here.
Eu me sinto-me mal pelo modo como me trata, e não agüento mais isso.
Look, I've had it up to here.
Olhe, estou exasperado.
No, no, I understand, you've had it up to here.
- Não, eu entendo. Você está cansado.
Teaching piano is making me turn pale I've had it up to here with the sound of bad scales
Não ensinarei arpejo para sempre vivi até hoje de lições de solfejo
I've had it up to here for today!
Hoje já tenho a minha conta, percebeste? Digamos que tive um dia um pouco... especial.
I've had it up to here with your division... and it's annual $ 33 million deficit!
Estou até ao pescoço com a sua divisão. Sem falar no prejuízo anual de 33 milhões de dólares que vocês dão.
I've had it up to here with this crap.
Eu tive que vir até aqui e ver todo essa porcaria.
Look, lady, I've had it up to here.
Estou farto disto.
Well I've had it! I've had it right up to here!
São estas brincadeiras que tenho de aturar todos os dias!
I was going to give it to you before we came up here here, but... things got so hectic and this is really the first chance we've had to be alone.
Ia dar-to antes de a gente vir, mas... as coisas ficaram tão estranhas... que não tivemos tempo de ficar a sós.
I've had it up to here, as a matter of fact. Good for you.
- Na verdade, estou pelos cabelos.
I've had it up to here.
Estou farto até à ponta dos cabelos!
Listen, I've had it up to here with you maniacs.
Estou farta de vocês todos, seus maníacos.
- I've had it up to here with that Prince.
- Estou por aqui com aquele príncipe.
Arnold, honestly, I've had it up to here with you.
Arnold, honestamente. Eu já estou por aqui contigo!
I've had it up to here.
Estou farto disto.
I've had it up to here!
Quero o meu dinheiro.
Y ou know, I've had it up to here with you.
Já estou farto de te ouvir.
I've had it up to here.
Estou farta, até à ponta dos cabelos.
You can push your torpedoes around all you want, but I've had it up to here!
Manda nos teus jagunços o que quiseres, mas eu estou até aqui!
You know, Niles, I've had it up to here with that kid.
Estava predestinado. Pode sempre enviá-lo ao Morgan Freeman.
/ Nah. I've had it up to here with Beluga.
Não, já estou enjoada de caviar.
You know, I've had it up to here with this Indian malarkey.
Sabes, estou até aqui com esses provérbios índios!
I've had it up to here with these damn rickets.
Estou pelos cabelos com este maldito raquitismo.
I've had it up to here with your "rules"!
Estou farto das vossas regras.
I've had it up to here.
Estou com vocês pelos cabelos!
I ´ ve had it up to here.
- Pronto, estou farto!
I've had it up to here with you four.
Estou farto de vocês os quatro.
But I've had it up to here.
Mas estou pelos cabelos.
- I've had it up to here with you!
Estou farto até aqui, de si e do seu amigo!
I've had it up to here with that bitch!
Estou farto daquela vaca!
I've had it up to here with you!
Começo a ficar farto dos seus ares!
I've had it up to here with that place.
- Estou farto daquilo.
I've had it up to here with these people.
Já estou pelos cabelos!
I'm not kidding, I've had it up to here with these assholes who miss no opportunity to tell the front who they really are, what they're really into.
Juro-te, estou até acima com idiotas destes que não param de chatear clientes com o que realmente são.
'Cause I've had it up to here.
Porque eu estou farto!
I've had it up to here.
Já estou pelos cabelos!
I can't stand this any more. I've had it up to here.
Já não suporto mais isto.
I've had it up to here.
Estou farto.
- I've had it up to here with the Welsh.
- E eu estou farto dos Celtas.
- That's it, I've had it up to here!
- Já ouvi que chegue.
You know, I've had it up to here with this hotel.
Sabes? Não quero ouvir nada disto
I've had it up to here with you!
Estou por aqui contigo!
- I've had it up to here with you.
- Já chega.
- I've had it up to here with can't!
Eu já estou farta de ouvir, "tu não podes."
- I've had it up to here with this mess, man.
Estou farto de ouvir isto.
I've had it up to here with therapy speak.
Estou por aqui de linguagem terapêutica.
You know, I've had it up to here with your crap.
Já estou farta das tuas balelas.
- Yeah, about that - - listen, dumpling, I've had it up to here with the "mommais."
- Sobre isso... - Eu tenho que resolver isso com a mãemai.
- I've had it up to here with mashed potato. - Oh, I fucking love it!
- Fiquei por aqui com puré de batata.
I've had it up to here with your fucking interpretations.
Estou cheia até cima com a porcaria das tuas interpretações.

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