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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ S ] / She was all right

She was all right tradutor Português

311 parallel translation
It said nothing except that she was all right.
Não dizia mais nada, a não ser que estava bem.
- She was all right.
- Não era ruim.
Maybe she was all right and maybe Christmas comes in July. But I didn't believe it.
Talvez ela fosse legal... talvez o Natal fosse em julho, mas eu não acreditava.
I just wanted to be sure she was all right.
Só quero ter a certeza de que ela está bem.
- No, but she was all right. It was him.
Nada de mais.
She was all right.
Ela ficou boa.
If only I knew she was all right.
Se soubesse que ela estava bem.
She was all right... but my favorite is Rita Hayworth.
Ela era boa, mas a minha favorita é a Rita Hayworth.
She was all right.
Ela não era má.
Al, when I last spoke to San Juan, they said they thought she was all right.
A última vez que falei com San Juan, disseram que ela estava bem.
A minha Ingrid já teria ligado, se ela estivesse bem.
She was all right, and the baby, a little girl, was alive.
Ela estava bem e o bebé, uma menina, estava viva.
I went to see if she was all right... and then Mr. Morrissey came out of his house.
Fui ver se ela estava bem e foi quando o Sr. Morrissey saiu de casa.
In the first place, a little old lady disappears. Everyone that saw her promptly insists that she was never there at all. - Right?
Uma velhota desaparece, todos os que a viram insistem em que ela nunca lá esteve, certo?
- Was she... Were they all right?
Estavam bem?
She was yare, all right.
Era mesmo lesto.
She wrote and said everything was all right.
Escreveu-me e disse-me que estava tudo bem.
No, no, Gus, she was real enough all right.
Ela era bastante real.
No, she's all right, but the man was killed, and the police are here.
Ela está bem, mas o homem foi morto e a polícia está cá.
She was smart, all right.
Ela foi inteligente, sim.
All right then, you admit you were waiting for your ex-wife the night she was killed?
Então, tudo bem, admite que estava à espera da sua ex-esposa, na noite em que foi morta?
Oh, she was in Europe, all right, before the murder and just after.
Ela estava na Europa, de facto, antes do assassinato e logo depois.
All right, she found out, but why tell her it was you?
Tudo bem, ela descobriu, mas por que dizer que era você?
She was high all right.
Estava tonta.
I wanted to box, the way I have... I was already in love with it, and that's why some ladies asked if I would let them raise her, so I let them, because I didn't want to ruin my daughter's happiness... I knew she would be all right with those ladies, and I couldn't do anything more for her.
Eu queria seguir o boxe como segui e já tinha amor à arte e foi por isso que me pediram se deixava criá-la e eu deixei, para não estragar a felicidade dela, porque sabia que a vida dela na mão daquelas senhoras que estava bem
She was tellin'the truth all right.
Ela contou a verdade.
When the phone rang, she ran to the phone, picked up the receiver... and she never asked her husband if he was all right.
Quando o telefone tocou, ela correu para ele, pegou no auscultador e... Nem perguntou ao marido se ele estava bem.
Well she was a terrific actress all right.
Era uma óptima actriz.
But it never did work, She kept right on being Ma' Which was all right, since we loved her a whole lot
Continuava sempre a ser a mãe, o que não era mau, porque gostava muito dela, tal e qual como era.
That's right. She said someone did call her asking about Mr. Hunt... but all she did was refer him to the Press Office... and she denies that...
Diz que alguém lhe telefonou a fazer perguntas sobre o Sr. Hunt... e ela pô-lo em contacto com o Gabinete de lmprensa.
- Was she all right?
- Ela estava bem?
I spoke to Mrs Fawlty. She said it was all right.
Falei com a Sra. Fawlty e ela não se importou.
Why would I... All right, if you really want to know, I came to apologise for the incident just now, when I thought she was that girl in Johnson's room, you know, when I put my hand on the...
Se queres saber a verdade, vim pedir desculpa pelo que aconteceu, por a ter confundido com a do quarto do Johnson, quando pus a mão...
- No. - She was on the run, all right, but it wasn't some penny-ante bullshit, was it?
Sim, estava a tentar fugir, mas não foi uma coisa simples, pois não?
She was a cute one, all right.
Ela era muito bonita, era mesmo.
And then there was love, yeah, yeah she was in love all right
E depois, havia o amor.
She wanted to know if I was all right.
Ela queria saber se eu estava bem.
I was minding my own business. She drove her car into my truck. All right?
Eu andava na minha vida e ela atirou com o carro para cima da furgoneta.
Are you all right? - Why was she troubling you like that?
Porque é que ela estava a chatear-te assim?
- Was she feelin'all right last night?
- Ela sentia-se bem na noite passada?
So, she was perfectly all right.
Então, ela estava perfeitamente bem.
I was stuck with Amy for a while. She's all right.
Eu fiquei preso com a Amy por um bocado.
She said that was all right and I was to take the other away.
- De quem era o outro? - Não tinha cartão.
Yeah, she was a tiger, all right.
Sim, era um verdadeiro tigre.
I knew who she was, all right?
Sabia quem ela era, está bem?
Was she all right?
Estava bem?
She was perfectly all right last night.
Tem muitos altos e baixos.
That she thought Brenda Lee was all right because she turned down a date with Ricky Nelson,
Que achava que a Brenda Lee era fixe porque tinha recusado um encontro com o Ricky Nelson.
My parents told me that before she died, she was talkin'about her kids... and all she wanted was to make sure that her kids were all right. And she sang that song.
Os meus pais disseram-me que, antes de morrer, ela estava a falar dos filhos dela, e tudo o que queria no mundo era certificar-se de que estavam bem, e cantou essa canção.
- All right. I heard that she was seriously cute.
- Ouvi dizer que ela é uma graça.
If you had to do it all over again I mean, if she was here right now would you tell her?
Se tivesses de repetir tudo, quer dizer, se ela estivesse aqui agora... dir-lhe-ias?

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