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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / I thought you'd like it

I thought you'd like it tradutor Português

202 parallel translation
I thought we'd better tell you, it looks like we're in trouble.
Pensei que te devia dizer, parece que estamos em sarilhos.
- I thought you'd like it.
- Pensei que gostaria.
I only dressed up because I thought you'd like it.
Mas pensei que você poderia gostar.
I haven't thought about it for a long time... but I'd like to tell it to you.
Uma triste e longa história. Eu gostaría de contá-la.
Mr. Kast, I thought you'd like to hear it just once more.
Mr. Kast, pensei que gostaria de a ouvir só mais uma vez.
I thought you'd get over it or realize what he's like.
Pensei que te cansarias ou que tue perceberias como ele é.
I thought you'd like it. I've been saving it for a long time.
- Pensei que gostarias.
I thought you'd like to take it to her. She's in the bedroom.
Ela está no quarto de cama.
- Yes. I thought you'd like it.
- Sim, pensei que iria gostar.
I thought you'd like it.
Pensei que ia gostar.
I thought you'd like it, sweetheart.
Achei que ias gostar, amor.
I thought you'd like it.
Então por que os convidou para ficarem?
- I thought you'd like to have it back.
- Achei que gostarias de tê-la de volta.
- I thought you'd like it, so I got it.
- Pensei que gostasses e comprei-o.
I remembered how you like gadgets. I thought you'd get a kick out of it.
Lembrei-me que, como gosta de engenhocas, iria achar imensa piada.
If I've changed, it's because I thought you'd like a more exciting woman.
Se mudei, foi por pensar que gostarias de uma mulher mais emocionante.
I thought perhaps you'd like to, uh, glance at it. Oh. That's...
Vi o "The Guardian" nas bancas e achei que gostaria de lhe dar uma olhadela.
- I just thought you'd like it.
- Oh, não deverias. - Achei que ias gostar.
No, I thought you'd like to show it to him.
Pensei que gostaria mostrá-lo.
I thought you'd like it.
Eu pensei que tu ias gostar.
I thought you wouldn't want to be mixed up in it, but as you were a friend of poor Mr. Hawes, I thought you'd like to know...
Pensei que não se quisesse se envolver, mas como era amigo do pobre Sr. Hawes, pensei que gostaria de saber.
- I thought you'd like it.
- Pensei que iria gostar.
- I thought you'd like it.
- Achei que ias gostar.
But, Mom, I thought you'd like it.
Mas mãe, Pensei que ias gostar.
Well, I figured since it isn't attached to the car anymore I thought maybe you'd like to cook it up for dinner.
Pensei que, uma vez que já não está preso ao carro, poderias cozinhá-Io para o jantar.
I thought you'd like it.
Bem me parecia que ias gostar...
I thought you'd like it.
Achei que iria gostar.
Not that it matters, but I thought you'd like to know somebody admitted murdering Ralph.
Não faz diferença, mas pensei que gostarias de saber que alguém confessou ter matado o Ralph.
I thought I'd say hello first and then take the office, but we could do it the way you like.
Queria apresentar-me antes de ficar com o gabinete, mas podemos fazer como quiser.
I thought you'd like it.
Achei que ias gostar.
I'm sorry. I thought you'd really like it living here.
Eu pensei que gostarias de viver aqui.
I just thought you'd like to know who it was that you killed in self-defense.
Achei que ia gostar de saber quem matou em legítima defesa.
"If you are so unhappy, it'd be better for you to leave"? Yes. But I never thought that she'd really do something like that.
"Se estás tão infeliz, não será melhor ires embora?"
I thought you'd like it...
Achei que gostaria.
Boy, when Marge first told me she was going to the police academy I thought it'd be fun and exciting. You know, like that movie Spaceballs.
Quando a Marge disse que ia para a academia de Polícia, pensei que seria divertido e empolgante, como naquele filme, o "Spaceballs".
It is small, but I thought you'd like it better than the ones in front.
É pequeno, mas pensei que você acharia melhor que o da frente.
I thought you'd like to see them coz it's been a while.
Pensei que gostasses de vê-las, como passou algum tempo.
I thought you'd like it.
Eu achei que fosses gostar.
Well, I've given this a lot of thought and I've gotta say- - As much as I'd like to see the two of you living it up in a warm, tropical setting I would just miss you too much.
Bom, pensei muito sobre isto e tenho a dizer que por muito que gostasse de vos ver a gozar a vida numa zona tropical e quente sentiria demasiadas saudades.
I thought you'd like to come see it.
Achei que gostasses de ir ver.
Detective, I know it's not the same as saving your life... but I thought maybe you'd like to have this.
Detective, sei que não é o mesmo que salvar a sua vida... mas pensei que talvez gostasse de ficar com isto.
I thought you'd like it.
Pensei que ias gostar.
I thought you'd like it.
- Achei que você gostaria.
Sakes alive! I thought you'd like it.
Pensei que ias gostar.
I thought if you weren't doing anything, if you'd drop by, we could do it together. Like a duet. Frank and Sammy kind of thing.
Se não tiveres nada que fazer, podias aparecer lá, para fazermos um dueto, estilo Frank e Sammy.
So, Rory, your grandfather and I thought it might be nice after dinner... to go around the house and pick out what you'd like us to leave you in our will.
Rory, o teu avô e eu achámos que, depois de jantar, podias... dar uma volta pela casa e escolher o que queres que te deixemos em testamento.
I thought you'd like it.
Achei que gostaria.
I thought you'd like it.
Achei que irias gostar.
- I thought you'd like it.
- Achel que fosse gostar.
I thought I'd just take the Times up with me... - in case you'd like to read it when you're dressing.
Vim buscar o "Times", no caso de querer lê-lo enquanto se veste.
I simply thought you'd like to see this before it went away.
Pensei que gostaria de ver isso antes que sumisse.

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