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Shitting tradutor Português

1,131 parallel translation
Then why are you shitting in your panties like a little Miss Smart Guy.
Então porque te estás a borrar todo como um Chico esperto?
You think I'm shitting you?
Achas que estou a gozar contigo?
- You gotta be shitting me.
- Devem estar a gozar...
What are you shitting on about, man?
- Que é que'tás p'aí a dizer?
You've got to be shitting me.
Estas a gozar-me.
You're shitting your pants.
Estás a borrar-te todo.
Hairdressers are shitting themselves.
Os barbeiros cagam-se de medo.
Everybody shitting bricks, especially Cyrus.
Todos estavam envolvidos, principalmente o Cyrus.
He was shitting and coughing and it didn't smell good.
Ele esteve a cagar e a tossir. Não cheirava bem.
I was shitting bricks there, to be honest.
Estava todo acagaçado, sinceramente.
Are you shitting me?
Estás a gozar!
He was terrified. He was shitting himself.
Estava muito acagaçado.
-.. and you all start shitting your pants. - Shut up.
- Cala-te.
Yes, he was indeed, some cocaine straight through the nose, oh, no, wait, maybe he was pissing, no, shitting,
Sim, snifou certamente, alguma cocaína, directamente pelo nariz, Não, espera, talvez ele estivesse a mijar, não a cagar,
- You're shitting me.
- Está-me jodiendo. - Não,
You're shitting me!
Estás a gozar comigo?
You said he's been shitting on you for years.
Disseste que há anos que ele caga em cima de ti.
- You're shitting me.
- Estás a gozar comigo.
You shitting me?
Estás a gozar comigo?
You're shitting me.
- Estás a gozar. - Não.
You're shitting me.
Estás-me a gozar.
You're shitting me, right?
- Estás a brincar, não estás?
You've gotta be shitting me!
Você deve estar brincando comigo
You gotta be shitting me.
Só pode ser no gozo!
I want them to stop shitting their pants.
Quero que deixem de cagar as calças!
I'd be shitting through a tube for the rest of my life.
Eu passaria a cagar por um tubo o resto da minha vida.
They're shitting again.
Alguém está a fazer merda.
Are you shitting me?
Estás a gozar comigo?
You're shitting me. Leon's also a gazillionaire.
O Leon também é multimilionário.
We're Microsoft NeanderthaIs addicted to surfing netIand shitting in our nests.
Somos Neandertalianos da Microsoft viciados no surf á Netlândia, a cagar nos nossos ninhos.
Oh, you got to be shitting me!
Devem estar a gozar comigo!
They're shitting inside here, dude!
Ainda aqui está um porco!
You've got to be shitting me.
Deves estar a gozar comigo.
You must be shitting me!
Deve estar a gozar comigo!
We're all shitting gold.
Estamos todos a cagar ouro.
You're shitting me.
Estás a enganar-me.
We've got them shitting in their pants.
É porque têm medo de nós.
You're shitting me! We just came through there!
Viemos de lá agora!
You're shitting me big time.
Estão a gozar comigo.
When cholera hits the ghettoes, and typhoid your tattoos won't protect you from shitting your guts out until you dry up and die.
quando a cólera e o tifo se espalharem pelos guetos as tatuagens não vos impedirão de defecarem as tripas até secarem e morrerem.
Are you shitting me?
Estás-me a gozar?
. Crazy shitting everywhere? .
Tão a cagar loucamente em todos lugares!
Tical shitting'again Spittin'to win
Tical shittin'again Spittin'to win
Villains spend their lives shitting themselves that other criminals are going to see to them.
Os vilões passam a vida acagaçados de que outros criminosos lhes limpem o sebo.
You've gotta be shitting me.
Deves estar a gozar comigo.
I'd have done her, but that would be shitting on your own doorstep.
Tinha-a comido, mas assim estaria a lixar-me.
Office romances. It's like shitting on your own doorstep.
Casos no escritório são como cagar na nossa própria entrada.
You're shitting me.
Não me gozes.
- Fucking Gigi, are you shitting me?
O Gigi? ! Estás a brincar?
It's been pissing and shitting in the bougainvillea.
Tem andado por aí a mijar e a cagar.
Eight ball, is this guy bull-shitting me?
Bola 8, este tipo está a gozar comigo?

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