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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / I knew you had it in you

I knew you had it in you tradutor Português

98 parallel translation
I knew you had it in you.
Eu sabia que não me desiludiria.
Oh, yeah! I knew you had it in you.
Eu sabia que havia aqui coisa.
I knew you had it in you.
Sabia que estava dentro de ti.
I knew you had it in you, MacGyver.
Eu sabia que seria assim.
I knew you had it in you.
Eu sabia que tinhas isto dentro de ti.
I knew you had it in you.
Eu sabia que você tinha em você.
I knew you had it in you.
Sabia que conseguias.
I knew you had it in you.
Sei que compreende.
- I knew you had it in you.
- Sabia que tinha isso dentro de você.
I knew you had it in you.
eu sabia que tu conseguias.
I knew you had it in you, dude.
Eu sabia que tinhas isso em ti, meu.
I knew you had it in you,
Sabia que tu tinhas isto em ti.
I knew you had it in you.
Sabia que o tinhas contigo, Walt.
I knew you had it in you.
Eu sabia que eras capaz.
I knew you had it in you.
Eu sabia que te corria nas veias.
- I knew you had it in you.
Eu sabia que tinhas jeito.
I knew you had it in you.
Sabia que ias conseguir.
Fuck. I knew you had it in you.
Eu sabia que tu tinha-lo dentro de ti.
I knew you had it in you, missus.
Eu sabia que te corria nas veias.
I knew you had it in you.
Sempre soube que eras capaz.
I knew you had it in you.
Sabia que o tinhas dentro de ti.
I knew you had it in you.
Eu sabia que o fazias.
I knew you had it in you.
Sabia disso.
When I go away, will you go back to that square in the middle of the town and take a good look at it? 'Cause that's where I first knew I loved you. That's where we had the fight.
Quando eu estiver longe, vai àquela praça que há no centro e olha bem para ela, porque foi aí que soube que te amava, foi onde tivemos aquela discussão e eu não sabia que fazer.
I had to because you were in danger. I knew that if I didn't do it I'd have lost you forever.
Se não o tivesse feito... tudo se perderia para sempre.
I knew it. I bet you were that espionage agent... he had in the one about the missing pieces of jade.
Por mais cinco, posso lhe dar um número que o levará a ela.
I knew you had that anger in you, Matt but... But I thought it would be the dealers and the junkies and the human garbage that you'd be cleaning the city of.
Sabia que tinhas fúria dentro de ti, Matt mas sempre achei que te contentavas com os traficantes e a baixeza humana, que estavas a limpar a cidade.
- I always knew ya had it in you.
- Eu sempre acreditei em ti.
Oh, Billy, I knew you had it in ya.
Oh, Billy, Sabia que ias conseguir.
I always knew you had it in you.
Sempre soube que tinhas jeito para isso.
Eu sabia que conseguias.
Vamos embora.
Oh, Gord, I knew you had it in ya.
Oh, Gord. Eu sabia que podias!
I always knew you had it in you, Jamal.
Eu sempre soube que dava para isto, Jamal.
I always knew you had it in you.
Sempre soube que era capaz.
As soon as I saw that skunk, I knew... that I had to capture it and return it to the zoo... where it could maybe, just maybe... fall in love like you and I.
Assim que vi aquela doninha fedorenta, eu soube logo... Que tinha que a apanhar e leva-la para o jardim zoológico. Onde talvez possa... talvez possa...
Anyhoo, I knew that I had to get the meat soon...'cause if you get it in too late, the greens turn slimy... before any of the flavor gets in.
Mas eu sabia que tinha de meter a carne depressa, porque se a metesse tarde demais, as couves ficavam viscosas, antes do sabor entrar.
I knew it the moment you said you had to leave. I could see it in your face.
Li-o na tua expressão quando disseste que ias.
Who knew you had it in you? Well, I...
- Quem diria que eras capaz.
And before I knew it, guys from Con Ed had jumper cables in my head and the rest was... Why are you in analysis?
antes de que me desse conta, uns cara da companhia elétrica tinham colocado fios de arame na minha cabeça e o resto foi... porque faz análise?
I always knew you had it in you. Raymond. and here it is.
Eu sempre soube que eras capaz, Raymond, e aqui está a prova.
- I knew it. Well, you're the reason that we had to launch the boat in the wrong part of the river.
Bem, foi por tua causa que começamos a navegar... na parte errada do rio.
Krispy Kreme doughnuts are so good, if I told you they had crack in it, you'd go, " I knew something was up.
Não queremos saber. O dinheiro é uma novidade para os pretos.
He had it in his mind, he knew what he wanted it to say and I think that, you know, in everything he did as an artist, it had something to say, you know.
Tinha a ideia na cabeça, sabia o que queria que a capa dissesse, e creio que tudo o que ele fez como artista tinha alguma coisa a dizer.
He had it in his mind, he knew what he wanted it to say and I think that, you know, in everything he did as an artist, it had something to say, you know.
Encontrei uma imagem de um bebé a nadar debaixo de água que recortei e propus à banda, e ele gostou muito, por isso, trabalhámos a partir daí. O fotógrafo Kirk Weddle preparou a sessão numa escola de natação de Pasadena.
I mean, I knew that you had it in you, butshe is... oh, she is... wow, she's really great.
Eu sabia que tu tinha-lo dentro de ti, mas ela é muito porreira.
I knew you never had it in you to do me harm.
Sei que nunca serias capaz de fazer mal.
I always knew you had it in you, Fargo.
Sempre soube que você era capaz, Fargo.
And the "here goes nothing" way... you chucked that hazel pole... into the water, and the way you dove in and swam after it, I - I just knew that you had some way of looking at things... some way of looking at life and the world... which is exactly the way of looking at things... that I've been trying to look at things.
E dum modo aqui vai atiraste a vara na água e a forma como depois nadaste, eu eu soube que tinhas uma maneira de ver as coisas, uma maneira de encarar a vida e o mundo,
When I heard a magic peddler in South Caston was selling a remedy for banelings, I knew it had to be you.
Quando ouvi dizer que havia alguém em South Caston, a vender curas para banelings, percebi que eras tu.
I heard the Creator had returned and knew in my heart it must be you.
Ouvi dizer que a Criadora estava entre nós e soube que terias de ser tu.

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