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Weymouth tradutor Português

39 parallel translation
The staging areas for Overlord were spread the length of England's south coast, round the ports of Falmouth, Dartmouth, Weymouth, Portsmouth and Newhaven.
As áreas de treino para a Overlord espalhavam-se por toda a largura da costa sul inglesa, perto dos portos de Falmouth, Dartmouth, Weymouth, Portsmouth e Newhaven.
- Uh-huh. - I believe her name is Ariel Weymouth.
Acho que ela se chama Ariel Weymouth.
Do you know Ariel Weymouth?
Conheces a Ariel Weymouth?
Who, Ariel Weymouth?
- Quem, a Ariel Weymouth?
I didn't know it was the same... I couldn't imagine it was the same Ariel Weymouth.
Não sabia... não imaginava que fosse a mesma Ariel Weymouth.
Like each snowflake, there is only one Ariel Weymouth.
Tal como cada floco de neve, há só uma Ariel Weymouth.
- Dulcy Ford, Ariel Weymouth.
- A Dulcy Ford, a Ariel Weymouth.
I was never in love with Ariel Weymouth and I don't love her now.
Nunca estive apaixonado pela Ariel e não a amo agora.
Estamos em Weymouth. E aqui é Cherbourg.
- Did that Hawkeye trap?
- O avião de Weymouth?
Tell Miss Woodhouse whom you saw in Weymouth.
Conte à Srta. Woodhouse quem viu em Weymouth.
- They've been engaged since October... formed at Weymouth through their friend, Charles Dixon.
Desde outubro, em Weymouth, graças a Charles Dixon.
The most probable point of entry was Melcombe Regis, near Weymouth.
O ponto de entrada mais provável foi Melcombe Regis, perto de Weymouth.
Massachusetts, actually, in a town called Weymouth.
Massachusetts, actualmente, numa cidade chamada called Weymouth.
Weymouth Military Academy, just up the street.
Onde? Academia militar de Weymouth, logo ao subir a rua.
So Joshua Foster is a sixth grader at Weymouth Military Academy.
E o Joshua Foster é da sexta série na Academia Militar Weymouth.
There was a federal drug investigation at Weymouth Academy, Mr. Janklow.
Houve uma investigação de drogas na Academia Weymouth Academy, Sr. Janklow.
Adolescent immunity to the alien signal, from our little caper at the Weymouth Military Academy.
Adolescentes imunes ao sinal alienígena... de nossa investigação na Academia Militar Weymouth.
Freshman Squad Leader at the Weymouth Academy in Virginia.
Líder do Esquadrão na Academia Weymouth, Virginia.
You left Weymouth, England, on June 5th aboard the USS LCI.
Deixaram Weymouth, na Inglaterra, a 5 de Julho a bordo do USS LCI.
Arthur and diane lanessa. Weymouth.
Arthur e Diane Lanessa, de Weymouth.
Route 18 in Weymouth, by the water.
Estrada 18 em Weymouth, perto da água.
One we found in the forest in Weymouth the other on a street in Roxbury.
Um encontrado na floresta em Weymouth, o outro numa rua em Roxbury.
Even Jane Fairfax has friends and the desire to be with them in Ireland and Weymouth.
Até mesmo Jane Fairfax tem amigos e o desejo de estar com eles na Irlanda e Weymouth.
Lady Regan wants permission for her son to marry Elizabeth of Weymouth.
Lady Regan quer permissão para casar o filho com Elizabeth de Weymouth.
B. Weiss, P-23, Weymouth Parking.
B. Weiss, P-23.
You little bastard.
Weymouth Parking.
Pick me up outside Weymouth Street car park.
Apanhe-me à entrada do parque de estacionamento de Weymouth Street.
Weymouth Street car park.
Parque de estacionamento de Weymouth Street.
Practicing his testimony with Ms. Weymouth.
A praticar o testemunho com a Sr.ª Weymouth.
I'm sorry, I'm not Miriam from Weymouth.
Sinto muito. Não sou a Miriam de Weymouth.
There's a family plot in Weymouth.
Há um lote da família em Weymouth.
A five-year-old child, uh, Veronica took him over her knee and, uh... spanked him. Greg Weymouth.
- Greg Weymouth, de 5 anos.
Did you hit a five-year-old kid named Greg Weymouth - in Browards'dress department?
- Bateste num menino de 5 anos chamado Greg Weymouth na secção de vestidos da "Browards"?
Thank you for doing this, Mrs. Weymouth. Veronica.
Obrigado por fazer isto, Sra. Weymouth.
Mrs. Weymouth.
Sra. Weymouth.
Mrs. Weymouth, we're not gonna just give you $ 50,000.
Sra. Weymouth, não lhe vamos, simplesmente, dar 50 mil dólares.
~ I haven't been out drinking in Weymouth for years.
Não bebo em Weymouth há anos.

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