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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ S ] / Spoke

Spoke tradutor Português

11,395 parallel translation
Elias spoke well of you, John.
O Elias falava muito bem de ti, John.
I rarely spoke to anyone... except for the babies, who would come and go.
Raramente falava com alguém exceto os bebés, que vinham e iam.
You're one of the boys that she spoke to.
É um dos rapazes com quem ela falava.
I didn't know you spoke Japanese, bro!
Não sabia que falavas japonês, mano!
Oh, and, June, I spoke to Carl Belanger at Stanford...
June, falei com o Carl Belanger de Stanford.
You spoke to them directly?
Falou directamente com eles?
Your father spoke to Max last night.
O teu pai falou com Max ontem à noite.
I spoke to your father.
Falei com o teu pai.
Elvina spoke well.
Elvina falou bem.
I spoke to the warden.
Falei com o Director da prisão.
After the way you spoke with me the other day?
Depois da forma como falaste comigo no outro dia?
I was wondering if you might be feeling as firm and articulate today as you were the other day when we spoke.
Estava aqui a pensar se se sentiria tão resoluta e eloquente hoje, como se sentia no outro dia, quando falamos.
When God spoke to me, He told me to save souls.
Quando Deus falou comigo, Ele disse-me para salvar almas.
I spoke the truth.
Eu disse a verdade.
We spoke about it at the park.
Falamos sobre isso no parque.
When you spoke with my partner you said you believe the man who was responsible was innocent.
Quando falou com o meu colega você disse que acredita que o homem que era responsável era inocente.
I... spoke with her in the village the last time I was here.
Falei com ela na vila na última vez que cá estive.
And so the word spoke to us, and told us to stand up!
E então a palavra falou connosco e disse-nos para nos erguermos!
Rosalind spoke highly of you.
A Rosalind falou-me muito bem de si.
He spoke?
Ele falou?
We spoke to witnesses at Serranos, followed the road that they drove on, but weren't able to find them, or anything criminal in nature.
Falamos com testemunhas no Serranos, seguimos o caminho por onde eles seguiram, mas não fomos capazes de encontra-los, ou qualquer coisa de natureza criminal.
We spoke to Susie's father, Randall.
Falamos com o pai da Susie, Randall.
That way, we can review or interview any guests they may have spoke to.
Assim, conseguimos avaliar ou entrevistar qualquer convidado com quem eles falaram.
I just spoke to John's parents, who said that he and the missus were complete opposites.
Acabei de falar com os pais do John, que disseram que ele e a esposa são pessoas totalmente diferentes.
And he was tan and spoke Creole, so he was definitely local.
Ele era bronzeado e falava Creole, então é definitivamente local.
Claire and I spoke at length, Mother.
- A Claire e eu discutimos isto, mãe.
Doris said her daughter spoke out of turn, that she didn't know about the deal she was brokering with Underwood.
A Doris disse que a filha falou sem autorização, sem saber do acordo entre ela e o Underwood.
- I spoke to him myself, personally.
Eu mesma falei com ele. Pessoalmente.
- We spoke to him.
- Falámos com ele.
I just spoke to Eddie's parents, ma'am.
Acabei de falar com os pais do Eddie.
We spoke.
Já falei com ele.
The other night, didn't you tell me that Jesus spoke to you personally?
No outro dia, não me disseste que Jesus falou contigo pessoalmente?
Did you or did you not tell me that Jesus spoke to you personally?
Disseste-me ou não que Jesus falou contigo?
I spoke to my uncle and he has agreed to let us have the estate for the wedding.
Falei com o meu tio e ele concordou em ceder-nos a propriedade para o casamento.
I spoke to my mom's lawyer. He has agreed to come down here go to station with you.
Falei com o advogado da minha mãe e ele concordou em vir até cá, e ir à esquadra contigo.
Mother, this is Nergüi, the friend of Batbayer I spoke of.
Mãe, esta é a Nergüi, a amiga do Batbayer de que te falei.
You spoke to her.
Falaste com ela.
I felt it was vital we spoke before you upcoming stone ceremony.
Achei por bem conversarmos antes da cerimónia da pedra.
You know, I, um, I spoke with, with Will Perkins.
Sabes, falei com... com o Will Perkins.
Back on the mountain, we spoke to a historian who was assigned to us.
Quando estávamos na montanha, falámos com o historiador que nos foi destacado.
He had seen someone and he spoke to him.
Viu alguém e falou com ele.
So, he went inside the volcano and he saw Him, and he spoke to Him.
Então, ele entrou no vulcão, viu-O e falou com Ele.
Annabelle never spoke of him as being violent.
A Annabelle nunca me disse que o marido era um homem violento.
We barely spoke.
Mal falámos.
I spoke lowly.
Falei humildemente.
I saw that abyss you spoke about, very scary, but so tempting.
Eu vi o abismo de que falaste, bastante assustador, mas tão tentador.
I spoke with Commissioner Gordon before I came in here.
Eu falei com o Comissário Gordon antes de vir aqui.
I spoke to the landlord and it's available, should we want it.
Falei com o senhorio e está disponível se a quisermos.
I spoke with the Clave.
Falei com a Clave.
And then God spoke to me.
E Deus falou comigo.
God just spoke to me.
Deus falou comigo.

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