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Waring tradutor Português

145 parallel translation
I must drink to this occasion, Captain Waring.
Brindo por vossa visita, capitão Waring.
"Who?" says I. "Well, among his guests,"
Quem? Digo eu. Entre seus convidados, digo eu está Jamie Waring.
Waring is my name, but those who... love me call me Jamie-Boy.
Meu nome é Waring mas me chamam pequeno Jamie.
Your seat, Captain Waring.
Voce aqui, capitão Waring.
Jamie Waring. Come on, Jamie-Boy.
Jamie Waring, vamos, pequeno Jamie.
Hey, Barney. More ale for Captain Waring.
Mais cerveja para Waring.
- Gentlemen, to Captain Waring... my loyal right hand at Government House.
Pelo capitão Waring. O fiel ajudante do governador.
- To Jamie Waring! May his neck never grow longer!
Por Jamie Waring, para que não se alargue a cueca.
I never thought I'd live to see Jamie Waring play the snob.
Nunca acreditei que veria Jamie Waring como fanfarrão.
Morgan, Waring, Graham, Blue... the whole lot of them.
Amigos em lugares importantes. Aqui os tem. Morgan, Waring, Graham, Blue.
- Captain Waring, take the Revenge.
Capitão Waring...
Captain Waring, You come in the nick of time.
Capitão Waring, chega num momento oportuno.
They commissioned me to present the case... of Pirate Morgan, Pirate Waring and Pirate Leech to His Majesty.
Acusarei os piratas Morgan, Waring e Leech ante sua Majestade.
I didn't know you were a thief and a housebreaker too, Mr. Waring. Oh.
Não sabia que entrava pela força, senhor Waring.
I am not interested in your emotions, Mr. Waring.
Não me interessa suas emoções, senhor Waring.
Your conceit, Mr. Waring, has unhinged your mind. I warn you.
Sua presunção tem transtornado o juizo.
Don't try any fancy tricks on me, Waring.
Não tente nenhum truque, Waring.
You're lying, Waring, you were with him yesterday.
Mente, Waring, ontem esteve com ele.
There's a hole in it, Waring.
Algo não encaixa, Waring.
Madame Waring, daughter of the former... Governor of Jamaica, Lord Denby.
Madame Waring, filha do ex-governador da Jamaica, lord Denby.
Now you know why I'm not too welcome back in Port Royal. - Captain Waring...
Ela sabe porque voltei a Port Royal.
- Yes, my dear. What is it?
Capitão Waring, eu...
Your presence is more disturbing... to Madame Waring, I assure you.
Sua presença é mais inquietante para ela que a espada.
Jamie Waring! Where is that toad of a man?
Jamie, onde está esse homem sapo?
Our only chance of getting them back and keeping off... the king's gibbet... is to bring in the heads of Jamie Waring and Billy Leech... with Lady Margaret in good enough repair to bespeak us... as her saviors.
Só nos livraremos da forca do Rei se conseguirmos as cabeças de Waring e Leech e a Lady Margaret em bom estado para ser sua salvadora.
But if there's a gentleman called Jamie Waring aboard... - bring him to me, alive if possible.
Se há um cavaleiro que se chama Jamie Waring, traga-me-o vivo, se é possível.
Jamie Waring, that black-livered turncoat!
Jamie Waring, esse maldito traidor.
And get me 20 men, I'm going to board her, and with... me own hands... pull the gullet out of the mouth of that traitor,
Traga-me vinte homens. Vou abordá-lo e arrancar-lhe o fígado e por a mão em Jamie Waring.
I feel exceedingly grateful to Captain Waring for... his hospitality.
Me sinto agradecida ao capitão Waring por sua hospitalidade.
Captain Waring!
Capitão Waring!
The nation this week mourns the death ofJosiah Waring, world-famous ship magnate, here seen in his last public appearance.
Toda a Nação, chora esta semana a morte de Josiah Waring, mundiamente famoso magnata naval, aqui visto na última aparição pública.
Josiah Waring, whose rise from steeplejack to head of a great industrial empire... was terminated when he fell to his death from a stepladder at his Long Island estate.
Josiah Waring, cuja passagem de operário a dirigente dum grande império industrial que... acabou irónicamente quando ele morreu, na queda dum escadote na sua propriedade de Long Island.
Here we see him... at the launching of a few of the hundreds of vessels built by the Waring shipyards.
Aqui vêem-no... no lançamento duns poucos das centenas de navios construidos nos estaleiros Waring.
Josiah Waring died on Long Island.
Não pode ser. Josiah Waring morreu em Long Island.
Good evening, Mr. Waring.
Boa noite, Mr. Waring.
I didn't let them out, Mr. Waring.
Eu não os deixei saír Mr. Waring.
Arnold Waring, the old boy's nephew.
- Arnold Waring, o sobrinho do velhote.
" Arnold Waring, whose loyalty and devotion I heartily reciprocated,
" Arnold Waring, cuja lealdade e devoção, sinceramente retribuí,
" And to my other dearly beloved nephew, Jonathan Waring,
" E ao meu outro muito estimado sobrinho, Jonathan Waring,
"including... 3,000 shares of common stock... or full controlling interest in Waring Industries, Incorporated..."
"incluindo... 3,000 acções de valores comuns... ou total paricipação maioritária nas Waring Industries, Incorporated..."
"I, Josiah Waring, in the city of New York, state of New York..."
" Eu, Josiah Waring, na cidade de New York, Estado de New York...
I'd like to talk to you about the Waring securities.
Gostava de falar-lhe sobre as acções da Waring.
Thank you very much, Mr. Waring.
Muito obrigada, Mr. Waring.
Old Mr. Waring had the most fantastic ideas.
O velho Mr. Waring tinha as idéias mais fantásticas.
Thank you, Mr. Waring.
- Obrigada, Mr. Waring.
Not Mr. Waring.
- Não Mr. Waring.
You know that Josiah Waring's death was no accident, eh?
Você sabe que a morte de Josiah Waring não foi um acidente, eh?
A pair of bloodstained slippers which will proveJosiah Waring was murdered.
Um par de chinelos ensanguentados, que provarão que Josiah Waring foi assassinado.
These slippers are the only proof that Josiah Waring was murdered.
Estes chinelos são a única prova de que Josiah Waring foi assassinado.
says he, "is Jamie Waring."
Where are your ships hiding now, Captain Waring?
Onde se ocultam agora seus barcos?

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