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Outskirts tradutor Português

297 parallel translation
At one of the out-of-the-way outskirts of Moscow.
Num dos subúrbios perdidos de Moscovo.
They were hiding him in a freight car on the outskirts of Paris.
Estava escondido num vagão de carga, perto de Paris.
Driving up in my car, I lost my way on the outskirts of the city, and suddenly... the landscape seemed so familiar to me.
Eu dirigia meu carro nos subúrbios da cidade. De repente a paisagem me pareceu familiar.
Three reached the outskirts of the town.
Três alcançaram a periferia da cidade.
Were about 150 kilometers to the outskirts of Kigali, and 150 kilometers of dead.
Foram uns 150km até chegar nas cercanias de Kigali. Eram 150km de cadáveres.
They take this little old house, right here in the outskirts, and they hole up.
Aqui. Eles ocupam esta casa velha, nos arredores, e defendem-na.
You take this little old house here in the outskirts and you hole up.
Toma esta casa aqui nos arredores e defende-a.
She was lying in the upper room of their villa in Italy on the outskirts of Rome.
Estava deitada no cenáculo da sua "villa" na Itália nos arredores de Roma.
For, in just a moment, mr. Jackie rhoades, whose life has been given over to fighting adversaries, will find his most formidable opponent in a cheap hotel room that is, in reality, the outskirts of the twilight zone.
Daqui a uns momentos, o sr. Jackie Rhoades, cuja sua vida tem sido dedicada a lutar contra adversários, vai encontrar, o seu mais formidável adversário, num quarto barato de hotel que é, na realidade, o limite,
Arthur castle, standing on the outskirts, and about to enter, the twilight zone.
Sr. e Sra. Arthur Castle, erguendo-se nos limites, e prestes a entrar, na quinta dimensão.
"French commandos driving inland from Sword... ... have reached the outskirts of Ouistreham."
Os comandos franceses que se deslocam para o interior desde Sword chegaram aos arredores de Ouistreham.
Of course, this is only the outskirts of the marshes, as you might say.
Claro, isto só são os arredores dos pântanos, por assim dizê-lo.
Newhall. That's on the outskirts.
De Newhall, nas arredores.
Meanwhile, on the city outskirts, Arthur told Odile how he once met a fellow who walked this way...
Enquanto nos boulevards exteriores Arthur contava a Odile que, um dia, se cruzou com alguém na rua que andava assim.
On the outskirts of milano is a control tower at the beginning of the traffic complex.
Nos arredores de Milão há uma torre de controlo no início da rede ferroviária.
From a tribe on the outskirts of Moscow.
De uma tribo nos arredores de Moscovo.
At least we should try to get you to the outskirts.
Devem tentar chegar aos arredores.
There were some fresh wagon tracks on the outskirts of town. That's all?
Existiam algumas trilhas de carroças nos arredores da cidade.
Someone left her on the outskirts of town about 2 months ago.
Alguém deixou os arredores da cidade há uns dois meses.
To find british ace don roberts. Early this morning, he finished combing the outskirts of lisbon
Huron tem agora menos de 12 horas para encontrar Don Roberts.
I live in the outskirts of Paris, near Batignolles.
Vivo nos arredores de Paris, perto de Batignolles.
I was going over 90 miles an hour through the outskirts of the town.
Andei a 150 km por hora pela cidade.
Early this morning, he finished combing the outskirts of lisbon
Esta manhã, acabou de varrer os arredores de Lisboa.
Last night, several security forces apprehended and placed in custody a number of servant apes from widely scattered households throughout the city, who had gathered clandestinely in the unused building on the outskirts of the East Sector.
Muitos dos seguranças prenderam alguns macacos empregados domésticos em várias partes da cidade, que se encontravam ontem à noite, clandestinamente num prédio abandonado nos arredores do Sector Leste.
Gamelin chose for quarter-general this château in Vincennes, in the outskirts of Paris.
Gamelin escolheu para quartel-general este château em Vincennes, nos arredores de Paris.
The biggest camp was built astride the main railway line from Cracow to Vienna, in the outskirts of the Polish town of Oswiecim -
O maior campo de todos foi erguido junto à principal linha férrea que ligava Cracóvia a Viena, nos arredores da cidade polonesa de Oswiecim.
But by the 21st, after tough fighting, the Americans reached the port's outskirts.
Mas no dia 21, depois de um duro combate, os americanos chegaram aos limites do porto.
On 6 August, the Canadians were on the outskirts of Falaise.
A 6 de Agosto, os canadianos estavam nos limites de Falaise.
The Germans continued in the outskirts of Leningrad.
Os alemães continuavam nos arredores de Leninegrado.
They blindfolded me, took me to the outskirts of town. That's all I know.
Eles taparam-me a cabeça e esconderam-me, é tudo o que sei.
With the peace, Corean orphans have found shelter, protection and food, thanks to charitable american foundations and the unconditional help of the government in Washington, which has build, on the outskirts of Seul, hospitals and rehabilitation centers.
Com a paz, os órfão coreanos encontraram refúgio, proteção e comida, graças as entidades beneficentes norte-americanas e o apoio do governo de Washington, que construiu no subúrbio de Seul hospitais e centros de reabilitação ;
When we break out of here we'll push on to Pitzkrieg Stalingrad and up to the outskirts of Moscow
Quando sairmos daqui, prosseguiremos com um ataque surpresa através de Estalinegrado até aos confins de Moscovo.
The outskirts of Rome lie deserted, leaving only banners hanging from the windows...
As zonas periféricas de Roma estão desertas. ficando apenas estandartes pendurados nas janelas...
Giant steps carry us into the outskirts of the galaxy.
Passos gigantes nos carregam para as beiradas da Galáxia
The fact that we live in the outskirts of the galaxy was discovered a long time ago towards the end of the First World War by a man named Harlow Shapley who was mapping the position of these clusters of stars.
O facto de vivermos nos arrabaldes da galáxia, foi descoberto há muito tempo atrás, próximo do fim da Primeira Guerra Mundial, por um homem chamado Harlow Shapley, que fazia o mapa das posições destes cachos de estrelas.
We live in the outskirts the globular clusters are centered around the marvelous middle of the Milky Way galaxy.
Vivemos nos arrabaldes, os cachos globulares estão centrados à volta, do maravilhoso centro da galáxia Via Láctea.
It's just hitting the outskirts of town.
Esta por todo povoado.
What about those big buildings on the outskirts of town?
E esses edifícios na orla da cidade?
There are some spacecraft hangars and large machine shops on the outskirts of town :
Existem hangares espaciais e oficinas de máquina nos arredores da cidade.
At German Army Headquarters in Zossen, on the outskirts of Berlin, the generals tensely wait for word from Brauchitsch.
No Quartel-General do Exército em Zossen, nos arredores de Berlim, os generais aguardam intensamente uma resposta de Brauchitsch.
His body was found on the outskirts of town.
O corpo foi encontrado na periferia. O que significa isso?
Acabam por não o perceber.
It's on the outskirts of Charleston.
Nos arredores de Charleston.
You know... On the outskirts I... I am restless person.
No exterior do planeta, estou inquieto.
I decided to visit the remains of a concentration camp on the outskirts of Munich : Dachau.
Visitei as ruínas de um campo de concentração... nos arredores de Munique, Dachau.
Sam, head for the outskirts.
Sam, vai aos subúrbios.
My command post reports they have commandeered a car on the western outskirts of the city.
Os meus postos de comando informaram-me que eles adquiriram um carro nos subúrbios ocidentais da cidade.
By dawn, our troops will be on the outskirts of Washington.
Ao amanhecer, as nossas tropas estarão às portas de Washington.
These are photographs of an abandoned property on the outskirts of town.
São as fotos de uma propriedade abandonada fora da vila.
Inside the fish was a note that gave the address 99 Kinderstrasse, where my relatives were hiding in a basement on the outskirts of Berlin.
Dentro do peixe estava uma nota que dava a morada 99 Kinderstrasse, onde os meus parentes se escondiam na cave nos arredores de Berlim.
On the outskirts of smolensk.
Gulliver, nos arredores de Smolensk.

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