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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ M ] / Mrs patmore

Mrs patmore tradutor Português

263 parallel translation
- Yes, Mrs Patmore.
- Tenho sim, Mrs. Patmore.
- Yes, Mrs Patmore.
- Servido, Mrs. Patmore.
- All lit, Mrs Patmore.
- Estão todas acesas, Mrs. Patmore.
- All ready, Mrs Patmore. If the water's boiled.
Estão, Mrs. Patmore, se a água tiver fervido.
Uh, Daisy, tell Mrs Patmore we'll eat in 15 minutes.
Daisy, diz a Mrs. Patmore que comemos daqui a 15 minutos.
No, Mrs Patmore.
- Não, Mrs. Patmore.
Yes, Mrs Patmore.
Sim, Mrs. Patmore!
It's just there, Mrs Patmore.
Está aqui, Mrs. Patmore.
Anyone wanting to poison his food would have to get pass Mrs Patmore.
Para envenenarem a comida dele teriam de passar por Mrs. Patmore.
- They're right in front of you, Mrs Patmore.
- Estão à sua frente, Mrs. Patmore.
I don't know what you mean, Mrs Patmore.
Não sei o que quer dizer, Mrs. Patmore.
You'd better come. Mrs Patmore's on the rampage.
Mrs. Patmore está em alvoroço.
We'd better go in without her, or it's not fair on Mrs Patmore.
É melhor começarmos sem ela, não é justo para Mrs. Patmore.
I'm trying to persuade Mrs Patmore to make it.
Tento convencer Mrs. Patmore a fazê-lo.
Mrs Patmore looks ready to eat her alive.
Mrs. Patmore parece prestes a comê-la viva.
Fains I be Mrs Patmore's kitchen maid when the news gets out.
Tenho pena da ajudante de Mrs. Patmore quando se souber.
Come on, everyone. Let's give Mrs Patmore some room to breathe.
Vamos dar espaço a Mrs. Patmore para ela respirar.
What do you think will happen to Mrs Patmore?
O que acha que acontecerá a Mrs. Patmore?
Mrs Patmore is very cruel to that poor girl.
Mrs. Patmore é muito cruel para com a pobre da rapariga.
Mrs Patmore is frightened.
- Mrs. Patmore está assustada.
You've never rung the dressing gong, and Mrs Patmore's doing a souffle for the first course.
Não tocou o sino para a muda de roupa, e Mrs. Patmore está a fazer um soufflé como primeiro prato.
I hate to spoil her ladyship's homecoming, but what are we going to do about Mrs Patmore?
Detesto estragar o regresso a casa da senhora, mas o que vamos fazer acerca de Mrs. Patmore?
So, what are you going to say to her ladyship about Mrs Patmore?
O que vai dizer à senhora acerca de Mrs. Patmore?
It's Mrs Patmore, milord.
Trata-se de Mrs. Patmore, meu senhor.
- I'll get it, Mrs Patmore!
- Eu tiro, Mrs. Patmore!
Ow! Here, sit down, Mrs Patmore.
- Sente-se, Mrs. Patmore.
Daisy, run and find Mrs Patmore.
Daisy, vai buscar Mrs. Patmore.
His lordship wants Mrs Patmore to go up to the library?
O senhor quer que Mrs. Patmore vá à biblioteca?
Mrs Patmore, milord.
Mrs. Patmore, meu senhor.
Your lordship, I know things haven't been quite right for a while, - but I can assure you... - Come in, Mrs Patmore.
Vossa Senhoria, sei que as coisas não estão bem há um tempo, mas posso garantir-lhe.
Mrs Patmore, I have not asked you here to give you your notice.
Mrs. Patmore, não a chamei aqui para despedi-la.
- Please, Mrs Patmore!
- Por favor, Mrs. Patmore.
Right, I must get on. I'm acting referee for Mrs Patmore and Mrs Bird.
Tenho de ir andando, vou ser o árbitro entre Mrs. Patmore e Mrs. Bird.
I'm used to getting it done with one kitchen maid, Mrs Patmore, but I suppose in a house like this you expect to take it easy.
Estou habituada a fazê-lo com uma ajudante de cozinha, Mrs. Patmore, mas imagino que numa casa como esta, se deva fazer as coisas com calma.
Mrs Patmore's the generalissimo.
Mrs. Patmore é o Generalíssimo.
- All right, Mrs Patmore?
Está bem, Mrs. Patmore?
I'm not sure Mrs Patmore would like that, Mr Carson.
Não sei se Mrs. Patmore gostaria disso, Mr.
Mrs Patmore was worried that they'd prefer Mrs Bird's cooking, and they wouldn't want her to come back. Is that likely?
Mrs. Patmore estava preocupada que preferissem a comida de Mrs. Bird e que não quisessem que voltasse.
Mrs Patmore, there's a lot to be done and you're only just up on your feet.
Mrs. Patmore, há muito a fazer e está a convalescer.
And Mrs Patmore's fighting fit again.
E Mrs. Patmore já está de volta à luta.
I think we should start the ices now. - If you agree, Mrs Patmore. - Certainly, Mrs Bird.
Acho que devíamos começar a pôr as coberturas, se concordar, Mrs. Patmore.
Oh, you can make fun of him, Mrs Patmore. But he's fighting for his king and country and I'm not.
Pode fazer troça dele, Mrs. Patmore, mas ele luta pelo Rei e pelo país e eu não.
Why don't you ask Mrs Patmore if she could give you one or two basic tips?
Peça a Mrs. Patmore se lhe pode dar uma ou duas dicas básicas.
She asked Mrs Patmore for some cooking lessons.
Pediu a Mrs. Patmore que lhe desse lições de culinária.
Her Ladyship had Mrs Patmore make this up for you.
Por ali. A senhora pediu a Mrs. Patmore que lhe fizesse isto, para poder comer alguma coisa durante o dia.
It's quite all right, Mrs Patmore.
Não há problema, Mrs. Patmore.
Mrs Patmore, it's worse than that.
Mrs. Patmore, é pior do que isso.
Mrs Patmore has had some bad news.
Mrs. Patmore recebeu más notícias.
It is all, Mrs Patmore.
É tudo, Mrs. Patmore.
- Yes, Mrs Patmore.
- Sim, Mrs. Patmore.
Poor Mrs Patmore.
Pobre Mrs. Patmore.

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