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It never came up tradutor Português

71 parallel translation
No. It never came up.
- Não, nunca veio à baila.
Because it never came up.
Porque não calhou em conversa.
Well, it never came up.
Bem, nunca veio à baila.
No, it never came up.
Não, nunca se proporcionou.
It never came up.
Isso não foi revelado.
We spent two months, vetting our nominee and it never came up?
Passámos dois meses a investigar o nosso nomeado e isto nunca veio à baila?
Uh, I'm afraid it-it never came up.
Receio, que não chegamos a falar nisso.
- It never came up.
- Nunca veio à baila.
It never came up.
Nunca me ocorreu.
- It never came up, okay?
- Nunca falámos sobre isso.
I guess it never came up.
Nunca veio à baila.
Still, I wonder why it never came up in Eva's background.
Ainda assim, pergunto-me porque nunca apareceu no historial da Eva.
It never came up.
Nunca surgiu na conversa.
It never came up.
Isso nunca veio ao de cima.
It never came up.
Nunca calhou.
It never came up.
Isso nunca foi falado.
I told the officer it was a nosebleed, of course, And it never came up again.
Disse ao agente que foi uma hemorragia nasal, claro, e nunca mais se falou nisso.
Well, yeah, it never came up again Because chief Phelps got rid of the file, Claire.
Pois, nunca mais se falou nisso, porque o Chefe Phelps se livrou do ficheiro, Claire.
It never came up.
Nunca surgiu.
It never came up.
Nunca tocámos no assunto.
I guess it never came up.
Não tinha visto.
Gave her a home and a name on the condition Carmel never came back here. She couldn't live up to it.
Eu penso que Mary adoptou a filha de Carmel, lhe deu um lar e um nome na condição... de que Carmel nunca voltasse aqui.
I kicked the ball. It went up, But never came back down.
Chutei a bola, ela subiu e nunca mais desceu.
I never really decided to stay, but each time I came up for air, it was spring, and I was planting again.
Nunca decidi ficar. Mas, cada vez que me acalmava, era primavera... e eu estava plantando de novo.
And after we cleaned it up, the blood never came back.
Depois de limparmos aquilo, o sangue nunca mais voltou.
Well, it never really came up.
Nunca veio realmente ao de cima.
Do you have any idea what it's like to wake up with my mother here... and find out that you never came home?
Fazes ideia do que foi acordar com a minha mãe aqui... e descobrir que não vieste para casa?
It never really came up.
Nunca veio a propósito.
She paid me twenty bucks to store it, and never came back to pick it up.
Pagou-me 20 dólares para o guardar, e nunca voltou para o levar.
It just never came up.
Nunca veio a propósito.
You know, it, uh... it never really came up in our conversations.
Sabe, é que... isso nunca fez parte de nossas conversas.
It never really came up.
Nunca veio à baila.
I expected a call yesterday to set something up for last night... but it never came.
Esperei uma chamada ontem para sairmos à noite, mas não a recebi.
I wanted to tell you in the restaurant but... it... a good time never came up and I...
Era para te dizer no restaurante mas... bem... nunca surgiu uma oportunidade...
It just never came up.
Apenas nunca se proporcionou.
One thing that came up very often was that they were against eating food with genes in it. That's something that would never occur to a scientist because a scientist obviously knows all food has genes in it.
Significa que de cada vez que vemos uma explosão de raios gama, testemunhamos a morte de uma estrela massiva e o nascimento de um buraco negro.
It just never came up.
Nunca surgiu uma oportunidade.
I never had time to show Cusí that I became a world champion. "The Boy comes up to me and she's got spark." "Feed a spark so that it becomes a flame and the flame came to grow." " Feeding the fire so that it becomes CENTURY MATCHES There is a possibility Louis.
Gentatsu Takatsuki do Clã Aizu, chamado Hitokiri Gentatsu. Um dos melhores espadachins Kanuma. Ele era incrível.
Not for a couple of years, and when the list came up, I bought it. I never looked back.
Por dois anos e como as coisas vão indo, eu peguei emprestado... e devolvo.
My father's name never even came up, did it?
O nome do meu pai nunca surgiu, pois não?
It just never came up, eh?
Só que nunca veio ao de cima, não é?
It just never came up.
Nunca me ocorreu.
Because before you were boss it never really came up.
- Porque antes de ser chefe isso nunca veio para o caso.
But they never came to pick it up.
Mas nunca procuraram.
Maybe you never came to pick it up.
Talvez nunca a tenha vindo buscar.
I never thought of it in that way, but I thought, all these people that would come up to me and one who came up to me in Toronto when we landed to pick up Canadian crew, the head of Bombardier said what a fan he was of me
Nunca pensei nisso dessa forma. Mas pensei : "Todas estas pessoas que vinham ter comigo..."
- What? It never came up?
O momento nunca foi o oportuno?
I guess it never came up.
Nunca surgiu o assunto.
When Bruce Lee came up and did his performance of his gung fu, it was something I had never seen before.
Quando Bruce Lee apareceu e demonstrou seu kung Fu... Foi algo diferente de tudo o que já se havia visto, e ele disse...
Oh, then I woke up, and it all came flooding back - - Kyle and Maxine and the fact that she's never even gonna call me back.
Depois acordei, e veio-me tudo à cabeça, o Kyle e a Maxine e o facto de que ela nunca vai responder às minhas chamadas.
That it killed me you never came looking for me even once I was locked up?
Que me doeu quando não me foste ver na prisão?

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