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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / I just wanted to talk to you

I just wanted to talk to you tradutor Português

303 parallel translation
Good. I just wanted to talk to you.
Apenas queria falar contigo.
No, I just wanted to talk to you.
Não, só queria falar consigo.
I just wanted to talk to you for a minute, huh?
Só queria falar um minuto contigo, está bem?
I just wanted to talk to you.
Nothing exactly, I just wanted to talk to you.
Nada, só quero falar contigo.
Oh, Swede, I-I just wanted to talk to you.
Swede, eu só queria falar contigo.
I just wanted to talk to you.
Eu só queria falar contigo.
I just wanted to talk to you about some of the things that have been happening lately.
Só lhe queria falar de certas coisas que têm acontecido aqui, ultimamente.
I just wanted to talk to you.
Só queria falar contigo.
I just wanted to talk to you about C.J. Mack.
Vim falar sobre o C. J. Mack.
I just wanted to talk to you, Murdock.
Só quero falar contigo, Murdock.
I just wanted to talk to you about something.
- Queria falar contigo sobre uma coisa.
[Chuckles] I just wanted to talk to you.
Eu só queria falar contigo.
I just wanted to talk to you about a few things, but it's personal.
Queria falar de umas coisas contigo, mas é pessoal.
What are you doing here? - Well, I just wanted to talk to you.
- Bem, só queria falar contigo.
Lenny, I just wanted to talk to you about it.
Lenny, eu compreendo. Só queria falar contigo sobre isso. Nada mais.
I just... I just wanted to talk to you about it.
Queria falar contigo sobre isso
- I just wanted to talk to you.
- Queria falar contigo.
Yes, I just wanted to talk to you about tomorrow night.
Sim, queria mesmo falar contigo acerca de amanhã à noite.
I just wanted to talk to you about...
Preciso de falar uma contigo...
Actually, I just wanted to talk to you about something.
Na verdade, queria falar contigo.
He said, "No, no. See, I just wanted to talk to you."
"Não, só queria falar contigo."
Um, I just wanted to talk to you about the luncheon we're catering.
Eu queria falar contigo sobre o almoço de que nos encarregamos.
I'm sorry if I scared you. I just wanted to talk to you.
Desculpa se te assustei, só queria falar contigo.
I just wanted to talk to you for a second.
Só queria falar contigo por um segundo.
Well, I was afraid to ring the doorbell'cause your mom would answer and I assume she knows, so I assume she hates me and... I just wanted to talk to you, so...
Tive medo de tocar à campainha, se a tua mãe atendesse, e presumo que ela sabe, e portanto odeia-me, e eu queria falar contigo, por isso...
I just wanted to talk to you.
Só queria ter dois dedos de conversa contigo.
Yeah, I just wanted to talk to you.
Sim, queria apenas falar contigo
I wasn't going to give you any high-flown talk about prejudice, Andy. I just wanted to know where you stood.
Eu não lhe vou dar nenhum sermão iluminado sobre preconceito, Andy, só queria saber a sua posição.
Well, you know, I wanted to talk to all of you just once more.
Mas, enfim, queria falar convosco uma vez mais.
Não, capitão. Sabe, só queria falar consigo.
Well, um, I just remembered what it was. sir, we wanted to talk to you about.
Acabo de recordar o que queríamos falar com você, senhor.
I just knew that you were the only person I wanted to talk to.
Eu só sabia que... tu és a única pessoa com quem eu queria falar.
i just wanted to talk to you about your bombs.
Eu devia tê-lo trancado na garagem!
I was... just wanted to speak to you about what happened at the bank today. We can talk later.
Ernest, só vim cá, porque queria falar contigo por causa do que aconteceu hoje no banco.
I'm putting down my gun. I just wanted to talk to you for a few minutes.
Vou pousar a minha arma.
I just wanted you to come to my shop, so you would talk to me, instead of... Instead of always walking away from me.
Só queria que viesses à minha oficina para falares comigo em vez de andares sempre a fugir de mim.
I wanted to talk to you before you left, just to find out if you and I are okay.
Eu queria falar contigo antes de partires, só para descobrir se eu e tu estamos porreiros.
I just wanted to let you know I was OK, and I'll talk to Pyrus at dinner.
Queria que soubessem que estou bem e que vou falar com o Pyrus ao jantar.
No no, I just wanted to talk, you know, just talk.
Só queria conversar, sabes, apenas conversar.
It's just that I sensed that there were things that you wanted to talk about, but couldn't.
É que eu senti que havia coisas sobre as quais queria falar, e não conseguiu.
There've been times I wanted to talk to you- - tell you about my day, about a book I'd read... just to say hello... but I can't, because I don't know where to find you.
Tinha hora em que queria falar com você... falar sobre meu dia, sobre um livro que li... para apenas dizer "olá"... mas não podia, porque não sabia onde encontrar você.
You see, cos I noticed that you've been preoccupied lately, obviously, and, uh... Well, I just thought if you wanted to talk... that I was here to... talk.
Reparei que tens andado preocupado, obviamente, estou a ser abusado, mas pensei que se quisesses falar, eu estou aqui para isso.
I just wanted you to know that- - that if you need to talk. or share anything. I'm here for you.
Só queria que soubesses que se precisares de falar, ou partilhar alguma coisa, eu estou aqui.
No, I'll talk to you about that, but I Just wanted... to extend to you, you know, an invitation,'cause I...
- Eu disse-te. Queria convidar-te formalmente porque...
I just wanted to present you with both choices before Kelekian and Jason come in and talk to you.
Queria apresentar-lhe as duas hipóteses, antes do Kelekian e do Jason falarem consigo.
You know your father and I have gotten along very well since the divorce, and we talk a couple of times a week, and, well, I just wanted to let you know that your father's going to bring a friend to Thanksgiving.
Sabes que eu e o teu pai nos temos dado bem, depois do divórcio, que falamos umas vezes por semana, e gostaria de vos dizer que o teu pai trará uma pessoa amiga para a Acção de Graças.
I know we separated on a bit of a sour note... but I just thought I should call and tell you... that I've been doing some thinking... and some soul searching... and, well... I just wanted to tell you that I'm willing... to talk about this because of all the things...
Eu sei que nos separámos de uma forma um tanto estranha, mas pensei que devia telefonar e dizer que estive a pensar, a fazer uma introspecção só queria dizer-te que espero poder falar-te de tudo isto.
I just wanted to remind you that I am here for you if you ever need to talk.
Só te queria lembrar que estou aqui, se alguma vez precisares de conversar.
Um... I just saw you were back and wanted to talk to you about working off my debt.
Eu apenas vi que voltastes e queria dizer-te que estou acertando as minhas dívidas
Spencer. I didn't want your system to fail. just wanted you to stop running so I could talk.
Não queria que o teu sistema falhasse, só queria que parasses para eu falar.

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