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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ W ] / We'll talk about it tomorrow

We'll talk about it tomorrow tradutor Português

60 parallel translation
We'll talk about it tomorrow.
Falamos sobre isso amanhã de manhã. - Está bem!
We'll talk about it tomorrow.
Conversaremos amanhã.
- We'll talk about it tomorrow.
- Amanhã falamos.
We'll talk about it tomorrow.
Falaremos sobre isso amanhã.
Why don't you come to my place tomorrow for breakfast, and we'll just talk about it.
Por que não vem amanhã para tomar café, e falaremos sobre isso.
Papa, this time it was worthwhile. No, listen, Daniel... we'll talk about it tomorrow.
Escuta, Daniel... falamos sobre isso amanhã.
Look, Peter, we'll talk about it tomorrow, okay?
Falamos amanhã, OK?
We'll talk about it tomorrow.
Amanhã falamos sobre isso.
We'll talk about it tomorrow.
Falamos sobre isso amanhã.
- We'll talk about it tomorrow.
- Amanhã, falamos disso.
We'll talk about it tomorrow.
Amanhã a gente conversa melhor.
I'll see you on the set tomorrow, and we'll talk about it.
Falamos amanhã, no estúdio.
We'll talk about it tomorrow, OK?
Falamos disto amanhã, ok?
We'll talk about it tomorrow.
Falamos disso amanhã.
- We'll talk about it tomorrow.
- Falamos sobre isso amanhã.
We'll talk about it tomorrow.
Nós legamos conversa sobre isto amanhã.
Come to the cigar store tomorrow morning at ten and we'll talk about it.
Aparece na loja de cigarros amanhã de manhã às dez horas e falamos nisso, ok? Veremos o que se pode arranjar.
- We'll talk about it tomorrow at the office Ok?
- Falamos disso amanhã no escritório.
I don't know if I can fit it in my schedule. We'll talk about it at dinner tomorrow. Thanks.
Não sei se tenho tempo, mas falamos sobre isto amanhã, ao jantar.
We'll talk about it tomorrow.
Falaremos sobre isso amanha.
Go to bed and we'll talk about it tomorrow, Beto.
Vá para cama e nós falaremos sobre isto amanhã, Beto.
Stop by the office tomorrow, and we'll talk about it.
Vai ao escritório amanhã, para falarmos.
We'll talk about it tomorrow.
Conto-te amanhã.
We'll talk about it tomorrow.
Falamos nisso amanhã.
I'll finish up, and we can talk about it tomorrow.
Podemos falar disto amanhã.
Look, how about I keep the briefcase we sleep on it and we'll talk about it tomorrow.
Oiça, que tal eu ficar com a pasta, dormimos sobre o assunto e falamos disso amanhã.
We'll talk about it tomorrow.
Falaremos acerca disso amanhã.
I'll call you tomorrow, I promise, and we can talk about it then.
Eu ligo-lhe amanhã, prometo, e falaremos sobre isso. Certo?
We'll talk about it tomorrow, OK?
Iremos falar disso amanhã, ok?
Hey, we'll talk about it tomorrow.
Ei, vamos falar sobre isso amanhã.
No, we'll talk about it tomorrow. - Hi, David.
Don't worry about it.We'll talk tomorrow...
Não te preocupes. Falamos amanhã.
And if you feel the same way tomorrow, we'll talk about it then.
- E se amanhã, continuares a pensar da mesma maneira, falaremos sobre isso nessa altura.
We'll talk about it tomorrow.
Falamos amanhã.
We'll talk about it tomorrow.
Falamos sobre isto amanhã.
We'll talk about it tomorrow, Sean.
Falamos amanhã Sean.
We'll talk about it tomorrow.
Falaremos disto amanhã.
Listen, I'm coming home tomorrow and we'll talk about it.
Ouve, volto para casa amanhã, e então, falamos sobre isso, está bem?
We'll talk about it tomorrow...
Amanhã falamos.
We'll talk about it tomorrow.
Já estou atrasado.
We'll talk about it tomorrow.
Amanhã, falamos sobre isso.
We'll circle back there tomorrow morning, see if she's in any shape to talk about it.
Vamos voltar lá amanhã de manhã, para ver se ela consegue falar.
We'll talk about it tomorrow.
- Falamos disso amanhã.
Why don't you come over tomorrow and we'll talk about it?
E se aparecesses amanhã para falarmos disso?
We'll talk about it tomorrow when that crap's out of your system.
Conversamos amanhã quando essa merda sair do seu corpo.
We'll talk about it first thing tomorrow.
Falamos sobre isso amanhã de manhã.
But I know you won't remember, so we'll talk about it tomorrow.
Mas sei que não te vais lembrar, por isso, falamos amanhã. Está bem, mãe.
We'll talk more about it tomorrow.
Falamos amanhã.
Well, why don't you come by for coffee tomorrow morning and we'll talk about it then?
For que néo vem tomar caié amanhé de manhé e falamos disso?
We'll talk about it, tomorrow.
Falamos nisso amanhã.
We'll talk about it some more tomorrow.
Falamos mais sobre isto amanhã. Não!

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