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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ P ] / Put him out of his misery

Put him out of his misery tradutor Português

102 parallel translation
Come on, Seurat, put him out of his misery.
Vá lá, Seurat, acaba com o sofrimento dele.
How many times have you said yourself it would be an act of mercy to put him out of his misery.
Quantas vezes disseste que seria um ato de misericórdia livrá-lo do seu sofrimento.
I had to put him out of his misery.
Tive de acabar com o sofrimento dele.
We just put him out of his misery.
Apenas acabei com o seu sofrimento.
Just say the word. I'd love to put him out of his misery.
Dê a ordem. Adoraria pôr um fim na sua miséria.
I just put him out of his misery!
Eu só acabei com o sofrimento!
- Put him out of his misery, Joe.
- Vais perdoar-lhe Joe?
The main thing is that we put him out of his misery.
O principal é que o tirámos do seu sofrimento.
He is hoping I'll put him out of his misery!
Espera que eu acabe com o seu sofrimento!
So we could do him a favor and put him out of his misery.
Podíamos fazer-lhe um favor e pôr fim à sua desdita.
Someone really should just put him out of his misery.
Quem me dera que alguém o despachasse de vez.
Someone really should just... put him out of his misery.
Quem dera que alguém o despachasse de vez.
- Someone should put him out of his misery.
Fugiu da batalha! Mereceu morrer!
We should put him out of his misery right now.
Vai ficar nesta cova com ele durante três horas.
- Put him out of his misery!
I mean it. Not one of us is safe until we find out who this motherfucker is and put him out of his misery. Mr. Tai, don't worry.
Ninguém está seguro, até sabermos quém diabo é este tipo... e o eliminemos.
Should we put him out of his misery?
Também devíamos matá-lo?
So put him out of his misery
Então, acaba-lhe com a miséria.
I say we put him out of his misery!
Eu diria para lhe acabarmos com o sofrimento. Não!
Someone really should just put him out of his misery.
Quem dera que alguém despachasse o gajo de vez.
Someone really should just put him out of his misery.
Quem dera que alguém o despachasse de vez.
The fucker was an epileptic, so I put him out of his misery.
O cabrão era epiléptico, por isso só acabei com a sua desgraça.
Maybe we should put him out of his misery. - Fuck his misery.
Era melhor acabar com o sofrimento dele.
If I put him out of his misery now, there'll be nothing to decide.
Terminar com o seu sofrimento não há nada a decidir.
I was just gonna put him out of his misery.
Eu apenas ia acabar com o sofrimento dele
Why don't you just put him out of his misery right now?
Porque é que não acabas com o sofrimento dele agora?
- First I'm gonna put him out of his misery. - No. No!
Primeiro, vou acabar com o sofrimento dele.
Can't we just put a pillow over his head and put him out of his misery?
Não podemos simplesmente por uma almofada na cara dele e acabar-lhe com a miséria?
Now, finish this. Put him out of his misery and come with me.
Acaba com o sofrimento dele e vem comigo.
Can't you put him out of his misery?
Não podes praticar eutanásia?
If eating is what this man lives for, we should put him out of his misery.
Se este homem vive para comer, devemos acabar com o sofrimento dele.
I put him out of his misery.
Acabei com o sofrimento dele.
- Say yes. - Put him out of his misery.
- Tira-o desta miséria.
The final curtain for that life and that Ed Bigelow. I took that coward who was afraid to size himself up for what he really was and put him out of his misery.
A última cortina para aquela vida, aquele Ed Bigelow... peguei no cobarde que tinha medo de enfrentar quem realmente era e tirei-o da sua miséria.
He put him out of his misery like a sick dog.
Acabou com o seu sofrimento como um cão doente.
Put him out of his misery.
Pára com a agonia dele.
- this is incredibly sweet, but I think I should probably put him out of his misery.
- Isto é muito querido, mas acho que vou ali acabar com a miséria dele.
Who'd put him out of his misery, ladies and gentlemen?
Quem deseja colocá-lo fora de seu miséria, Senhoras e Senhores Deputados?
I think it's time we put him out of his misery.
Está na altura de acabar com o sofrimento dele.
Put him out of his misery.
Acaba com ele.
- We can put him out of his misery.
- Temos de acabar com o seu sofrimento.
Put him out of his misery before he turns into a ghoul.
Acaba com ele antes que se transforme num morto-vivo.
Put him out of his misery.
Para por fora da sua miséria.
Put him out of his misery.
Tirá-lo da sua miséria.
Put him out of his misery.
Acaba com a sua penúria.
Put him out of his misery.
Acaba-Ihe com o sofrimento!
I'd put him out of his misery.
Acabava com a sua miséria.
Some day with any luck somebody will put him out of his misery.
Algum dia, com sorte... Alguém acabará com a sua miséria.
I couldn't even put him out of his misery.
Eu não pude nem livrá-lo da sua dor.
Put him out of his fucking misery!
- Anda daí, meu!
I'll put him out of his misery!
- Falas a sério? - Filho da puta!

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