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Was born tradutor Português

7,917 parallel translation
You got me. That's pretty much how it is. See, my new story picks up after my first story, and yet it goes back to the day I was born.
A minha nova história surge depois da minha primeira história, e ainda assim, recua até ao dia em que nasci.
Well if that's true, I'd be running around in diapies, that's when I was born.
Se fosse verdade, eu teria fraldas, porque foi quando eu nasci.
I was born to help Charlie.
Eu nasci para ajudar o Charlie.
I was born to walk alongside you.
Nasci para caminhar ao teu lado.
Because it was a game that was born during a brutal age, when life counted for little.
Porque foi um jogo que nasceu numa época brutal, onde a vida valia muito pouco.
The one that was born with a cleft palate.
Sobre aquele que tinha nascido com lábio leporino.
she lacks experience and she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.
ela não tem qualquer experiência e nasceu rica.
Right before I splintered, she was asking me all kinds of questions... where I was born, what my life's like back here, that kind of thing.
Pouco antes de eu fragmentar, ela estava a fazer-me todo o tipo de questões... onde nasci, como é minha vida aqui. Esse género de perguntas.
That's where I was born.
Foi onde nasci.
And that day, Rebecca Donaldson died, and Emma Wilson was born.
E naquele dia, Rebeca Donaldson morreu, e Emma Wilson nasceu.
REPORTER : Marriage lasted but a few months, but a child was born out that coupling.
O casamento só durou uns meses, mas dessa união nasceu uma criança.
The day he was born, I said it to myself with tears in my eyes in the hospital,
No dia em que nasceu, disse-o de lágrimas nos olhos,
That's where the virus was born, thousands of years ago.
Foi onde nasceu o vírus há milhares de anos.
- Since the day I was born.
- Desde o dia em que nasci.
I was born with one father, and that tragedy gave me another.
Nasci com um pai, e aquela tragédia deu-me... outro.
I was born for this shit.
Nasci para isto.
Hmm. Charles Siringo was born in Texas in 1855.
Charles Siringo nasceu no Texas, em 1855.
Yasin Said was born in Michigan.
Yasin Said, nasceu em Michigan.
Kevin was born with a degenerative neural disease.
O Kevin nasceu com uma doença neurológica degenerativa.
I was born with only one.
Eu nasci só com um.
That's the day that amy was born.
Esse é o dia em que Amy nasceu.
Naked as she was born.
Nua como nasceu.
Last time I checked, hip hop was born from the struggle of real men. Or did you forget all that?
O hip-hop nasceu da luta de homens a sério ou já se esqueceu disso?
Do you think I was born yesterday?
- Acha que nasci ontem?
They died in Poland right about the time I was born.
Eles morreram na Polónia quando nasci.
You would think that a man who was born to sit on a throne would have resented this life, but not my husband.
Seria natural pensar que um homem que nasceu para ser rei, teria repugnado esta vida, mas, não o meu marido.
According to my research, 200 years ago, a child was born out of Wedlock to a gentleman by the name of Dennis Longworth.
Segundo a minha pesquisa, há 200 anos, uma criança nasceu fora do casamento de um cavalheiro chamado Dennis Longworth.
[sighs] sometimes i forget i'm dealing with a man Who was born before they invented the steam engine.
Às vezes, esqueço-me que estou a lidar com um homem que nasceu antes do motor a vapor ser inventado.
- ♪ Like a drift I was born to walk alone ♪ - Our man's got some pipes, huh?
O nosso homem sabe cantar, não?
Mum died last year..... and Dad was killed in the war before I was born.
- A minha mãe morreu no ano passado. O meu pai morreu na guerra antes de eu ter nascido.
I was born here.
Eu nasci aqui.
Dr Littleton, unless you unhand Jemima this second, I believe Dolores will strip herself naked as the day she was born.
Dr. Littleton, a menos que largue a Jemima imediatamente, creio que a Delores vai despir-se completamente como veio ao mundo.
Like, he was born in Vietnam, they put him on a plane, flew him to America, and now he's white.
Ele nasceu no Vietname, puseram-no num avião, enviaram-no para a América e agora ele é branco.
It's kind of like I was born with this preternatural ability I never knew I had.
É como se eu tivesse nascido com esta capacidade que não sabia que tinha.
He was born here.
Ele nasceu aqui.
Our son was born here.
O nosso filho nasceu aqui.
Emma was born with the potential for great darkness.
A Emma nasceu com o potencial para a escuridão.
Allen saved a woman, and in doing so, saved her child, who I am happy to report was born less than an hour ago.
Allen salvou uma mulher, e ao fazê-lo, salvou o filho dela, que fico feliz em informar, nasceu há menos de uma hora atrás.
All he's ever thought about since the day he was born was getting this.
Tudo o que ele sempre quis, desde que nasceu, era conseguir isto.
Alice was born in'94, and get this.
A Alice nasceu em 1994.
Well, I was born at night, Raylan, but I wasn't born last night.
Eu nasci à noite, Raylan, mas não nasci ontem.
I was born in Sydney and I moved to Brisbane and then Adelaide and...
Nasci em Sidney e mudei para Brisbane, Adelaide...
I was born here, right?
Eu nasci aqui, percebes?
When the twins were born Jamie came out with all those problems, he was so sick.
Quando os gémeos nasceram, o Jamie tinha imensos problemas. Estava tão doente.
When you were born, your umbilical cord was wrapped around your neck.
Quando nasceste, o cordão umbilical estava enrolado no teu pescoço.
Um, when was Mr. Cole born?
Quando é que o Sr. Cole nasceu?
I was born and came into this world to testify to the truth.
O que é a verdade?
They were born here but my teita, who lives with us, she was, um..... she came out because there was fighting in her village.
Nasceram cá, mas a minha tatya, que vive connosco, era... Fugiu porque estavam a lutar na aldeia dela.
When I was under their influence..... I made touch with an..... another... another world, another reality... When I... .. born of my resistance.
Quando estive sob a influência deles... tive contacto com um... um outro mundo, uma outra realidade... nascida da minha resistência.
It was my fucking daughter, I... just as my new daughter was being born.
Era a porra da minha filha. Mesmo quando a minha filha nova estava a nascer.
You've grown into a pretty thing, haven't you? Jonah was there when you were born.
Transformaste-te numa linda mulher, não foi?

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