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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / I knew you'd like it

I knew you'd like it tradutor Português

68 parallel translation
I knew you'd like it.
Sabia que ia gostar.
- I knew you'd like it.
- Eu sabia que gostarias.
- I knew you'd like it.
É linda.
I knew you'd like it.
- Sabia que ia gostar.
I knew you'd like it so I added a little more.
Sabia que gostaria se pusesse um pouco mais...
- I knew you'd like it.
- Sabia que gostaria.
I knew you'd like it.
Sabia que íeis gostar.
- I knew you'd like it :
- Sabia que ia gostar.
I knew you'd like it.
Desculpe. - Sabia que gostavas.
I overheard her say that to Father "It's just like her, you knew she'd do it"
Eu ouvi-a a falar com o meu pai. Tu sabias que ela ia fazer isso.
Senator, I'd like to know what you knew and when you knew it.
Só quis saber o que sabias e quando o soubeste.
I knew you'd like it.
Eu sabia que ias gostar.
I knew you'd like it.
Sabia que você ia gostar!
I knew you'd like it.
- Eu sabia que iria gostar.
You understand, I knew Harry was lying, saying this wasn't any good but holding on to it like, man, you'd have to break his fingers to get it away from him.
Percebes? Eu sabia que o Harry mentia ao dizer que não prestava, mas agarrou-se a ele de uma maneira que foi preciso arrancá-lo à força.
- I knew you'd like it.
- Sabia que irias gostar.
I knew you'd like it.
Sabia que tu ias gostar.
I knew you'd like it.
Sabia que ias gostar disto.
I knew you'd like it.
Sabia que ias gostar.
- I knew you'd like it.
- Eu sabia que ias gostar...
I knew you'd like it.
Parece errado.
I knew you'd work it all out. Sabrina, we've been goin'out for a long time and I feel like there's something I need to say to you.
Sabrina, nós namoramos à muito tempo e eu sinto que há algo que eu preciso de te dizer.
I knew you'd need some help keeping it real... so I figured I could be like your co president.
Eu sabia que ias precisar de ajuda para manteres os pés assentes da terra. Então, pensei que podia ser, tipo, o teu co-presidente.
- I knew you'd like it.
- Sabia que ias gostar.
I knew that they needed it and I know that he'd finished it, so I just figured I'd run it down there myself, like what you were talking about last week, just taking care of stuff when we see it,
O quê? Sabia que precisavam delas e sabia que ele já tinha terminado portanto, mandei-as.
It's a story that might bore you, but you don't have to listen'cause I knew it'd be like that.
A história talvez os mace mas não precisam de a ouvir porque sempre soube que ela ia acabar assim.
- I knew you'd like it.
- Eu sabia que ias gostar.
It is our most popular single malt, I knew you'd like it,
- É o nosso malte mais popular. Sabia que iria gostar.
I'm sure if they knew you didn't like it, they'd be willing to...
Estou certo que se soubessem que não lhe agrada, eles...
I knew you'd like it.
Eu sabia que você ia gostar.
I knew you'd like it.
- Sabia que ias gostar.
I knew you'd like it.
Eu sabia que você gostaria.
You know, if people knew what it was like living with Ted, they'd congratulate me for staying faithful as long as I did.
Se as pessoas soubessem como era viver com o Ted, até me davam os parabéns por me ter mantido fiel tanto tempo.
I knew you'd like it.
- Sabia que irias gostar.
I knew you'd like it. It's duck cacciatore, actually.
Sabia que ias gostar, mas é Pato à Cacciatore.
I did it on purpose. I knew you'd like it so much.
Fiz de propósito, porque sabia que ias gostar.
You know, I knew when it got all the way through... that I'd just be, like, this sketched-out vegetable.
Sabes, eu só soube do resultado... quando vi que estava parecida com este vegetal estendido.
Knew it when I hired you. You'd eventually miss the money, being the big shot like your new CEO friend, if that nightclub stamp on your hand is any indication.
Já sabia quando te contratei que ias acabar por sentir a falta do dinheiro e de ser importante como o teu amigo director.
When I saw you, you had this classic guilty expression on your face, like you knew you'd been caught, but you were gonna play it off like nothing had happened.
quando te vi, tinhas a clássica expressão de culpa na cara, como soubesses que tinhas sido apanhada, mas irias continuar como se nada tivesse acontecido.
I knew you'd like it.
Sabia que irias gostar.
That way, I knew you'd like it.
- Pensei que ias gostar.
- They knew by putting someone like you with a quick trigger finger next to that door where I do my pre-game walk, it'd end up bad.
- Sabiam que alguém como tu... com o dedo rápido entrasse por ali enquanto fazia a minha caminhada,... acabaria mal.
I knew you'd like it.
- Diz-nos! - Eu sabia que gostavas.
Yeah, i knew you'd like it.
Sim, sabia que ias gostar.
I knew you'd like it and I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Eu sabia que ias gostar, e fico contente que tenhas apreciado, Brian, a sério.
Just... it seemed like you were so torn up about being in the closet, and I knew that once you came out, you'd feel so much better.
Só parecia que tu estavas tão conturbado sobre estar no armário, e sabia que assim que tu saísses, te sentirias melhor.
I knew you'd like it, and I knew it was something you'd never had before.
Sabia que ias gostar e sabia que era algo que nunca comeste.
I knew you'd like it.
Vi logo que ias gostar.
I kinda like him, but I didn't say anything, because I knew you'd make a big deal about it.
Tenho saído com um tipo, o Benjamin. Acho que gosto dele, mas não disse nada porque sabia que irias dar demasiada importância.
I found it, and I knew you'd like it.
Encontrei isto, e sabia que ias gostar.
- If you knew how much I felt like putting you down right now, you'd keep it shut.
- Se soubesses o quanto me apetece faze-lo agora estavas calado.

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