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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / I knew it was you

I knew it was you tradutor Português

825 parallel translation
I knew it was you.
Sabia que eras tu.
Pa thought you was somebody else! But I knew it was you. Soon as I seen the claybank, I knew it was you.
O pai o confundiu com outro, mas eu sabia quem era, adivinhei pelo cavalo.
The minute the boss gave me the call, I knew it was you.
Assim que o chefe me disse, soube que eras tu.
I never would have fired if I knew it was you.
Nunca teria disparado se soubesse que eras tu!
I knew it was you!
Reconheci-te logo!
Frankie, I... I knew it was you.
Frankie, soube logo que era tu.
I knew it was you...
Eu sabia que eras tu.
I heard someone. I knew it was you.
Ouvi passos e sabia que era você.
I knew it was you!
Sabia que eras tu.
I was lying, and you knew it.
Eu estava a mentir e tu sabias.
Did everybody know I was getting married, except me? We knew you'd find out about it in time.
Toda a gente sabia que eu ia casar-me, excepto eu?
It was terribly expensive but I knew you wanted it.
Era muito caro mas eu sabia que tu querias.
I told him it was absurd... that I knew you, and that you were incapable of anything of the kind.
Disse-lhe que era absurdo que te conhecia e que eras incapaz de algo desse género.
I never knew what a strain it was to get something you really wanted.
Desconhecia a tensão de receber algo que se quer muito.
Well, when you telephoned me last night, i told him it was a girl i knew a date i couldn't get out of.
Uma cita urgente. Mim querida, te compadeço sinceramente.
I wanted to meet them before I never knew how to go about it, Thanks to you, it was quite simple.
Faz tempo que queria conhecê-los mas não sabia como... graças a ti, foi muito simples
Oh, Johnny, I knew you couldn'tforget me any more than I could you, and it was the reason for everything that's happened for the past 20 years and..
Johnny, sabia que não me esquecias, tal como me acontece a mim... e essa foi a razão de tudo o que se passou nos últimos 20 anos e...
I asked if you knew what time it was.
- Perguntei-lhe se tem horas.
I wanted it that way but when I saw you in the wickiup and you touched me and you prayed for me I felt bad being alone and I knew that I needed to see you again before I left so that I could find out if it was the same as last night.
Queria-o dessa maneira mas quando te vi na tenda e tu tocaste-me e rezaste por mim..... senti-me mal por estar sozinho e soube que tinha que te ver de novo antes de partir para descobrir se sentia o mesmo que ontem à noite.
When you come to it, Francesca was the only satisfactory woman I knew.
Na verdade, Francesca foi a única mulher capaz que conheci.
Would it interest you a little more if you knew that I was going to be aboard her myself?
Teria mais interesse para si se soubesse que eu iria estar a bordo?
I had to find out if you knew it was there.
Tinha de descobrir se sabia que ela lá estava.
I knew it was coming. I warned you.
Sabia que podia acontecer.
We knew you were back, but it was so difficult to get information I didn't know when to expect you.
Estou hospedado num hotel aqui em Wellington.
I guess I knew it was wrong all along, but... Well, you know we needed the money.
Acho que sabia que era tudo um erro, mas... sabe que precisávamos de dinheiro.
I always knew you were ambitious, Richard, but I never realized it was a disease.
Sempre soube que eras ambicioso, não percebi é que era uma doença.
I knew if anyone was gonna get me out of this mess, Mark, it was you.
Eu sabia que se alguém me ia tirar desta confusão, Mark, eras tu.
That was before I knew it was his aunt you were stuck on.
Isso foi antes de eu saber que você estava era interessado na tia.
I thought you knew what it was.
Acreditei que sabia do que ia.
No, I knew which one it was. It's right outside here now. But I didn't think you wanted to be taken home that way.
Sabia qual era, está lá fora, mas achei que não quereria chegar a casa dessa maneira.
Few years ago, when I first knew you, there was no doubt about it.
Há uns anos, quando te conheci, não tinha dúvidas sobre isso.
I knew you'd try. I was afraid he'd do it, too.
Sabia que ias tentar e receava que ele fugisse também.
I thought you knew it was Weaver.
Julguei que soubesses que era o Weaver.
Sir, I'm aware of my shortcomings, but I'm prepared to continue this assignment in the spirit you suggest, if I knew what it was about.
Estou ciente dos meus limites. Mas estou preparado para continuar esta missão no espírito que sugere basta que me diga em que consiste, senhor.
There weere the sound of horses. I knew it was too soon to be you
Escutámos uns cavalos, sabia que não eram vocês.
Because, you see, it was a fake flower, so I knew that you were wearing a phony nose.
Está a ver, é uma flor falsa. Aí percebi que usava um nariz falso.
I never knew what peace was, so I'm unable to give it to you.
Eu nunca soube o que era a paz, eu sou incapaz de dar-lha.
I knew it was a mistake to let the judge talk us into making you a marshal.
Sabia que era um erro deixar o juiz convencer-nos a nomeá-lo xerife.
Today when I first knew it was your ship that followed us, I thought of you and wondered what I would find.
Quando soube que era a tua nave que nos seguia, pensei em ti e perguntei-me o que encontraria.
I just saw you looking around for something and wondered what it was and... You know, I knew.
Vi você procurando alguma coisa... me perguntei o que podia ser... e descobri.
Well, I saw you looking around for something and I wondered what it was. And all of a sudden I knew.
Bem... hum... eu vi que procurava algo... pensei o que poderia ser e... de repente descobri.
I heard the racket and knew it was you.
Ouvi barulho e pensei logo em si. Como é que isto começou?
And sometimes when there was a man out there, he knew about it and he'd come in and sometimes I'd have him or he'd have me, whatever suits you.
E às vezes, quando havia um homem lá fora, ele sabia que ia poder entrar. Muitas vezes eu o queria ou ele me queria.
I knew it was a mistake coming here with you.
Sabia que era um erro vir para cá contigo.
Now I understand. You didn't turn it back on again because you never knew it was off.
Foi então que percebi que não voltou a ligá-la porque não sabia que estava desligada.
You knew what I was going to do before I did it.
Voce sabia o que eu ia fazer antes que eu o fizesse.
It was very wise to realise that your friend was not real. But I do not see how you knew.
Foi muito astuto ao descobrir que o seu amigo não era real, mas não sei como percebeu isso.
I knew you'd be able to tell me who it was.
Sabia que me ias fazer saber quem era.
You know, I never knew if it was my fault or his.
Nunca soube se era minha culpa ou dele.
What I liked about it was that... it sounded like you knew who you were.
O que eu gostei daquilo foi quando... parecia que você sabia quem você era.
I knew it was you all the time.
Eu sempre soube que eras tu.

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