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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ S ] / She got what she deserved

She got what she deserved tradutor Português

55 parallel translation
She got what she deserved.
É verdade que ela não merecia melhor.
She got what she deserved.
Ela mereceu isto.
She got what she deserved, dating an attending.
Teve o que merecia ao andar com um supervisor.
You know what, she torpedoed my case, she got what she deserved.
Que quer de mim? Sabe que mais? Ela minou o meu caso.
- You know, that movie where she got what she deserved. - [Gasps]
Aquele filme em que teve o que mereceu.
You know what, she torpedoed my case, she got what she deserved.
Brody Miller.. usou essa tragédia para tirar o Rob do seu caminho.
That daft cow. She got what she deserved.
Fanny, maldita vaca, ela mereceu o que aconteceu.
Then she got what she deserved.
Então, teve o que merecia.
Mom would still be alive. Did you ever think maybe she got what she deserved?
Não achas que ela talvez tenha tido o que merecia?
Well, let's just say, she got what she deserved.
Digamos apenas que ela teve o que merecia.
Well, she got what she deserved, which was you.
Bem, ela teve o que merecia, que eras tu.
Minny. She got what she deserved, Aibileen.
Ela teve o que merecia, Aibileen.
Yeah, she's a freakin'cannibal, and she got what she deserved.
Ela é uma maldita canibal, e teve aquilo que merecia.
She got what she deserved.
Ela teve o que merecia.
Chucky - - she got what she deserved.
A Chucky teve o que merecia.
She got what she deserved.
Teve o que mereceu.
Nonsense, she got just what she deserved.
Disparate, ela teve o que merecia.
I daresay she deserved what she got.
A velha malvada. Parece que mereceu o que teve.
He said Aunt Maggie was a real bitch and got what she deserved.
Disse que a tia Maggie era uma cabra e teve aquilo que merecia.
And you know something, as much as this pains you, no matter what Tracy was doing behind your back, she got a hell of a lot worse than she deserved. Did I?
E sabe, por mais que isto lhe doa não importa o que Tracy estava fazendo nas suas costas a conseqüência foi muito pior do que ela merecia.
That cunt just got what she deserved.
Aquela puta recebeu o que merecia.
Your mother deserved a better fate than what she got.
A tua mãe merecia um melhor destino que aquele que teve.
She was messin` around and she deserved what she got.
Estava se metendo com meu marido. Ela mereceu.
She was messin` around with my husband and she deserved what she got.
Jessica estava se metendo com meu marido. Ela mereceu.
I guess she got what she deserved.
- Teve o que mereceu.
He hates us! Puja got what she deserved.
A Puja só teve o que merecia.
She just got what she deserved.
Ela só teve o que merecia.
She deserved what she got.
Ela mereceu o que lhe aconteceu.
And one got exactly what she deserved.
Ela matou-se devido ao que fez àquela pobre bebé. E uma recebeu exactamente... o que merecia.
What the she deserved whatever she got.
Mas que...? ... ela teve o que mereceu.
That bitch deserved what she got.
Aquela cadela mereceu o que recebeu.
She deserved none of what she wanted and all of what she got in the end.
Ela merecia nada do que queria e tudo o que acabou por ter.
- It's okay that people think she deserved what she got?
Não faz mal as pessoas pensarem que ela teve o que merecia?
He would say that the bitch got what she deserved, and that she was the meanest, most evil, most devious person that he ever met.
Ele diria que a cabra teve o que merecia e que ela era a pior pessoa, a mais desonesta que alguma vez conheceu.
She got what he deserved?
Ela teve o que merecia?
- Is that why you said mom got what she deserved?
- É isso que queria dizer?
Dyl's much better with the camera, and Marley... Deserved what she got, pious little bitch.
E a Marley... mereceu o que teve, aquela cabra hipócrita.
Said she would stand by me and make sure he got what he deserved.
Disse que me ajudava e fazia ele receber o que merecia.
Do you believe that Heather Taffet got what she deserved?
Acreditas que a Heather Taffet teve o que merecia?
He got what he deserved... and so did she.
Ele levou o que merecia... - e ela também.
But I was just another hooker who got what she deserved.
Mas era apenas mais uma prostituta que teve aquilo que merecia.
The potion inflicted its cruel justice, and she got what she richly deserved. But her body was never found.
A poção fez justiça cruel e ela teve o que merecia, mas o corpo nunca foi encontrado.
Julia Howard got exactly what she deserved.
A Julia Howard teve exactamente o que merecia.
And as far as I'm concerned, she already got what she deserved.
E, até onde sei, teve aquilo que mereceu.
- Skank got what she deserved! - Hey, just stay back!
- Afaste-se!
She got what she deserved.
Ela teve o que mereceu.
Look, the-the truth is... is that Helen got what she deserved.
Olhe, a verdade é que a Helen teve o que mereceu.
You think she deserved what she got?
Acha que ela teve aquilo que merecia?
Bitch got what she deserved, man. - Shit.
- A cabra teve o que merecia.
Nina was a stone-cold bitch who got what she deserved.
- Sim. Ela era uma verdadeira cabra que teve o que merecia.
The bitch got what she deserved, Madam Secretary, and you know it.
Aquela puta teve o que mereceu, Madam Secretary, e você sabe disso.

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