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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ O ] / Olinsky

Olinsky tradutor Português

124 parallel translation
The camera you see here, my dear students is the same one with which your principal, Gustav Olinsky fiilmed every one of his movies.
A câmara que estão a ver aqui, meus queridos alunos é a mesma com a qual o nosso director, Gustav Olinsky filmou todos os seus filmes.
Excuse me, Mr. Olinsky. I wanted to talk with you about something.
Professor Olinsky, desculpe mas quero dizer-lhe uma coisa.
Countess Orsini, Professor Olinsky told me that you worried about me because of the accident involving my family.
Condessa Orsini, o Professor Olinsky disse-me que... você se preocupou comigo depois do acidente que envolveu a minha família.
- Mister Olinsky called it...
- O professor Olinsky chamou-o...
Did Olinksy see it?
O Olinsky viu-o?
So I sent Gustav Olinsky to buy them all.
Então mandei o Gustav Olinsky para comprar tudo.
Well, Olinsky went mad about that script so I decided to produce the movie.
Bem, Olinsky ficou doido por esse roteiro... então decidi produzir o filme.
Olinsky was the director and Astolfi the cinematographer.
O Olinsky era o director e o Astolfi o director de fotografia.
Astolfi's son, Sebastiano, was Olinsky's assistant and his girlfriend acted as the experiment's guinea pig.
Sebastiano, filho de Astolfi era assistente do Olinsky e sua namorada interpretava a miúda da experiência.
- Professor Olinsky, Countess!
- Professor Olinsky, Condessa!
And when I'll show professor Olinsky what I have done the director's chair will be mine.
E quando mostrar ao professor Olinsky o que eu fiz... a cadeira do director será minha.
Detective Olinsky.
Detective Olinsky.
As soon as Olinsky gets here, we're gonna...
- Quando o Olinsky chegar, vamos...
- Nope. All right. When Olinsky gets in, you tell...
Quando o Olinsky chegar, digam...
- Olinsky, Olinsky!
- Olinsky, Olinsky!
- O and ruzek, move closer.
Olinsky e Ruzek, aproximem-se.
Olinsky, your daughter's school's on line four.
Olinsky, chamada da escola da tua filha, linha 4.
Alvin Olinsky.
Alvin Olinsky.
- I'll get Olinsky and Ruzek to set up on this tattoo shop. - Good work.
- É onde vendem as drogas.
Forward Porter's picture to Olinsky asap.
Manda a fotografia do Porter para o Olinsky imediatamente.
Halstead and Olinsky, move into position.
Halstead e Olinsky, assumam as vossas posições.
Hey, Olinsky, department's pushing back on these expense reports you turned in.
Olinsky, o Dept. vetou esse relatório de despesas que enviaste.
Olinsky, where are your non-suit reports?
- Porque não te preocupas...
Uh, haven't had the time.
- Olinsky, os teus relatórios?
Antonio... you, Olinsky, and Atwater take the front.
Antonio... tu, o Olinsky e o Atwater vão pela frente.
Jimmy, why don't we have you and your team bait a fake count house with Olinsky and me acting as bankers?
Jimmy, porque tu e a tua equipa não montam um Casino falso com o Olinsky e eu a actuar como crupiês?
Okay, Olinsky, radio it in.
Está bem, Olinsky, rádio pronto.
He was Olinsky's partner.
Ele era parceiro do Olinsky.
Two other officers said that there was, and that her last name was Olinsky.
Dois agentes disseram que havia e que o seu sobrenome era Olinsky.
Lexi Olinsky.
Lexi Olinsky.
It's for Olinsky.
É pelo Olinsky.
Olinsky's daughter saw the guy who shot him.
A filha do Olinsky viu o homem que atirou nele.
The look Olinsky gave me when he caught sight of one, it's like I'm Larry Flynt or something.
O olhar que o Olinsky me atirou quando viu uma, parecia que eu era o Larry Flynt.
Oh, you got no right. OLINSKY :
Não têm o direito!
Olinsky, you ID Sims?
Olinsky, identificaste o Sims?
- Alvin Olinsky.
- Olá, meu. - Olá.
Hey, Sean Roman.
- Este é o meu colega. - Alvin Olinsky.
- Detective Olinsky.
Olá, Oskar.
The guy who killed Olinsky's partner,
O mano que matou o parceiro do Olinsky,
Olinsky would.
O Olinsky é quem deve saber.
- Guys, this is detective olinsky.
Pessoal, este é o Detective Olinsky.
Where's Olinsky?
Onde está o Olinsky?
Someone needs to talk to Bembenek. Oh, Olinsky's already on that.
O Olinsky já está a tratar disso.
Olinsky knows the warden, says you know somebody in the sheriff's office who handles these things.
O Olinsky conhece o Director, disse que conheces alguém no escritório do delegado, que lida com isso.
Ruzek, you're with Antonio, Atwater with Olinsky.
Ruzek, vai com o Antonio, Atwater com o Olinsky.
Antonio and Olinsky are headed over there now.
O Antonio e o Olinsky, estão a caminho.
Where's Olinsky and Ruzek?
Onde está o Olinsky e o Ruzek?
I appreciate this, Detective Olinsky, sir.
Agradeço, Detective Olinsky.
Olinsky was with them.
O Olinsky estava com eles.
- Yeah.
- Detective Olinsky.

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