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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ W ] / We had a lot of fun

We had a lot of fun tradutor Português

72 parallel translation
It sounds kind of silly, but we had a lot of fun doing it.
Parece tontice, mas divertíamo-nos muito.
We had a lot of fun together.
Divertimo-nos muito juntos.
Look, we had a lot of fun but the time's up and the party's over.
Ouve, divertimo-nos muito, mas acabou o tempo e a festa terminou.
We had a lot of fun!
Nos divertimos muito!
You know, we had a lot of fun tonight.
Divertimo-nos muito esta noite.
Ah, we had a lot of fun.
Divertíamo-nos muito.
We had a lot of fun putting it together.
Foi muito divertido trabalhar nela.
We had a lot of fun, Daniel.
Gozámos à brava, não foi Daniel.
- We had a lot of fun.
- Divertimo-nos muito.
A great party. Oh yeah, we had a lot of fun.
- Grande festa.
It was a good week, we had a lot of fun, but it's over.
Foi uma boa semana, divertimo-nos muito, mas acabou.
We had a lot of fun together.
Divertimo-nos imenso juntos.
- We had a lot of fun, the three of us.
- Divertimo-nos muito os três. - Divertimo-nos.
Yeah, we had a lot of fun.
Sim, nós divertimo-nos muito.
I mean, we had a lot of fun raising the first four kids.
Foi divertido angariar dinheiro para os primeiros quatro filhos.
We had a lot of fun.
Divertimo-nos muito.
We had a lot of fun.
Divertimo-nos imenso.
And we had a lot of fun.
Divertimo-nos muito.
Yeah, we had a lot of fun.
Sim, divertimo-nos.
We had a lot of fun in the beginning, you, me, and your father.
Divertimo-nos muito no início, tu, eu e o teu pai.
I think we were both feeling a little lonely, but we had a lot of fun. Ooh! Ooh!
Estávamos um pouco solitários, mas nós divertimos muito.
As kids, we had a lot of fun.
Quando éramos miúdos, divertíamo-nos muito.
The only trouble is, we could have had a lot of fun if you weren't a detective.
O problema é que nós... Nos podíamos divertir, se você não fosse detective.
While I was there, these men... kind of guests, you might say... we'd get together and horse around a little bit and sing...'cause we were havin such a good time... and we always had a lot of fun with this one, "The Jailhouse Rock."
Aí, estes homens... poderíamos chamá-los convidados... reuníamo-nos para dançar e cantar... porque estávamos passando tão bem... e sempre nos divertiámos muito com esta canção : "Prisioneiro do Rock'n'Roll".
And we always had a lot of fun with this one, "The Jailhouse Rock."
E sempre nos divertiámos muito com esta canção : "Prisioneiro do Rock'n'Roll".
All right, it wasn't a contest, it was fixed, but we still had a lot of fun.
Não era um concurso, era arranjado, mas ainda assim divertimo-nos bastante.
Just think, we could have had a lot of fun together.
Pense só, podíamos ter-nos divertido muito juntos.
We made a lot of money, had some fun. Then I got the better of him in a piece of business, and he tried to stab me in the back.
Ganhámos muito dinheiro, divertimo-nos... e, então, ganhei-lhe num negócio e ele tentou apunhalar-me pelas costas.
We've had a lot of fun together.
Passámos bons momentos juntos.
We've had a lot of fun together.
Nós nos divertimos muito juntos.
Look, I had a lot of fun today, but I don't think we're right for each other.
Ouve, diverti-me imenso hoje, mas não acho que somos feitos um para o outro.
You know, we've had a lot of fun tonight at the expense of the U.S. Navy.
Sabem, divertimo-nos muito às custas da Marinha dos EUA.
I think we've had a lot of fun.
Eu penso que nós nos divertimos muito.
But seriously, we've had a lot of fun with our dad over the years.
- Mas agora a sério. Divertimo-nos muito com o nosso pai ao longo dos anos.
We have had a lot of fun here.
Temos tido muita diversão por aqui.
We've had a hell of a lot of fun.
Divertimo-nos imenso.
I've been thinking, we've had a lot of fun around here lately, but maybe it's time to set a slightly more professional tone in the office.
Sabes, Ed, estive a pensar... Temos tido muita diversão e brincadeiras por aqui ultimamente, mas talvez seja hora de dar um tom mais profissional ao escritório.
Okay, we'll get to the point, but for your information, skinny bitch, black men and a whole lot of motherfuckin'white men have had plenty of fun adoring my ass.
Está bem, já chegaremos ao ponto de interesse, mas para tua informação, cadela anoréctica, os homens negros, e muitos homens bancos também, se divertem a adorar o meu traseiro.
Okay, we'll get to the point. But for your information, skinny-bitch, Black men and a whole lot of mother fucking white men have had plenty fun adoring my ass.
Vamos directas ao assunto, mas para que saibas, escanzelada, muitos negros e um porradão de homens brancos já se divertiram á grande a adorar este meu rabinho.
Hey, the truth is, we've all had a lot of fun.
A verdade é que temo-nos divertido muito.
We've had a lot of fun.
Divertimo-nos imenso.
We could've had a lot of fun.
Nós podemos divertir-nos tanto.
We had a lot of fun there for a while, remember?
Tivemos muita diversão lá por um tempo, lembra-se?
We`ve had a lot of fun working with rhomboids, but I can`t spend the whole term talking about rhomboids.
Nós divertimo-nos muito a trabalhar com paralelogramos mas, não posso passar o semestre, todo a falar de paralelogramos.
We had us a lot of fun.
Tivemos muita diversão.
We've had a lot of fun tonight, but on a more serious note, this is the time of year when we remember the importance of giving.
Divertimo-nos muito hoje à noite, mas mais a sério, nesta altura do ano, quando nos lembramos de dar
Hi, there. You know, we've had a lot of fun tonight...
Olá, Divertimo-nos muito hoje à noite,....
We definitely had a lot of fun together.
Nós definitivamente nos divertimos bastante.
The Phantom camera was so fun, especially for Jackass where we had a lot of impact.
A câmera Phantom foi tão divertida, especialmente para o Jackass onde tivemos um grande impacto.
Once she ran out of things to criticize, we actually had a lot of fun.
Quando ela não tem nada para criticar, Nós acabamos por nos divertir.
I partied with Robert Downing Jr, before got sober, we did really fucked up, and had a lot of fun.
Ia a festas com o Robert Downey Jr. e foi antes dele ficar sóbrio. Quando ele era muito marado e divertido.

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