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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ M ] / Matheson

Matheson tradutor Português

298 parallel translation
Matheson Hammock.
Matheson Hammock.
11 a.m. tomorrow... Matheson Hammock.
11 horas de amanhã, Hammock.
If I survived Rommel, I can survive an excruciating evening with Matheson.
Se sobrevivi ao Rommel, sobrevivo a mais um penoso serão com o Matheson.
- Roger Matheson, Doctor.
- O Roger Matheson, Doutor.
Nora Matheson. Ladies'Welfare League.
Nora Matheson da Liga Social das Senhoras.
It's only the Mathesons. It's the WLWL!
- São só os Matheson.
Have some more beans, Mrs. Matheson.
Mais feijões Sra. Matheson?
Thank you, Mr. Matheson.
Obrigado Sr. Matheson.
This is Agent Matheson, F. B. I.
Este é o Agente Matheson, do FBI.
Matheson has been transferred from the Denver office to Frisco.
O Matheson foi transferido de Denver para São Francisco, como cortesia entre gabinetes.
Matheson, have you been totally briefed?
Já está a par de tudo, Matheson?
These are highly trained agents, Mr. Matheson.
Estes são agentes especiais, sr. Matheson.
Matheson wasn't along for the ride. He was working surveillance.
O Matheson estava infiltrado.
Holly Matheson.
Holly Matheson.
Senator Matheson?
Senador Matheson?
Hyde and Royston up front, Matheson sub, unused.
Hyde e Royston à frente, Matheson no banco, não entrou.
My name is Dana Scully and I'm trying to reach Senator Matheson at home.
Chamo-me Dana Scully e estou a tentar apanhar o Senador Matheson em casa.
Senator Matheson hasn't returned my calls.
O Senador Matheson não respondeu.
I want my first officer John Matheson on the crew with me.
Eu quero o meu primeiro oficial John Matheson... na minha tripulação.
Jake Matheson.
Jake Matheson!
You are Gary Matheson?
Você é Gary Matheson?
Mr Matheson?
Sr. Matheson?
And, Mr Matheson, no cellphones in the hospital.
E nada de telemóveis no hospital.
- Mr Matheson's offiice.
- Gabinete do Sr. Matheson.
- ( door opens ) - Mr Matheson?
Sr. Matheson?
- This is Gary Matheson.
- Aqui fala o Gary Matheson.
- ( Miguel ) Mr Matheson?
- Sr. Matheson?
The vehicle is registered to a Gary Matheson.
O veículo está no nome de Gary Matheson.
Gary Matheson, the man Kim works for, beat his wife and was starting to hurt his daughter.
Gary Matheson, o homem para quem Kim trabalha, bateu na mulher dele e machucou a sua filha.
- General Matheson.
- O General Matheson.
- Three-star General Matheson.
- General de três estrelas.
Does Matheson think folks get over one of those puppies? .
Acha ele que as pessoas se recuperam desses bichinhos?
If Matheson had been in my spot for the last quarter-century you'd have never made it to your first jerk-off.
Se o generalzeco tivesse tido o meu cargo nos últimos 25 anos, não terias chegado a bater nenhuma pívia.
Somebody named General Matheson.
O general Matheson, mais concretamente.
When we're done talking, get on the transmitter, contact Matheson. Cavalry rides in.
Quando acabarmos de falar, pegue no transmissor, contacte o Matheson... e espere pela cavalaria.
General Matheson has assumed command.
O general Matheson assumiu o comando.
General Matheson.
General Matheson!
- You took Megan Matheson from her home.
Levou a Megan Matheson de casa dela.
We know Gary Matheson killed his wife.
O Gary Matheson matou a mulher.
They're taking me to the Mathesons'house to pack up my things.
Vão levar-me a casa do Matheson para trazer as minhas coisas.
They're taking me to the Mathesons'house to pack up my things.
Vou buscar as minhas coisas a casa do Matheson.
I'm still here at the Matheson house.
Ainda estou aqui em casa do Matheson.
Dr. Matheson to Observation.
"Dra. Mathersen à Observação." "Dra. Mathersen à Observação."
Well, even Mr. Matheson.
Bem, até mesmo Sr. Matheson.
Matheson Lane, Skrummers poor house.
pista de Matheson, casa dos pobres de Skrummers.
EMS is five minutes out, Mr. Matheson. Is anyone there with you?
A ambulância chega daqui a cinco minutos.
Miss Matheson, it would be my pleasure if you would agree to... accompany me to dinner tonight.
Menina Matheson, dar-me-ia um grande prazer, se me acompanhasse para jantar, esta noite.
Hal Matheson, Nnick George.
Hal Matheson, Nick George.
Hal Matheson, Nick George.
Hal Matheson, Nick George.
And on Friday, the president, Nora Matheson, is dropping by to offer her congratulations.
E na sexta-feira. Nora Matheson. a presidente.
The Mathesons are here.
Os Matheson estão aqui.

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