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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / I went to see her

I went to see her tradutor Português

179 parallel translation
Would it be all right if I went to see her?
Posso ir lá abaixo vê-la?
I went to see her, honest.
fui vê-la, a sério.
Why didn't you tell me about you and Helen before I went to see her?
Porque não me falaste sobre ti e a Helen antes de a ir ver?
I went to see her and I told her that you wouldn't agree to a divorce.
Fui falar-lhe e disse-lhe que você não aceitava o divórcio.
After three days, I couldn't take it anymore and I went to see her.
Dali a dois dias, porém, não aguentei e fui vê-la.
Well, the handicapped woman, I went to see her.
- Por causa da deficiente. Fui visitá-la.
The night after the accident, I went to see her.
Na noite a seguir ao acidente, fui visitá-la.
The next day I went to see her.
No dia seguinte fui vê-la.
I went to see her relatives.
Eu fui visitar os parentes dela.
There was another reason I went to see her that day.
Fui vê-la por outra razão aquele dia.
When I heard of Angelo's death, I went to see her.
O que é que fez? Quando me inteirei da morte do Angelo, fui ver a Maria Stella.
- I went to see her at her gym. She had no idea who I was.
Fui vê-la na academia, Ela não sabia quem eu era,
I went to see her.
- Fui vê-la.
Even my grandmother would whistle that tune when I went to see her in the nursing home.
Até a minha avó trauteava essa melodia quando a ia visitar à enfermaria.
I felt bad so I went to see her.
Senti-me mal, por isso fui vê-la.
Before you call, I went to see her last night...
Antes de ligares, fui encontrar-me com ela ontem...
I went to see her brother.
Fui falar com o irmão dela.
I thought that his mother he / she could know, then I went to see her.
Pensei que a mãe dele pudesse saber, então fui vê-la.
I don't think I wanted to see her again, but I went there not once, but 30 times.
Pensei nunca mais a querer ver, mas voltei, não uma, mas 30 vezes!
That's the last I see of her. Then I hear she went to some doctor.
Nunca mais a vi. A seguir consultou um médico.
I went around to see her about eight o'clock.
Eu cheguei para a visitar aproximadamente às oito horas.
- You got drunk and never went to see her! - I didn't get drunk before, I got drunk after!
Não me embebedei antes, embebedei-me depois.
Boon... I went back to see Mrs Fletcher again, and her husband came out on the porch with his bulldog.
Boon voltei para ver a Sra. Fletcher, e o marido dela veio à varanda com o bulldog.
- I went up to see her yesterday.
- Fui lá ve-la ontem.
I wasn't to see her again for a very long time, until I went to visit her at Oxford.
Não voltei a vê-la durante muito tempo, até a ir visitar, a Oxford.
I went to see his sister Nora to talk to her about it.
Fui visitar a irmã dele Nora para lhe falar disto.
I just went up to see her, and she's fine.
Acabei de vê-la, e ela está bem.
I went up to that place to see her.
Fui a esse lugar para a ver.
I went on down to Brawley where she was from and tried to see her.
Fui a Brawley, de onde ela era, e tentei vê-la.
So I went out to see her two weeks ago.
Portanto fui vê-la há duas semanas.
I had hoped to catch you before you went in to see her.
Esperava dar-lhe uma palavrinha antes de falar com ela.
I know you went to the surface to see her.
Sei que foi à superfície para a ver.
See, the problem is... when I went round to talk to her... it turned out she knew much more than she thought she did.
Vê, o problema é... Quando andava a investigar e fui falar com ela... fiz com que ela ficasse a saber muito mais do que aquilo que ela pensava.
I've accepted the fact. I went to her place last night. I could see the lights on.
Os inspectores do Departamento de Homicídios de Baltimore já fizeram essa pergunta centenas de vezes visto Cox, de 22 anos, ter sido alvejado pelas costas ao ser perseguido, a pé, pela polícia.
She went shopping for some shoes for the wedding and yada, yada, yada, I'll see her in six to eight months.
Foi comprar uns sapatos para o casamento e yada, yada, yada, só a vejo daqui a uns seis ou oito meses.
[Viesturs] Whenever porters went back down to Paula, at Base Camp, they brought her videos because Paula wanted to see that I was okay.
Sempre que os carregadores desciam até à Paula, no acampamento base, levavam os nossos vídeos. Porque a Paula queria ver se eu estava bem.
I went to see her.
Fui vê-la.
You tell them you went to see her after I did, and she gave you this.
Diz-lhe que foste vê-la depois de mim e que ela te deu isto.
After a week I went to her place, to see her father.
Passada uma semana fui a sua casa, para ver seu pai.
For me every time when she come, I see her, she was pretty, young, nice and for me, I was always happy to be with her. At first I only went to buy milk.
Ao meio-dia, a temperatura atinge os 56ºC, e só ao final da tarde, quando começa a arrefecer, é seguro continuar.
You went with it because you didn't want to see him kill her and you knew he wouldn't do it but I was shocked by him thinking that way, "An experiment."
Aceitávamos porque não queríamos vê-lo matá-la e sabíamos que não o faria mas fiquei chocado com o pensamento : "Uma experiência."
It lasted a week and then my family moved and... And I didn't see her again till I went away to college.
Durou uma semana e depois a minha família mudou-se e... e não a voltei a ver... até que fui para a universidade.
I knew that she was severely depµressed and that she got lonely on the road and I still went to see her.
Eu sabia que ela estava seriamente deprimida e até que ela ficou sozinha na estrada e eu ainda fui para vê-la.
I went to work, drove to work that night, got to work, couldn't read the charts, and I had to call my supervisor, tell her I couldn't work because I couldn't see what I was doing,
- Fui para o trabalho.. conduzi nessa noite para o trabalho, cheguei ao trabalho, não conseguia ler as tabelas, tive de chamar a minha supervisora, dizer-lhe que não conseguia trabalhar, porque não conseguia ver aquilo que estava a fazer.
Katy and Connor went to the Walkers'for a sleepover and Colleen went to the movies with her friends so I thought I'd come see what's going on.
A Katy e o Connor foram passar a noite a casa dos Walker e a Colleen foi ao cinema com os amigos, por isso pensei passar por aqui para ver como estás.
She's lost it. I just went down to the brig to see her.
Estive agora com ela no cárcere.
Dan and I pre-screened Christina, and we went to see Joey and her once a month.
Eu e o Dan aceitámos a Christina, e íamos visitá-la e ao Joey uma vez por mês.
Elliott had told me that if I went with him... that I wouldn't be able to see my mother anymore... that I couldn't even call her.
O Elliott disse-me que se eu fosse com ele, nunca poderia voltar a ver a minha mãe. Nem lhe poderia ligar.
I went out to see her, met Christina, and, well, it seems she dropped a baby off here this morning.
Eu saí para verificar, conheci a Christina e, bem... parece que ela deixou o bebé aqui esta manhã.
I told her not to go, but she went to see Curtis the next day.
Eu disse-lhe para não ir, mas ela foi falar com o Curtis no dia seguinte.
I went down there to see her
Eu fui lá vê-la.

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