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Wabash tradutor Português

93 parallel translation
Somehow, I just can't picture myself back there on the banks of the Wabash, rocking on the front porch.
Não me imagino nas margens do Webash, numa cadeira de balanço num alpendre.
Ever hear of Deluxe Cleaners on Wabash Avenue?
Já ouviste falar da lavandaria na Avenida Wabash?
Somehow. I just can't picture myself back there on the banks of the Wabash. rocking in the front porch.
Por alguma razão, não consigo imaginar de volta a Wabash, me balançando na cadeira na varanda.
You ever ride the Cannonball on the Wabash?
Já viajou no mítico Cannon Ball até a cidade de Wabash?
- 110 South Wabash.
- South Wabash, 110.
110 South Wabash.
South Wabash, 110.
He's coming out the Wabash entrance. Get there, Deep Throat.
Vai entrar na Wabash pela transversal.
Wabash and Van Buren.
No cruzamento da Wabash com a Van Buren!
Leading off at this hour, Charles Lee Ray, the notorious Lake Shore Strangler was shot and killed shortly before 3 : 00 a.m. this morning on Wabash Avenue.
Charles Lee Ray, o conhecido Estrangulador de Lakeshore, levou um tiro e morreu pouco antes das 3 da manhã em Wabash Avenue.
A burned-out toy store on Wabash. That's where I got it.
Trouxe-o de uma loja de brinquedos que ardeu em Wabash!
- Wabash and Van Buren.
- Wabash e Van Buren.
Wabash cannonball.
Wabash Cannonball.
Madison / Wabash.
Madison / Wabash.
Mr Wabash is on his way to see you.
- Sim? - O Sr. Wabash vem a caminho.
Have a seat, Mr Wabash.
Sente-se, Sr. Wabash.
What do you know about this?
O que sabe acerca disto, Wabash?
Very good, Mr. Wabash.
Muito bem, Sr. Wabash.
At Vinleight, 12340 Wabash Terrace in Oak Brook, there is a monster.
Na VinylRight, 12340 Wabash Terrace em Oak Brook, há um monstro.
.. Wabash Terrace in Oak Brook, there is a monster.
... Wabash Terrace em Oak Brook, há um monstro.
Wabash and Lake.
Wabash com Lake.
Don't forget, you're on Wabash at 3 o'clock, new beams goin'in.
Tens de estar no Wabash às três - vão lá levar as vigas.
- The Wabash building.
- No edifício Wabash.
We hit his mama's house and she says that he went up to Wabash for some court date.
Fomos a casa da mãe dele, e ela disse que ele foi a Wabash para um julgamento.
§ On the banks of the Wabash §
Pelas ribeiras do Wabash
There's a warehouse in Lincoln on the corner of Wabash and Lake.
Há um armazém em Lincoln, na esquina da Wabash com a Lake.
Sorry, Wabash Avenue.
Desculpem, na Wabash Avenue.
A large crowd is gathering along Wabash Avenue here in downtown Chicago.
A multidão junta-se na Wabash Avenue, na baixa de Chicago.
- We played Wabash clean last year.
- Jogamos limpo com Wabash no ano passado.
- He pled and was sentenced - to Wabash Valley for four years.
Ele fez acordo e cumpriu pena em Wabash Valley durante quatro anos.
Oh, yeah, if Sheridan got a problem, You tell him to come see me. I'm at the Four Deuces over on Wabash.
Já me esquecia, se o Sheridan tiver algum problema diga-lhe para vir falar comigo.
I had to park all the way up Wabash.
Tive de estacionar bem lá pra cima em wabash.
We need a chopper at the Wabash River.
Helicóptero para o Rio Wabash.
Be on the corner of Wabash and 23rd at 11 : 00 a.m.
Esteja na esquina da Wabash com a 23rd, às 11h00.
Same director of this clinic runs another over on Wabash.
O mesmo director desta clínica gere outra em Wabash.
Her name is Samantha Wabash.
O nome dela é Samantha Wabash.
Did you murder Samantha Wabash?
Assassinou a Samantha Wabash?
Looks like Ms. Wabash shot herself.
Parece que a Sr.ª Wabash atirou em si própria.
Mr. Bundsch. Six years ago, did you kill Allie Wabash?
Matou a Allie Wabash há 6 anos atrás?
No, I did not kill Allie Wabash.
Não, não matei a Allie Wabash.
I should have let Samantha Wabash frame that man.
Devia ter deixado a Samantha Wabash incriminar aquele homem.
Lucas Bundsch did not shoot Samantha Wabash last night.
Lucas Bundsch não matou a Samantha Wabash ontem à noite.
I've come to believe that the recently departed Ms. Wabash was correct about the murder... of the previously departed Ms. Wabash.
Acredito que a recentemente falecida, Sr.ª Wabash, estava correta sobre o assassinato da anteriormente falecida, Sr.ª Wabash.
I am 90 % certain that Lucas Bundsch killed Allie Wabash six years ago.
Tenho 90 % de certeza que Lucas Bundsch matou a Allie Wabash há 6 anos atrás.
Bundsch had no need for the trick when he was asked about Samantha Wabash, but he did it again when asked about his whereabouts last night.
Bundsch não fez isso ao ser questionado sobre a Samantha Wabash, mas fez quando questionado sobre onde estava ontem à noite.
But he did it again when I asked about Allie Wabash.
Mas ele mordeu de novo quando perguntei-lhe sobre a Allie Wabash.
He's the detective that caught the Allie Wabash disappearance in'07.
Ele é o detetive que ficou com o caso do desaparecimento de Allie Wabash em 2007.
No suspect in the Allie Wabash case got more attention than Lucas Bundsch, and for no good reason.
Nenhum suspeito do caso de Allie Wabash recebeu mais atenção do que Bundsch, e sem razão nenhuma.
This is the same Detective Coventry who botched the Allie Wabash investigation.
Esse é o mesmo Detetive Coventry que falhou no caso da Allie Wabash.
- Wabash?
- Wabash?
Accident. 501 north wabash.
Acidente. North Wabash, 501.

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