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Vitaly tradutor Português

75 parallel translation
Vitaly lanover 5 years old in 1941... but some took people's clothing... and ripped out earrings and gold teeth.
VlTALY lANOVER 5 anos de idade em 1941 mas alguns pegaram as roupas... e arrancaram brincos e dentes de ouro.
That's Vitaly, my younger brother.
Aquele é o Vitaly, o meu irmão mais novo.
Vitaly, stop fucking around.
Vitaly, deixa-te de tretas.
Vitaly, I've tasted your borscht.
Vitaly, eu provei o teu "Borscht".
The only option for Vitaly and me was under-the-counter gunrunning.
A unica opção para o Vitaly e eu era tentar mercados alternativos.
To this day I don't know what Vitaly was running away from.
Até hoje ainda não descobri do que... é que o Vitaly estava a fugir.
Maybe just from Vitaly.
Talvez a fugir do próprio Vitaly.
Vitaly, I need you to get out of the car.
Vitaly, preciso que saias do carro.
Vitaly, you're going to have a great time.
Vitaly, vais-te divertir.
I've never been so glad to see Vitaly.
Nunca estive tão contente por ver o Vitaly.
Who is this, Vitaly?
Quem é este Vitaly?
Vitaly, it's what we always know :
Vitaly, é o que sempre soubemos.
I was so caught up in the deal... I never realized what was going on in Vitaly's head.
Estava tão concentrado no negócio que não me dei conta do que ia na cabeça do Vitaly.
One thing I do understand for certain is that Vitaly broke the cardinal rule of gunrunning.
Uma coisa que entendo de certeza foi que o Vitaly quebrou a regra principal do tráfico de armas.
The massacre played out exactly how Vitaly predicted.
O massacre aconteceu exactamente como o Vitaly tinha previsto.
I paid a Monrovian doctor twenty dollars to remove the lead from Vitaly's body and write a bogus death certificate.
Paguei 20 dólares a um Dr Monroviano para remover o chumbo do corpo do Vitaly e para escrever uma certidão de óbito falsa.
Vitaly Zykov, in the old Soviet days, was the right-hand man to a party boss named Dimitri Kuzin.
Vitaly Zykov, nos últimos dias da União Soviética, Era o braço direito de um chefe da máfia russa chamado Dimitri Kuzin.
Aw, come on, Vitaly, you're being mean.
Vá, Vitaly, estás a ser mau.
Hey, Vitaly is just playing around.
O Vitaly está a brincar.
- Sure! You can bunk with Vitaly!
Podem ir com o Vitaly!
I don't think Vitaly likes that idea.
Acho que o Vitaly não gosta da ideia.
Hey, Vitaly!
And Vitaly...
E o Vitaly...
Viva Vitaly!
Viva Vitaly!
Bravo, Vitaly!
Bravo, Vitaly!
So when he lost his passion, well... as Vitaly goes, so goes the circus.
Quando perdeu a paixão... Bem, sempre que o Vitaly está mal, o circo está mal.
That's what everybody thought, Vitaly, until those French Canadians came along, drunk off their maple syrup and cheap pharmaceuticals, and completely flipped the paradigm.
Era o que toda a gente pensava, Vitaly, até aparecerem os canadianos francófonos, e os portugueses que também usam genéricos, e deram a volta ao paradigma.
Vitaly, I may not trust him, either, but I am tired of sitting and standing and rolling over.
Vitaly, posso não confiar nele, mas estou cansada de sentar, ficar de pé e dar voltinhas.
Hey, Vitaly, maybe you even do two hoops, no?
Olha, Vitaly, se calhar fazes dois aros, não?
Have you seen Vitaly?
Viste o Vitaly?
Vitaly... he will not go on!
O Vitaly... ele não vai participar!
Vitaly, what are you doing?
Vitaly, que estás a fazer?
Where's that Vitaly?
Onde está esse Vitaly?
That Vitaly is no more.
Esse Vitaly já não existe.
It was always impossible, Vitaly.
Era impossível, Vitaly.
His name is Vitaly Berzin.
Chama-se Vitaly Berzin.
Leo Banin started life as Vitaly Andropov, an assassin for the Bratva's Polish outfit.
Leo Banin nasceu como Vitaly Andropov, um assassino da Bratva.
Were you aware of his real name- - Vitaly?
Sabia do seu verdadeiro nome, Vitaly?
And I got a pretty good idea why Vitaly Andropov changed his name to Leo Banin and left Poland in 2005- - he stole
Sim. E faço uma ideia do motivo do Vitaly Andropov ter mudado o nome para Leo Banin. E de ter saído da Polónia em 2005.
A man you knew as Vitaly Andropov.
Um homem que conhecia como Vitaly Andropov.
Vitaly Eremenko.
Vitaly Eremenko.
Vitaly Yurchenko, Vitaly Yurchenko, can you tell us, why did you re-defect to the Soviet Union?
Por que retornou à URSS?
My name is Vitaly Yurchenko.
Meu nome é Vitaly Yurchenko.
Come now, Vitaly.
Vamos, Vitaly.
Yes, my name is Vitaly Yurchenko.
Sim, chamo-me Vitaly Yurchenko.
- Where's Vitaly?
- O Vitaly?
[Camera shutters clicking]
Vitaly Yurchenko, Vitaly Yurchenko,

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