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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ T ] / Trillian

Trillian tradutor Português

12 parallel translation
Because another Trill is involved, the Trillian government requested I be present.
Como há outro Trill envolvido, o governo Trilliano pediu que eu estivesse presente.
I'm Trillian. And you are...?
Chamo-me Trillian.
I think he called you Trillian. Which of us got the right one?
Ouvi-o chamar-te Trillian.
There's something I have to tell you.
Trillian. Perdão. Preciso dizer-te algo.
- Trillian. They've got Trillian, you stupid half-brained git.
Apanharam a Trillian, idiota desmiolado!
Trillian is in there somewhere. - We need an idea to help save her.
A Trillian está por ai, algures, e precisamos de uma ideia para salvá-la!
Trillian, I just wanted to say, you were right,
Trillian, só queria dizer-te que tinhas razão.
- Trillian.
- Trillian!
Yeah, Linux XLR, Trillian, and something called Polar Crypto.
Sim, Linux XLR, Trillian e uma coisa chamada Polar Crypto.
- Hey, Trillian.
- Trillian!
Tricia... Trillian, sorry.

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