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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ W ] / We're going to have a baby

We're going to have a baby tradutor Português

45 parallel translation
Look, baby, we're going to have a boy and a girl... if we have to upset the whole medical profession.
Olha, querida, vamos ter um menino ou menina, nem que tenhamos de ir até ao fim do mundo.
We're going to have a baby!
Vamos ter um bébé!
No, no, we're going to have a baby.
A serio, vamos ter um filho.
We're going to have a baby in the spring.
Vamos ter um bebé na primavera.
I'll fill that baby with dimes, and we're going to learn you don't need a phone company to have a phone.
Vou encher isto de moedas e vamos ver que não precisamos da companhia dos telefones. Até logo.
The Institute called... we're going to have a baby.
Do que estás a falar? Ligaram do Instituto.
We're going to have a baby
Vamos ter um bebê.
We're going to have a baby.
Vamos ter um bebé?
We're going to have a baby!
Vamos ter um bebé!
We're going to have a baby?
Vamos ter um bebé?
Believe it or not, your father and I- - - We're going to have a baby.
Acredites ou não, o teu pai e eu... vamos ter um bebé.
We're going to have a baby.
Vamos ter um bebé.
We're going to have a baby.
Nós vamos ter um bebê.
- We're going to have a baby.
Vamos ter um bebé.
Clemens, we're going to have a baby.
Clemens, vamos ter um bebé.
Clemens, we're going to have a baby!
Clemens, vamos ter um bebé!
We're going to have ourselves a baby.
Nós vamos ter um bébé.
We're going to have a baby.
Vamos ter um filho.
Now we're going to have a baby.
Agora vamos ter um bebé.
We're going to have a baby!
Vamos ter um bebé.
We're going to have ourselves a baby.
Vamos ter um bebé.
I think we're too early, though, but he's going to bring her here to have the baby.
Acho que ainda é muito cedo, mas ele trá-la-á aqui para ter o bebé.
- So we're going to be able to have a baby? - Yeah.
- Então vamos conseguir ter um bebé?
The problem is, I only have one test subject, so in order to control my experiment, we're going to have to have a second baby.
O problema é que só tenho sujeito de estudo, portanto, para poder controlar a minha experiência, vamos ter de ter outro filho.
No, we're not going to have the baby at a hospital, Booth.
Não, eu não vou ter o bebé no hospital, Booth.
We're going to have a baby.
Nós vamos ter um bebé.
We're going to have a baby!
Vamos ter um Bebé!
We're going to have a baby.
Teremos um bebé.
( WHISPERING ) We're going to have a baby.
( SUSSURRANDO ) Vamos ter um bébé.
We're going to have a baby.
Vamos ter um bébé.
I'm going to have to try an external version. We're going to need to turn the baby round so that it can be born more easily.
A Irmã virou o bebé, Mrs. Carter.
We're going to have a baby, and you're going to get back surgery, and we're going to be in love for the rest of your life.
Vamos ter um bebé e tu vais fazer a cirurgia às costas, e vamos estar apaixonados para o resto da tua vida.
We're just going to have a little sleepover, okay, baby?
Vamos dormir aqui, está bem, querida?
We're going to have a baby.
Nós νamos ter um bebê.
We're going to have to choose between the baby and the mother.
Vai ter que escolher entre o bebé e a mãe.
Baby's got himself into a bit of a pickle, so we're going to have to help him out.
Rapaz ou rapariga?
And it's baby number five, so unless we get a move on, you're going to have a lot more than amniotic fluid on your chair.
E é o quinto filho, como tal a não ser que nos mexámos, vai ter mais muito mais do que líquido amniótico na sua cadeira.

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