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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ J ] / Johnstone

Johnstone tradutor Português

34 parallel translation
Agnes Johnstone.
Agnes Johnstone.
- I should like to see Judge Johnstone.
- Gostaria de falar com o Juiz Johnstone.
Soon them applying a shovel 7.45 here on Radio Cascara, home of the stars, with the tall, tan and talented one, Jay Jay Johnstone.
Vão esburacar-te com perfuradoras 7.45 Aqui na Radio Cascara, casa das estrelas, com o alto, bronzeado e talentoso, Jay Jay Johnstone.
" Hello Mrs. Johnstone, take one of these three times a day,
" Olá, Sra. Johnstone, tome um destes, três vezes ao dia.
Dave Spiwack ready to face Jay Johnstone!
Dave Spiwack pronto a enfrentar J. Johnstone!
Martin Johnstone, Lady Runcorn.
Martin Johnstone, Lady Runcorn.
Also he is a collector, Mr. Johnstone?
Também é coleccionador, Sr. Johnstone?
Bernard Parker, Martin Johnstone, Lady Runcorn and the Countess.
Bernard Parker, Martin Johnstone, Lady Runcorn e a Condessa.
Comecemos com o Sr. Johnstone.
Then because it entered inside the house, Mr. Johnstone?
Então porque entrou dentro de casa, Sr. Johnstone?
I think that the Johnstone also lay.
Acho que o Johnstone também mentiu.
The Countess, Monsieur Johnstone.
A Condessa, Monsieur Johnstone.
Are you also a collector, Mr. Johnstone?
Também é colecionador, Sr. Johnstone?
Starting with Mr. Johnstone.
Comecemos com o Sr. Johnstone.
So, why did tou go back into the house, Mr. Johnstone?
Então porque entrou na casa, Sr. Johnstone?
I think Johnstone's lying as well.
Acho que o Johnstone também mentiu.
Hey, Johnstone, I'm surprised to see you here after the old bowsprit affair.
Johnstone estou surpreendido por te ver aqui.
That's one minute, Johnstone.
Num minuto, Johnstone!
Hey, Johnstone, what do you say I have a crack at the wheel there?
Johnstone, posso experimentar o leme?
Tod Johnstone.
Tod Johnstone.
The head of this department is a Mr. Johnson orJohnstone.
O chefe do departamento é o Sr. Johnson ou Johnstone.
Now it's -
Agora é Johnstone.
And from the girls'line, we need girl number 00, Martha Johnstone.
E pela linha das raparigas, precisamos de números... 00, Martha Johnstone.
Figures. Just booked my trip to Johnston Strait.
Claro, acabei de marcar a viagem para o Estreito de Johnstone.
- This is for you from katie johnstone.
Este é da Katie Johnstone.
Mr. Johnstone, in the bowling club, has a brain tumour...
O Sr. Johnstone, do clube de bowling, apagou-se com um tumor cerebral.
- Karma. Karma Johnstone.
Karma Johnstone.
And nothing that Eddie ever did was ever good enough. Eddie Johnston.
Eddie Johnstone.
Johnstone's Paint Trophy.
Troféu de pintura Johnstone.

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