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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ W ] / What's going on in there

What's going on in there tradutor Português

498 parallel translation
There's something going on there in the West and I'd like to try and learn what it is if you feel you've got the room.
Passa-se algo no Oeste e eu gostaria de saber o que é. Se acharem que têm espaço.
- What's going on in there?
- O que se passa ali dentro?
I am busting to find out what's going on in that feverish little brain waiting in there.
Morta por saber o que se passa naquela cabecinha doente.
What's going on in there?
O que está acontecendo lá?
What's going on in there?
Que se passa nos bastidores?
What's going on, sergeant? There's been a fight in the street, sir.
- O que foi, sargento?
What's going on in there?
O que aconteceu? Porque pararam de cantar?
What's going on in there?
O que se passa aí?
Listen to what's going on out there and I'm alone in that room.
Ouço o que se passa lá fora e estou sozinha naquele quarto.
I would very much like to know what's going on in there. She isn't there now
- Sim, ela gostaria de saber disso.
What's going on here? How long are they gonna keep that little kid in there?
O que se passa aqui?
Mind letting me in on what's going on out there?
Poderia me dizer o que está acontecendo ali na frente?
- What's going on in there?
- O que se passa aí?
- What's going on in there? - ( whistles )
O que se passa aí?
What's going on in there? Open up
Que se está a passar aí?
What the hell's going on in there?
Que diabos está havendo aí?
Howard, what's going on in there?
Howard, o que está acontecendo aí?
What's going on in there?
O que se passa?
What's going on in there?
O que se estará a passar?
There is no weed in the house. What's going on?
Nós estamos limpos, não temos erva em casa.
You just can't believe what's going on in there.
Nem acreditas no que está acontecendo.
What's going on in there?
O que estás a fazer?
What's going on here? There were more killings in the forest last night,
- Mais mortes na floresta a noite passada.
What's going on in there?
- O que está acontecendo?
- I can't handle what's going on in there.
- Não consigo lidar com o que está a acontecer.
What's going on in there?
O que se passa ali dentro?
We don't know what's going on in there.
Não sabemos o que está lá dentro.
Jesus, what's going on in there?
Jesus, o que está a contecer ali?
Is that what's going on in there, too?
É issoo que está a acontecer lá também?
What's going on in there?
- O que se passa aqui?
What's going on in there?
O que está acontecendo aqui?
Put the knife in me... and look me in the eye and see what's going on in there... when you turn it.
Você quer enfiar a faca em mim, e me olhar nos olhos e ver o que acontece quando você a girar.
- What the hell's going on in there?
- Que se passa aí dentro?
Francis, what's going on in there?
O que se passa aí?
General Braddock doesn't know what's going on in there.
O general Braddock não sabe o que se está a passar. Nós sabemos!
What's going on in there?
O que se passa ali?
What's going on in there?
É o caos.
What's going on in there?
Que se passa ali?
What's going on in there?
Que se passa aí?
What's going on in there?
O que é que se passa aí?
There's an extra $ 20 in this if you can explain to me what's going on.
Há $ 20 a mais nesta conta, explique-me o que se passa.
Ugh! Betty : hey, what's going on in there? !
- O que se passa aí?
What's going on in there?
O que se passa aí dentro?
What the hell's going on in there?
O que diabos está a acontecer aqui?
What's going on in there?
O que é que se passa aí dentro?
- What's going on in there?
- O que se passa ali?
Jon, what's going on in there?
Jon, o que se passa aí dentro?
It keeps Playing in my brain what Amos told me, that something's going on there.
O que o Amos disse não me sai da cabeça.
W-What's going on in there? Get your head down!
- O que se passa ali dentro?
What's going on in there?
- Que se passa ali dentro?
I rigged a video hookup through the Star Labs satellite computer. What's going on in there?
Eu manipuladas através de uma conexão vídeo a Star Labs satélite computador.

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