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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / I know it was wrong

I know it was wrong tradutor Português

197 parallel translation
I know it was wrong, but don't be mad.
Sei que não devia, mas... Mas não fique bravo.
I know it was wrong to conceal the evidence.
Sei que foi errado ter escondido as provas.
I know. I know it was wrong. But you don't understand.
Eu sei que fiz mal, mas não compreendem.
I know it was wrong.
Eu sei que agi mal.
- I know it was wrong.
- Sei que foi errado.
I know it was wrong... but you got to know I had a very good reason.
Sei que foi errado, mas tens de saber que foi por uma boa razão.
I know it was wrong, but I've just been so lonely since I left home.
Sei que foi errado... Estou tão sozinho desde que saí de casa.
I know it was wrong... but Debra asked for my recipes and I panicked.
- Sei que foi um erro. A Debra pediu-me as receitas e entrei em pânico.
I know it was wrong.
Sei que fiz mal.
- I know it was wrong of me.
Sei que foi um erro e lamento de todo o coração.
I know it was wrong.
Eu sei que era errado.
I know it was wrong.
Sei que foi errado.
I know it was wrong of me to push Carla, but I have been under a lot of pressure lately.
Eu sei que foi errado empurrar a Carla, mas eu tenho andado sob muita pressão.
I know it was wrong to compare, but I felt like I had spent the evening in a Calvin Klein ad and now I was back to baseball, buckets and BVDs.
Sei que não era justo comparar, mas senti que passara a noite num anúncio da Calvin Klein e que voltara ao basebol, aos baldes e às BVDs.
I know it was wrong... but the guy was such an asshole, it was really the best thing.
Mas o gajo era um estupido E foi a melhor coisa
Mom, I know it was wrong, but I'm sure Dad just didn't want to get you upset.
Mãe, sei que foi errado... mas de certeza que o pai só não te quis chatear.
I know it was wrong... but somehow it made sense.
Eu sei que foi errado mas, de algum modo, fez sentido.
- I know it was wrong but I was afraid if Clark opened the ship and found out the truth about his origins he'd... He would want to leave us.
- Sei que foi errado, mas tinha medo que, se o Clark abrisse a nave e descobrisse a verdade sobre as suas origens, ele ele iria querer deixar-nos.
I know it was wrong.
Eu sabia que era errado.
- I know it was wrong to lie to you... about taking you home after Tric.
- Sei que foi errado mentir-te... sobre levar-te a casa após o Tric.
But I know it was wrong.
Mas sei que estava errado.
I always used to think there was too much of me in you... for us to hit it off... but I know now that that was wrong.
Sempre achei que havia muito de mim em si... para nos entendermos. Mas sei agora que estava errado.
I don't know where you were brought up, kid but wherever it was, you were brought up wrong.
Não sei onde foi educado, rapaz. Mas onde quer que tenha sido, foi educado de forma errada.
I guess I knew it was wrong all along, but... Well, you know we needed the money.
Acho que sabia que era tudo um erro, mas... sabe que precisávamos de dinheiro.
Well, I don't know what number Miss Inglewood gave you, but it was obviously the wrong one.
Não sei que morada a Miss Inglewood te deu, mas enganou-se.
Golda, you know that when you made your decision I thought it was wrong.
Golda, tu sabes que quando tomaste a tua decisão... eu pensei que era errada.
I know it was wrong but I was drunk.
Estava bêbedo.
I don't know what it was I did wrong.
Não sei o que fiz de mal.
Yes I know that it seems wrong but I thought it was right.
Sim, sei que pode parecer uma blasfémia, mas eu pensei que estava certo.
Don't get me wrong. I'm sure it's enriching in some way... and I know she was probably moved by some asshole screaming out the window.
Certamente é enriquecedora de alguma forma, e ela ficou comovida por ter um palerma a gritar "whoo-hoo".
I don't know if it was right or wrong.
Não sei se foi certo ou errado.
'Cause after I talked it through and made him see it our way, you know, he just- - He said that he kind of didn't want to admit it at the time, but he knew he was wrong.
Depois de fazê-lo ver o nosso lado, ele ficou... Até disse que não quis admiti-lo na altura, mas estava errado. E quer resolver isto.
Look, I know what I did was wrong, but this isn't about me. It's about him.
Eu sei que me portei mal, mas agora ele é que interessa.
- Major, I know it was wrong.
Me enganei.
I don't know yet if it was wrong, what you did.
Não sei, ainda... Se foi errado o que fizeste.
I know it was wrong, but I wasn't happy.
Sei que foi um erro, mas eu não era feliz.
I know it was the wrong thing to do.
Sei que foi errado.
You know, I guess it was wrong, what I did with Laurie.
Acho que foi errado o que fiz com a Laurie.
I know how difficult it is to acknowledge your parents'faults, but what they did was wrong.
Eu sei o quão difícil deve ser reconhecer os erros de seus pais. Mas o que eles fizeram foi errado.
You know, I kept thinking maybe there was something wrong with me or I didn't deserve it or I wouldn't be a good mother.
Sabe, só pensava... que talvez tivesse algum problema, ou que näo merecia... ou que näo seria uma boa mäe.
I know what I did was wrong and I'm not gonna make excuses about it. I just... I just want you to know that I'm really, really sorry.
Sei que o que fiz foi errado e não vou inventar desculpas, mas... só quero que saibas que lamento mesmo muito e quero compensar-te.
I know it was wrong, but...
- Sei que era errado, mas...
- I don't know what that was, but it leaves Joe's on the wrong side of a 4-2 advantage.
- Não sei o que foi, mas deixa a Joe's no lado errado com uma desvantagem de 4-2.
You know, I was trying to act like a tough guy, and it's wrong.
Estava a tentar ser durão e isso está mal.
You and I both know it was the wrong choice.
Ambas sabemos que era a opção errada.
It was wrong. I know that.
Foi errado, eu sei.
Look, I know that it was wrong to go after you for the reasons that I did.
Ouve, fiz mal em ter ido atrás de ti pelas razões que me levaram a fazê-lo.
I was thoughtless and insensitive, and I know I can never really make up for it... ... but I want you to know that I was wrong, and I'm really, truly sorry.
Eu era egoísta e insensível, e não posso fazer nada para me desculpar mas quero que saibas que eu estava errado, e que estou muito arrependido.
But how do I know if it was big enough and wrong enough to throw away a marriage?
Mas será que foi tão grave para desfazer um casamento?
You know what... for so long I thought that there was something wrong with me... because it had never happened, but... I realize now that it was just because I was waiting for you.
Achei sempre... que tinha algum problema... por nunca ter acontecido, mas... percebo agora que foi apenas por estar à tua espera.
It was wrong, but I didn't know that.
Sim, foi errado, mas eu não sabia.

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