I didn't ask you tradutor Português
1,296 parallel translation
- I didn't ask. I'll tell you all the same.
- É sempre bem sucedido?
- You didn't even ask if I was ok.
- Nem perguntaste se eu estava bem.
- I didn't ask you.
Não te perguntei nada a ti.
I didn't ask you.
Não perguntei à você.
Didn't I ask you to pack the stuff?
Não te pedi que embrulhasses o material?
I didn't ask you to kill them for me.
Não tinhas de fazer isso.
I didn't come to ask you for lunch or hang out.
Eu não vim te convidar para almoçar ou sair.
Well, I didn't ask for the job of insulting you.
Bem, eu também não pedi para ter o trabalho de te insultar.
You know, I didn't ask for this to happen to me.
Queres saber, eu não pedi para isso me acontecer
I know this is difficult, but I need to ask you why you didn't call the police.
Sei que é difícil, mas tenho de saber porque não chamaste a Polícia.
Is it because I didn't ask you up the other night?
Foi por eu não te ter convidado para entrar na outra noite?
Listen, I know you didn't ask me here to discuss my jump shot, so why the impromptu meeting?
Não vim aqui falar dos meus cestos. A que se deve a reunião?
Sir it would go against all my principles if I didn't ask you to reconsider...
Senhor. Iria contra os meus princípios não pedir que reconsidere...
- I didn't ask if you were hungry.
Não interessa.
I didn't ask for you to keep count of every time I make a mistake or to second guess all of my decisions.
Não pedi que contasse as vezes que eu cometi um erro ou questionasse as minhas decisões.
If it makes you feel any better I didn't ask you because I'm not going.
Diz antes : sempre. Se queres saber não te convidei, porque eu não vou.
You want me to ask Grandma for the name of a man that I didn't meet at a function that I didn't attend?
Queres que pergunte à avó o nome de alguém que não conheci... num local aonde não fui?
I didn't ask for his number, you asked for his number, therefore it has to be up to you as to whether or not I get his number.
Não fui eu que pedi o número, foste tu. Tu decides se queres que arranje o número dele. - OK, mãe.
I didn't ask you to do this.
Não te pedi ajuda!
No, I just – you usually ask me what I want, and tonight you didn't ask me what I wanted so I didn't have a chance to tell you how much I would love some wine.
Costumas perguntar-me o que quero. Hoje não me perguntaste, por isso não pude dizer-te que queria vinho.
You didn't want to ask for help, so I did.
Não querias pedir ajuda e, assim, pedi eu.
Yes, but you never told me so there's no way I could know, so even though I didn't ask
Mas nunca mo disseste, portanto não podia saber.
I didn't ask to be the guy on the white horse, you know, but if I'm gonna put my butt on the line, it's got to be for something I believe in.
Mas se vou por o meu rabo em risco, tem de ser por uma coisa que acredite.
I didn't ask you, shithead, I asked him.
Eu não perguntei a ti o falaz, perguntei a ele.
- I didn't ask you to do that.
- Não lhe pedi para fazer isso.
- I didn't ask if you were interested.
- Não perguntei se estava interessado.
Didn't I ask you to clean up after yourself?
Não te pedi para arrumares tudo?
You don't mind that I didn't ask you?
Não te importas que não te tenha convidado a ti?
Is it weird I didn't ask you to come to seattle with me?
Não é estranho não te ter pedido para vires a Seattle comigo?
Chloe I'm sorry I didn't ask you sooner.
Chloe desculpa não ter convidado mais cedo.
Didn't I ask you to take your shoes off when you came in this house?
Não te pedi para tirares os sapatos quando entrasses nesta casa?
You know, I didn't think to ask.
Nem pensei em perguntar.
I didn't mean you really had to ask.
Não quis dizer que deverias perguntar.
Well, I can't believe my kids didn't think to ask you what to name the cats.
Muito bem. Não acredito que as miúdas não se lembraram de te perguntar que nome dar aos gatos.
I'm sorry, I didn't ask you your name before.
Desculpe, não lhe perguntei o seu nome, há pouco.
The way it looks, I'm the only agent outside DC you didn't ask.
Ao que parece, sou o único agente a quem não pediu ajuda.
- I didn't ask you no question yet!
- Ainda não perguntei nada!
You didn't ask me how I was.
Não me perguntaste como eu estava.
I didn't ask you anything personal.
Eu não te perguntei nada de pessoal.
I didn't ask you for the dog. - I didn't want a dog!
Eu não te pedi um cachorro, eu não quero um cachorro...
- I didn't ask to dance with you.
- Não pedi para dançar contigo.
I know you didn't ask for any of this... but I don't think you have it in you to quit either.
Eu sei que não querias nada disto, mas também não creio que sejas do tipo de desistir.
I didn't ask you to fill their heads with stupid stories about mothers making dumb-ass sacrifices.
Não te pedi para lhes encheres a cabeça com histórias estúpidas de mães que fazem sacrifícios absurdos.
I didn't ask why he took a swing at his wall. I asked you if you knew about it.
Eu não perguntei porque é que ele destruiu a parede. Eu perguntei-te se sabias disso.
No, I didn't see him. Can you please ask Quinty?
Não, não o vi. Pode perguntar ao Quinty.
Didn't I ask you to write the accounts?
Não te pedi para fazeres a contabilidade?
I didn't ask why you don't play in public, I meant at home, for yourself.
Não perguntei porque não tocas em público mas sim em casa, para ti.
May I ask you what right you had to threaten Raj with suicide... " if he didn't marry me?
Posso perguntar-te o direito que tinhas, em ameaçar com o suicídio, se Raj... não se casar comigo?
- I didn't ask you to get down on him.
- Eu não perguntei se te deitaste com ele.
I think it'll work fine. I didn't ask you what you think, Clyde.
Não perguntei tua opinião, Clyde.
" No, I didn't ask you to do that.
" Não, não te pedi isso.
i didn't ask you that 18
i didn't ask you to 32
i didn't ask you to do that 32
i didn't 6296
i didn't mean to 734
i didn't ask 203
i didn't mean to upset you 69
i didn't want to bother you 42
i didn't mean to offend you 51
i didn't hear you 152
i didn't ask you to 32
i didn't ask you to do that 32
i didn't 6296
i didn't mean to 734
i didn't ask 203
i didn't mean to upset you 69
i didn't want to bother you 42
i didn't mean to offend you 51
i didn't hear you 152
i didn't realize 188
i didn't mean to hurt you 93
i didn't do it on purpose 65
i didn't see you 162
i didn't mean 401
i didn't want to wake you 60
i didn't know 1538
i didn't do it 744
i didn't do anything 1161
i didn't mean it 356
i didn't mean to hurt you 93
i didn't do it on purpose 65
i didn't see you 162
i didn't mean 401
i didn't want to wake you 60
i didn't know 1538
i didn't do it 744
i didn't do anything 1161
i didn't mean it 356