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Taylor swift tradutor Português

148 parallel translation
Ladies and gentlemen, please give it up for our friend Taylor swift, everybody!
Senhoras e Senhores, por favor aplausos para o nosso amigo Taylor Swift, toda a gente!
Ladies and gentlemen, Taylor swift!
Senhoras e Senhores, Taylor Swift!
Taylor Swift.
Taylor Swift.
Some girls just can't resist my good looks my style and my charm and my unflinching ability to listen to Taylor Swift.
Algumas raparigas não conseguem resistir à minha beleza, ao meu estilo, ao meu encanto e à minha capacidade inabalável de ouvir Taylor Swift.
Plus, Lady Gaga forgot to change her hair when she came back as Taylor Swift.
Depois, a Lady Gaga não trocou a peruca quando voltou como Taylor Swift.
she said the same thing about Taylor Swift and that Twilight kid.
Ela disse o mesmo sobre a Taylor Swift e o gajo do "Crepúsculo".
- Yeah. Taylor Swift's Mine.
- Sim. "Mine", da Taylor Swift.
La! You're a Taylor Swift fan?
És fã da Taylor Swift?
Dad, Gina got tickets for Taylor Swift!
A Gina arranjou bilhetes para a Taylor Swift!
Taylor swift.
Taylor Swift.
Mmm. Too Taylor swift.
Muito Taylor Swift.
Put down that guitar and stop singing like Taylor Swift.
Larga o viola e pára de cantar como a Taylor Swift.
For a night with Taylor Swift?
Para uma noite com Taylor Swift?
It was the first time he had ever been in the Garden, and we got invited to meet Taylor Swift at her sold-out show, the first time she'd ever sold out the Garden.
Era a primeira vez dele no Garden. Fomos convidados para nos reunirmos com a Taylor Swift no concerto esgotado, na primeira vez que ela encheu o Garden.
Do you have Taylor Swift?
Tem Taylor Swift?
I do a killer Taylor Swift.
Faço uma óptima Taylor Swift.
Taylor Swift is hot.
- Taylor Swift é linda. - Sim.
Uh, well, if belting out Taylor swift lyrics At the top of your lungs in front
Se dançar e cantar como louca à frente do pessoal do 4chan for uma loucura
I'm no Taylor Swift.
Não sou o Taylor Swift.
Mm. Think Kelly Clarkson, not Taylor Swift.
Pensa na Kelly Clarkson, não na Taylor Swift.
Let me guess... did it have something to do with a certain Taylor Swift concert this Thursday night?
Deixa-me adivinhar. Teve algo a ver com um certo concerto da Taylor Swift esta quinta à noite?
You know who else likes Taylor Swift?
Sabes quem mais gosta da Taylor Swift?
Taylor Swift has this song...
A Taylor Swift tem uma música,
People need to know if Taylor Swift is happy.
As pessoas precisam de saber se a Taylor Swift é feliz.
And don't do some shit where you come back wearing gray flannel sweatpants and a Taylor Swift T-shirt to be a dick. Okay?
E não voltes com umas calças de fato de treino cinzentas e uma t-shirt da Taylor Swift armada em parva.
Following it up with Taylor Swift, come on.
Seguido por Taylor Swift, vá lá.
When you're going through a Taylor Swift-like range of emotions, I should come over, right?
Quando estás a ter uma crise emocional como as da Taylor Swift devo vir, não é?
It wasn't that long ago that Justin Bieber was opening up for Taylor Swift.
Há pouco tempo Justin Bieber abria para Taylor Swift.
Damn you, Taylor Swift.
Vai-te lixar, Taylor Swift.
And no, or bad Taylor Swift boyfriend drama.
E não, não é sobre a minha mãe, ou mau drama de namorados ao estilo da Taylor Swift.
or "you Taylor Swift-ass motherfucker."
ou "sua cara de cu Taylor Swift filha da mãe."
That's just fucking racist, you look nothing like Taylor Swift.
Essa porra é mesmo racista, tu não és nada parecida com a Taylor Swift.
I have been starved out, felt up, teased, stalked, threatened, and called Taylor Swift.
Já estive a morrer à fome, pressionada, assediada, perseguida, ameaçada, e chamada por Taylor Swift.
I just wanted to listen to Taylor Swift alone!
Eu só queria ouvir Taylor Swift sozinha!
Well, I was on my way to get ice cream and I passed a roulette table, and I put it all on 16 because of that Taylor Swift song, "Sixteen."
- Bem, estava a caminho de ir buscar um gelado, passei pela mesa da roleta e apostei tudo no 16 por causa daquela canção da Taylor Swift, "Sixteen".
Bought this at the Staples Center when I went to see Taylor Swift.
Comprei isto num estádio, quando fui ver a Taylor Swift.
Whoo! Stand by to send Taylor Swift from stage left.
Aguardem para enviar Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift into next outfit, please.
Podia ser pior. Pelo menos temos uma a outra.
She's made it, she's made it.
Enviem a Taylor Swift.
We have Taylor! Send her. Send Taylor Swift.
Senhoras e senhores, recebam novamente, a primeira e única Taylor Swift.
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome back the one and only Taylor Swift.
Yes. Who can say no to Taylor Swift?
Sim, quem pode dizer "não" à Taylor Swift?
I think Taylor swift said that.
Eu acho que Taylor swift disse isso.
But it's Taylor Swift.
Mas isso é Taylor Swift.
"What was the last song I listened to on my iPod?" Like, Taylor Swift.
"Qual foi a última canção que ouvi no Ipod"? Taylor Swift.
You two are FBI, then I'm Taylor Swift.
Se vocês dois são do FBI, então eu sou a Taylor Swift.
And I want to eat Taylor Swift's heart, but we can't always get what we want.
E eu quero comer o coração da Taylor Swift, mas nem sempre podemos ter o que queremos.
Ladies and gentlemen, Taylor Swift.
Senhoras e senhores, Taylor Swift.
Prep next section!
Taylor Swift a colocar o próximo figurino, por favor.
Taylor Swift and Neon Jungle.
Esta, sou eu a ser sensual.
Trouble. Trouble.
Depois do intervalo, a minha menina, Taylor Swift.
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