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Watters tradutor Português

69 parallel translation
This is Sergeant Reynolds from Criminal Investigations calling Lieutenant Frank Watters.
Fala o Sargento Reynolds, das Investigações Criminais, a chamar o Tenente Frank Watters.
Lieutenant Watters?
Tenente Watters?
- I'm Frank Watters.
- Sou Frank Watters.
Dennis, shake hands with Lieutenant Watters.
Dennis, cumprimenta o Tenente Watters.
Why don't you fellas tell Lieutenant Watters what you saw?
Por que não contam ao Tenente Watters o que viram?
Watters come by at six in the morning, he starts asking us all these questions.
O Watters passou por cá às 6 da manhã e fez-nos montes de perguntas.
Davis and Watters are looking for you, Dallis.
O Davis e o Watters andam à tua procura.
So then the pressure's gonna be on Davis and Watters to solve the case.
Pressionarão o Davis e o Watters para resolverem o caso.
Frank Watters, state investigator for the CIB.
Frank Watters, investigador estadual do CIB.
Frank Watters was on the radio this morning.
O Frank Watters esteve na rádio.
I bet Watters still thinks we killed you.
Ainda deve achar que te matámos.
I'm Tim Watters, Commanding Officer.
Sou o Tim Watters, o Comandante.
Watters to Bridge. Prepare for warp speed.
Ponte, preparem-se para velocidade warp.
We just got here and Watters puts you in charge of the Engine Room?
Acabámos de chegar, e já comandas a Sala das Máquinas?
Captain Watters is used to making quick decisions.
O Capitão Watters está habituado a tomar decisões rápidas.
I think that Captain Watters knows what he's doing.
Acho que o Capitão Watters sabe o que faz.
Well, uh, did you know that Watters has been taking cordafin stimulants for the past two months?
Sabias que o Watters anda a tomar estimulantes de cordafina há dois meses?
Watters to Shepard.
Watters para Shepard.
I can't believe you're buying everything that Watters is selling.
Não acredito que engoles o que o Watters te impinge.
We... let ourselves blindly follow Captain Watters and he led us over a cliff.
Nós seguimos cegamente o Capitão Watters e ele fez-nos cair de um penhasco.
Captain Watters was a great man.
O Capitão Watters era um grande homem.
Claims, Watters,
Reclamações. Watters.
Ted Watters,
Ted Watters.
Mr, Watters,
Sr. Watters.
Mr, Watters, I don't know thing one about insurance, but I'm guessing it's your job to find a way not to pay these poor people,
Sr. Watters, não percebo nada de seguros mas parece... que o seu trabalho é arranjar forma de não pagar a esta pobre gente.
Watters, if the police say that this guy was,
Watters, se a polícia diz que o tipo foi...
Yeah, hi, This is Ted Watters from Liberty Capital,
Sim, Olá. É o Ted Watters da Liberty Capital.
Claims, Watters,
Reclamações, Watters.
Mr, Watters, I've had a very rough night,
Sr. Watters, tive uma noite muito dura.
Watters, it's so good of you to join us,
Watters, ainda bem que se junta a nós.
It did get better, Mr, Watters,
Desapareceu mesmo, Sr. Watters.
I love my wife, Mr, Watters,
Amo a minha mulher, Sr. Watters.
WATTERS : Me, neither.
- Nem eu.
- Está morto.
And not one of them good 60-watters, but an energy saving...
É muito fraquinho...
Do you considermuddy watters Blues or classic rock?
Consideras Muddy Watters Blues ou Rock Clássico?
Watters, give him your MP3 player.
Watters, da-me o teu player MP3
Watters, sniper into that building.
Watters, vês aquele edificio
Watters, what's your status?
Watters, qual é o teu estado
Watters, right?
Watters, verdade?
Hey, Watters, that a hit or miss?
Ei, Watters, Foi um bom tiro ou não
That would be incorrect, Watters.
Isso é incorreto, Watters.
Watters, check in.
Watters, responde
Watters, get back. Get back.
Watters, volta atras Para trás!
We lost Watters.
Perdemos o Watters.
Okay, uh, 16-year-old Amanda Watters.
16 anos, Amanda Watters.
Dr. Watters?
Dr. Watters?
Dr. Watters, do you understand what I just told you?
Dr. Watters, entendeu o que eu lhe disse?

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