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Katy tradutor Português

725 parallel translation
Katy, ask Pop if he remembered to make the change.
- Katy, pergunta ao pa ¡ pela troca.
Katy's love was dancing, and the kid was good.
A paixão da Katy era a dança. E levava jeito.
Katy, we're ready.
Katy, estamos prontos.
Katy, you in there?
Katy, estás aí?
Where the heck is Katy?
Onde raio está a Katy?
Maybe Katy never went to finishing school, but there are some parts of her education I'll match against anybody's.
Há partes na educação da Katy que sou a pessoa mais certa para dar.
There's still Katy and Tim.
- Tem a Katy e o Tim.
OK, Mom. If you see Katy, send her in here.
E, se vires a Katy, manda-a vir cá.
Uh, Mom, Pop... uh, Katy and me, we, uh...
Mãe? Pai? A Katy e eu, nós...
Now, come on, Mom. Let Katy tell you, will ya?
Vá lá, mãe...
Now, you understand it's just Katy and me.
- Sou só eu e a Katy.
"Their kids Katy and Tim " are rehearsing " in Lew Harris'Manhattan Parade,
Os filhos estreiam no Manhattan Parade de Harris, no próximo mês.
You really looked like you were enjoying that number. Katy : I love it.
- Parece que gostaste daquele número.
Katy? Que se passa, querida?
Look, Katy, I'm gonna go right out there.
Vou imediatamente para aí.
Katy said he'd been drinking up in White Plains somewhere.
Tinha estado a beber em White Plains.
Are you sure he's not badly hurt? Katy said no.
De certeza que não ficou muito ferido?
Go to the theater. Katy needs you.
A Katy precisa de ti.
But you can't cut that number, Lew. That's Katy's best spot in the show.
- Mas é a melhor participação da Katy.
You think you can go out there cold and sell that number with Katy?
- Acha que seria convincente?
Thanks, Katy.
- Obrigada.
If you see Katy, tell her that her mother isn't stubborn.
Se vir a Katy, diga-lhe que a mãe dela não é teimosa.
Did, uh, Katy also write you that you're gonna be an uncle?
Ela escreveu-te que vais ser tio?
- Katy?
- Katy?
- Katy's back in town.
- A Katy está de regresso à vila.
You know the answer, Katy.
Sabes a resposta, Katy.
You're whistling in the wind, Katy.
Estás a perder tempo, Katy.
- Katy.
- Katy.
- I thought maybe Katy shot you.
- Achei que a Katy talvez o tivesse morto.
Then you do remember them good old days, don't you, Katy?
Afinal lembras-te dos bons velhos tempos, não é, Katy?
Where is the Katy With her light red hair?
Onde está a Katy com o seu cabelo ruivo brilhante?
Katy Gilhooly.
Katy Gilhooly.
I was peeking.
Eu estava a espreitar. - A Katy?
Mrs Warren was there, and you was there, and the whisky bottle was there, and Katy's temper being what Katy's temper is, well, there you are.
A Sra. Warren estava lá, tu estavas lá, e a garrafa de uísque estava lá, e sendo o génio da Katy como é, aí tens.
"K" for "Kitty."
K de Katy,
Your wife thinks you would say... "Katy Duvalle..."
A sua mulher acha que você diria "Katy Duvalle".
They're gonna rob the Katy Flyer.
Vão assaltar o Kate Flyer.
Aunt Katy.
Tia Katy.
But, Aunt Katy, it's not lack of respect.
Não e por falta de respeito.
Aunt Katy shut the door.
A tia Katy fechou a porta.
We're going to invite you to look at photos Of tony jacklin, anthony barber, edgar allan poe, katy boyle
Vamos convidá-los a verem as fotos de Tony Jacklin, Anthony Barber, Edgar Allan Poe,
Reginald maudling and a looney.
Katy Boyle, Reginald Maudling, e de um pinel.
The correct answer should, of course, have been number four And not katy boyle.
A resposta correta devia, obviamente, ter sido a número quatro e não Katy Boyle.
Katy's waiting for us out in the bushes.
A Katy está à nossa espera.
Well, me and Katy...
Eu e a Katy...
Katy wrote me.
- A Katy escreveu-me.
- It was Katy.
- Foi a Katy.
- Katy?
Hey, Katy.
Ei, Kate.
I'm thinking about Aunt Katy.
- Pensa na tia Katy.
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