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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ W ] / Waverley

Waverley tradutor Português

39 parallel translation
- I've come to see Mr Waverley.
Eu vim para ver o Sr. Waverley.
- I'm Waverley.
Estou Waverley.
Curiously enough, I think she was the reason he came here in the first place.
Curiosamente, Waverley... acho que ela é a razão que eu vim.
This is about an arrest that was made yesterday at the Waverly movie theatre.
É acerca de uma detenção ontem, à frente do Cinema-Teatro Waverley.
Some men in black SUVs kidnapped a girl yesterday on Waverley Avenue.
Alguns homens em SUV pretos sequestraram uma menina ontem na Avenida de Waverley.
Sir John Waverley.
Sir John Waverley.
Waverley? !
O Waverley?
John Waverley.
John Waverley.
How did you get on with John Waverley?
Como te deste com o John Waverley?
Yes, of course I do, and I also have very good reason to believe that the girls who found themselves in the care of John and Jean Waverley were very fortunate to have done so.
E também tenho razões para acreditar que as raparigas ao cuidado de John e Jean Waverley tiveram sorte.
Did you know Sir John Waverley is in line to be High Sheriff of Midsomer?
Sabia que Sir John Waverley é uma hipótese para xerife de Midsomer?
That old school friend of yours who was staying up at Waverley Farm.
A tua amiga que esteve na quinta Waverley.
It's just I need her to vouch for John Waverley.
- Sim. Preciso que ela aprove o John Waverley.
Actually, it was John Waverley that we wanted to...
Na verdade, era sobre John Waverley que queríamos...
I mean, the idea of John Waverley laying a finger on anyone, especially the girls at the farm, is ludicrous.
A ideia de John Waverley fazer mal seja a quem for, sobretudo às raparigas da quinta, é grotesca.
But John Waverley, he spoke up for me. And he did that, not because we were old pals or went to the same school, though we did. He did it because he thought it was the right thing to do.
Mas o John Waverley, intercedeu por mim, não por sermos amigos, ou termos andado na mesma escola, e andámos, ele fê-lo porque achou que era o mais correto.
Did he ask you questions about Sir John Waverley? Jack? The Florians?
Ele fazia-lhe perguntas sobre Sir John Waverley, o Jack, os Florian?
But I thought, "You're the girl who'll make it through." With the help of John Waverley. His care for you, his belief... in you.
Mas achei que ia conseguir com a ajuda do John Waverley, por ele cuidar de si, por acreditar em si
Don't talk to me about what I owe John Waverley or his lady wife.
Não me diga o que devo ao John Waverley nem à mulher dele.
John Waverley doing what he's done. I mean...
O John Waverley, tendo feito o que fez, quer dizer...
People like John Waverley do.
Pessoas como o John Waverley, sim.
Sir John Waverley.
- Sir John Waverley.
Mind you, you got Waverley wrong.
Tu interpretaste mal o Waverley.
Some 200 to 300 off-duty officers from the local Waverley Police Station were celebrating Christmas just one floor above.
Entre 200 e 300 oficiais fora de serviço da estação local de Waverly realizavam o Natal no apartamento da montante.
And on Sundays, sometimes we would go to that brunch place in Waverley, and you would throw chickpeas at the ducks.
E aos Domingos, as vezes, íamos para aquele lugar em Waverley, e atiravas grão aos patos.
"In a short time, he returned, and dismissed his attendants, excepting one, and intimating to Waverley that he must imitate his cautious way..."
"Passado pouco tempo, ele voltou, e dispensou os seus assistentes, excepto um, intimidando Waverley, para que imitasse os seus gestos cuidadosos."
I don't think my parents like you so from now on send stuff to my neighbour Len Hislop at 26 Lamington Drive, Mt Waverley.
Acho que os meus pais não gostam de ti por isso, a partir de agora, envia as coisas ao meu vizinho Len Hislop para Lamington Drive, no 26 Monte Waverley.
Kendal Strickland wasn't just the prettiest girl at Waverley Prep, she was a legend.
Kendal Strickland não era só a rapariga mais bonita do Colégio, ela era uma lenda.
We need that draft of Waverley 178.
Precisamos do guião do último episódio de Waverley 178.
Having spent the summer outside Waverley Prep,
Após passar o Verão longe da Preparatória Waverley,
Oh, this is kind of silly, but would you mind signing one of those Waverley Place books for me?
Sei que é uma tolice, mas podias autografar um dos livros Waverley Place para mim?
Where are the Waverley Prep books?
Onde estão os livros da série Waverley Prep?
Sure, she'd think about Waverley from time to time.
Claro que ela se lembraria de Waverley de vez em quando.
Edinburgh Waverley, this is Edinburgh Waverley.
Edinburgh Waverley, é Edinburgh Waverley.
A US military plane crash landed in Surrey this evening... just missing Waverley Abbey.
Um avião militar dos EUA despenhou-se em Surrey esta tarde, evitando por pouco a abadia de Waverley.
We are at impact site, 400m north of Waverley Abbey.
Estamos no local do embate principal, 400 metros a norte da abadia de Waverley.
In the waverley novels
No romance Waverley, Scott estava sempre preocupado em proteger uma forma de...
You've seen his picture in the newspaper, heard him described as a businessman. A philanthropist, even.
Alguns homens em SUVs preto seqüestraram uma menina ontem na Avenida de Waverley.
And John Waverley? Oh, yeah.
E para o John Waverley?

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