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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ M ] / Mcclane

Mcclane tradutor Português

176 parallel translation
McClane residence.
Residência dos McClane.
Lucy McClane speaking.
Fala Lucy McClane.
Hello, Lucy McClane.
Olá, Lucy McClane.
Um, did Mr McClane call?
O Sr. McClane telefonou?
Hey, I'm John McClane.
Sou o John McClane.
I'm here to see Holly McClane.
Venho ver a Holly McClane.
Then you must be John McClane.
Então você é o John McClane.
I want you to meet John McClane, Holly's husband. Holly's policeman.
Apresento-te o John McClane... o marido da Holly... o polícia da Holly.
Mr McClane?
Sr. McClane?
Mr Officer John McClane of the New York Police Department?
Sr. Agente John McClane... do Departamento de Polícia de Nova Iorque?
Sister Theresa called me Mr McClane in the third grade.
A irmã Theresa chamava-me Sr. McClane na terceira classe.
What about John McClane?
Do John McClane?
I'm John McClane.
Sou o John McClane.
McClane's name, badge number, employment record, vital statistics, and his family's home address right here in LA.
O nome do McClane, o número do distintivo, o registo de emprego, os dados pessoais... e a morada da família... aqui em Los Angeles.
John McClane, you still with us?
John McClane, ainda aí estás?
Mrs McClane.
Sra. McClane.
McClane, I have some news for you.
McClane, tenho notícias para ti.
I am an exceptional thief, Mrs McClane.
Sou um ladrão excepcional, Sra. McClane.
Still the cowboy, Mr McClane.
Continuas a ser um "Cowboy", Sr. McClane.
Holly McClane.
Holly McClane.
McClane, I want a debriefing!
McClane, tenho um interrogatório!
Mr McClane, Mr McClane!
Sr. McClane, Sr. McClane!
Bob McClane. Good to see you.
Bob McClane, prazer.
- Uh... Mr McClane?
- Sr. McClane?
This is Lieutenant McCIane.
É o Tenente McClane.
Sorry, Officer McClane. I had to check.
Desculpe, policial McClane, tive de checar.
- Yeah. - I'm John McClane...
- Sou John McClane...
Hey, McClane, don't start believing your own press.
McClane, não acredite no que sai sobre você na imprensa.
You're John McClane, right?
John McClane?
In an unauthorised area.
- McClane, área restrita.
So what's your problem, Lieutenant McClane?
Qual é o seu problema, Tenente McClane?
McClane, this what you expected?
McClane, era o que você temia?
- See Mr McClane out.
- É melhor tirá-lo daqui.
That's my gift, Mrs McClane. I notice things.
Tenho esse dom, eu noto coisas.
McClane, keep out of this.
McClane, caia fora.
Good luck, McClane!
Boa sorte, McClane.
It's McClane.
É o McClane.
- You showed some balls out there.
McClane? Você já provou ter colhões.
I assume it's you, McClane.
Presumo que seja você.
We appreciate your effort, but we don't need a loose cannon here.
McClane, agradeço sua ajuda, mas não preciso de um louco aqui.
Jeez, you all right?
Tudo bem, McClane?
Sergeant, get this bureaucrat out of Mr McClane's face - now!
Sargento, afaste esse burocrata do McClane.
Where the fuck is McClane?
Onde está o McClane?
This car, McClane. Get in!
Entre nesse carro, McClane.
- McClane, say hi to my brother Vito.
McClane, esse é o meu irmão Vito.
- Mr McClane? - Bob!
- Sr. McClane?
I got a fuckin'reindeer flying in here from the fuckin'petting zoo. But John McClane, he's got a little problem.
Mas o John McClane tem um probleminha.
Where's McCIane?
E o McClane?
- Are you out of your fuokin'mind?
- McClane, ficou louco?

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