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Keats tradutor Português

257 parallel translation
It's Keats. "I behold upon the night starred face... huge cloudy symbols of a high..." 7 letters.
É de Keats. "Quando observo a noite que vem caindo... vejo grandes símbolo nublados de um enorme..." 7 letras.
I remember her crying once when I was reading an ode of Keats'because it was so beautiful.
Lembre-se chorou uma vez, quando eu li uma ode de Keats... Porque era tão bonito.
She had what Keats probably would have called a sort of lovely purity.
Keats tinha o que provavelmente teria chamado... A pureza maravilhosa.
This is the ode of Keats'I read to her when she was a little girl.
Esta é a ode de Keats que eu li quando eu era pequeno.
"Arethusa arose From her couch of snows " In the Acroceraunian mountains. " - Keats.
"Ariadne levantou-se do seu sofá na neve, nas Montanhas Akraceronian." Keats.
Everything'll be all right, see? - It's Keats.
- É de Keats.
Poemas de Browning, Shelley, Keats!
'" You want to talk of Keats or Milton
Quer falar de Keats ou Milton
'" Somehow Keats will survive without you
E de alguma maneira Keats sobrevirá sem ti
He died at the age of 33, a little younger than Byron, considerably older than Shelley and Keats.
Morreu com a idade de 33 anos, um pouco mais novo do que Byron, muito mais velho do que Shelley e Keats.
For why, Keats, for why?
Para quê, Keats, para quê?
Keats, there are more things to life than breaking and entering.
Keats, há mais coisas na vida que arrombar e entrar.
Keats, I think we'd better arrange...
Keats, É melhor arranjar...
- Done what, Keats?
- Conseguiram o que, Keats?
no longer do we have to be content with keats's "seasons of mists and mellow fruitfulness"
Já não precisamos de nos contentar com a "Época de Névoas e Sumarentas Frutas", de Keats,
What are my chances this morning of interesting you kids in John Keats?
Que hipóteses terei em despertar o vosso interesse por John Keats?
None of this "Ode on a Grecian Urn"...
Qualquer coisa de Keats...
No Keats or Shelley.
Nada de Keats, nem de Shelley.
Did you know Keats?
Conheceu Keats?
I thought I saw Keats the other day
Acho que vi Keats no outro dia
- Was that John Keats?
- Isso era John Keats?
A thing of beauty is a joy forever. My man John Keats said that.
"Uma coisa bela é uma alegria eterna", já disse o meu amigo John Keats.
Throughout the ages, from Keats to Jorkemo, poets have composed odes to individuals who have had a profound effect upon their lives.
Da época de keats ao Jorkemo, os poetas têm composto odes a indivíduos que tiveram um grande efeito em suas vidas.
Remember, one Wordsworth one Keats or one Shelley
Um poema de Wordsworth, um de Keats e um de Shelley.
Good night, Dr. Keats.
Boa noite, Dr. Keats.
- Keats?
Did, um... did Dr. Surnow or Dr. Keats or Dr. Nollette do anything unusual?
O Dr. Surnow, o Dr. Keats ou o Dr. Nollette fizeram alguma coisa invulgar?
Dr. Surnow's, Dr. Keats'and Dr. Nollette's cursive standards don't match what you found on the white board.
As caligrafias cursivas do Dr. Surnow, Dr. Keats e Dr. Nollette são diferentes desta.
Besides Nollette and Keats, he's the only person we can prove was in the lab that night.
- Ele era o único no laboratório.
"KMAN" must be Keats.
SENHA? KMAN deve ser o Keats.
Well, it couldn't have been Keats.
Não podia ter sido o Keats.
So you're saying that someone came in here, killed Keats, and then just did some work on an old Dr. Arthur Grable file?
Alguém entrou, matou o Keats, e trabalhou num ficheiro antigo do Dr. Arthur Grable?
Well, if he had intentions of killing Nollette, Keats and Surnow, why not set it up to appear the least likely suspect?
Se ele queria matar o Nollette, o Keats e o Surnow, porque não tramar o suspeito menos provável?
If, uh, you are trying to suggest that Arthur Grable killed Surnow and Keats and is after me next, you're way off.
Se está a sugerir que o Arthur Grable matou o Surnow e o Keats e vem atrás de mim a seguir, está a delirar.
And... you are studying, I see... John Keats? Yes.
E vejo que está a estudar John Keats.
You know your Keats!
Vejo que conhece bem Keats.
She professes to be the expert on John Keats, and yet the lines that I quoted to her...
Afirma ser especialista em John Keats, contudo, os versos que citei...
You should have studied more your Keats.
Devia ter aprofundado os seus conhecimentos de Keats.
Tell me about yourself, Mr. Keats.
Fale-me de si, Sr. Keats.
Rigo, meet Rock Keats, mi amigo.
Rigo, apresento-te Rock Keats, meu amigo.
Okay, Officer Keats, I'm coming out.
Está bem, agente Keats, vou sair.
Okay, little Keats, sit.
Muito bem, pequeno Keats, senta-te.
That's right, little Keats.
Isso mesmo.
Don't you want to know why I asked for you, Keats?
Queres saber por que pedi que viesses?
Am I right Officer Keats?
Tenho razão, agente Keats?
Seriously, Keats, you blink and I am out of here.
Na verdade, basta que pestanejes para eu me pirar.
Do you, Keats?
Compreende, Keats?
Dr. Keats?
Dr. Keats?

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