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She did that tradutor Português

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No one could give me an answer, like, "She did this" or "She did that."
Ninguém me podia dar uma resposta tipo, "Ela fez isso" ou "Ela fez aquilo"
She did that for us.
Ela fez isso por nós.
- Yeah, she did that.
- Pois, ela fez isso. - Óptimo.
Because it seemed to me you were a little upset that she didn't have the same, feelings for you as she did for her husband, or even your wife.
Porque pareceu que estava magoado por ela não ter os mesmos sentimentos por si que tinha pelo marido ou mesmo pela sua esposa.
You left out that she just did a deal with Roger Furlong and is becoming semi-dependent on antidepressants.
- Escapou-te o acordo com o Furlong e a dependência de antidepressivos.
She sent me an e-mail. It did not say much, only that she is safe.
Não dizia muito, só que está em segurança.
So don't come in here telling me that I'm taking something out on Harvey's client, because I'll tell you something- - she did this.
Por isso não me venhas cá dizer que estou a descarregar na cliente do Harvey, porque uma coisa te garanto, ela é culpada.
How did she know that I have the ring?
Como ela sabia que eu estava com o anel?
Did she really say that?
Ela disse mesmo isso?
She decides that I did something wrong and gives me the business, and then I apologize, and I give her the business.
Ela decide que eu fiz algo de errado e dá-me um sermão, e depois, eu peço desculpa, e eu dou-lhe o "sermão".
Well, did you give Tessa her stuffed turtle? Because she can't sleep without that thing.
Deu a tartaruga empalhada à Tessa?
Because if she did manage to stand on her own two feet, that would mean she could walk away.
Porque se ela puder erguer-se sozinha, então, ela pode-se ir embora.
She's devastated, my daughter, wondering what she did wrong, how she failed you, tearing herself up as if this is her fault when the truth is, you're the one that can't find his own ass with both hands.
Ela está arrasada. Ela pergunta-se onde errou, onde falhou, chora como se fosse culpa dela. A verdade é que você só não perde a cabeça porque está colada ao corpo.
♪ That I ever did see ♪ that I ever did see ♪ she was born in Jackson, baby ♪
# Ela nasceu em Jackson, querida
Did she conceal from you the fact... that she was sleeping with Congressman Brody?
Escondeu-lhe o facto que dormia com o congressista Brody?
Is that what she did?
Foi o que ela fez?
I was so mad at God that I did exactly the opposite of what he / she was telling me to do.
Estava tão zangada com Deus que fiz exactamente o oposto do que Ele / Ela me estava a dizer para fazer.
The baby-sitter called and said that you were in the hospital, so I rounded the kids up and told them to prepare for the worst. - She did say that.
A ama ligou e disse que estavas no hospital, eu juntei as crianças e disse para se preparem para o pior.
How did she find that out? She's been chasing human traffickers. Ones with connection to the Shop.
Ela anda à procura de traficantes de pessoas ligados à Oficina.
[Vic] Well, if she did, then she could have learned something that she shouldn't have.
Se ela fazia isso, pode ter descoberto algo que não deveria.
Did she go to China for that tea?
Ela foi buscar o chá à China?
Why did she give me that look on the way out?
Porque me lançou aquele olhar à saída?
What if that was a favor she did for Cece, and that creepy dude was Wilden?
E se ela fez esse favor à Cece e o tipo assustador era o Wilden?
Lou, how could you do that after what she did to Ty?
Lou, como pôde fazer isso depois do que ela fez com Ty?
- That's why she did it.
- Foi por isso que ela fez aquilo.
Did it ever occur to you that, if she's cold enough to kill off opposition to her pipeline, she's cold enough to pull off lying to the press?
Já te ocorreu que, se ela é fria o suficiente para assassinar os que se opunham ao oleoduto, é fria o suficiente para conseguir mentir à imprensa?
She got us to cross the line, making believe that she did.
Ela fez-nos atravessar a linha, fazendo-nos querer que o tinha feito.
Did Connie know that she wasn't going to get anything?
A Connie sabia que não ia ter direito a nada?
I did tell Ruth that it's still highly unlikely she'll succeed.
E eu, efectivamente, disse à Ruth que, mesmo assim, é pouco provável que consiga.
Did you also read that she'd had her baby taken away?
Também leste que lhe retiraram o bebé?
Well, you're not getting her out, because she did it, and yesterday your own colleague said that she did it.
Bem, a ela não a vais libertar, porque ela é culpada e ontem o teu próprio colega disse isso mesmo.
Uh, she might still be able to tell us something about the people that did this.
Ela ainda nos pode dizer algo sobre as pessoas que fizeram isto.
Aye, That she did.
Sim, é verdade.
Did he tell you that, uh, offering her the job has nothing to do with their past relationship, all due respect to you, and that she-she's the only person for the position?
Ele disse-te que, uh, a oferta de emprego que lhe fez nada tem a ver com o antigo relacionamento que eles tiveram, com todo o respeito por ti, e que ela seria a única pessoa capaz de ocupar tal posição?
Something. The point is, it is good that she did not take that job, trust me.
O que quero dizer é, foi bom ela não ter aceite aquele trabalho, acredita.
So, in the messages that she passed on to that reporter, Vanessa Hiskie, did... she never referred to Kleinfelter by name?
Então, nas mensagens que ela entregou àquela repórter, a Vanessa Hiskie, nunca se referiu ao Kleinfelter pelo nome dele?
She did not know that when she went off to save the world, I was here, falling in love with her brother.
Ela não sabia que quando foi embora salvar o mundo, eu estava aqui, a apaixonar-me pelo irmão dela.
Did you know that she was in love with him?
Sabias que ela estava apaixonada por ele?
I meant she did a fertility spell for me that made it possible.
Quero dizer que ela fez-me um feitiço de fertilidade que tornou isso possível.
Did you know that she bought Nolan Ross'new home?
Sabias que ela comprou uma casa nova ao Nolan Ross?
She had to go because of some things that she did here.
Teve de partir, por causa dumas coisas que fez cá.
Did you threaten to tell Madame that she was moonlighting for Renee?
Ameaçou contar que estava a fazer biscates para a Renee?
Did Louisa mention that she had any travel plans?
A Louisa falou em planos de viagem?
That's when she did it.
Foi então que ela o matou.
Did she tell them about that, the new truth? Don't... don't... don't...
- Ela falou-lhes sobre isso, sobre a nova verdade?
Did she say that?
Ela disse isso?
That she did.
Foi mesmo.
I knew that, and my mother knew that, and she did what she thought was right.
Eu sabia, a minha mãe sabia, e ela fez o que achou certo.
You did get hurt'cause Rosa punched you. And the fact that Rosa punched you means she does not like you.
Magoaste-te porque a Rosa te bateu e isso quer dizer que não gosta de ti.
I think she did care that he cheated on her.
Acho que ela se importou, de ele a trair.
Maybe that acid-free sleeve she was carrying did contain something important, like the letter that Nixon wrote confirming the presence of aliens, or even a map that reveals...
Talvez o saco contra ácidos que ela tinha tivesse alguma coisa importante, como a carta que Nixon escreveu a confirmar extraterrestres ou até um mapa que mostre...

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