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What did you think it was tradutor Português

77 parallel translation
- What did you think it was?
- Então que pensavas tu?
What did you think it was going to be?
Que julgava que era?
What did you think it was?
Que pensavas tu?
What did you think it was, a large diamond duck ring?
Julgaste que era um anel de diamantes em forma de pato?
What did you think it was?
O que pensavas que era?
What did you think it was made for?
Para que pensavas que servia?
What did you think it was... a fucking summer camp you were at?
Onde pensas que estás? Numa colônia de férias?
What did you think it was, Cataracts 2?
Que julgaste que era, o "Cataratas 2"?
What did you think it was?
O que pensavas que fosse?
- What did you think it was?
- O que julgavas que era?
What did you think it was?
O que achavas que era?
What did you think it was?
- O que achou que era?
Mrs. Randolph, what did you think it was?
Sra. Randolph... O que acha que foi?
What did you think it was? !
Porque é que fizeste isso?
Why? What did you think it was?
O que pensaste que era?
What did you think it was?
O que achou que era?
Just what did you think it was going to be?
O que pensavas que isto fosse?
You saw what it did to her to think it was you, and somebody might as well get something out of this.
Tu viste o que lhe fez pensar que eras tu e alguém pode muito bem tirar algum proveito disso.
What did he think it was to you?
Por que é que ela achava que tinha?
What did you think was in it?
O que é que pensaste que estava dentro das latas?
You don't think it was a punishment retribution for what he did?
Não achas que foi um castigo? Uma retribuição? Pelo que ele fez.
What did you think was melodramatic about it?
- O que achou melodramático?
What, did you think it was for Vogue?
Pensaste que era para a Vogue?
Encyclopedia Britannica hour at your house, but I was wondering if you could spare a minute to pay for the window your son broke. Wait a second, Steve. What makes you think Bud did it?
Anda numa estranha procura de peúgas e não acredita que não as perco de propósito.
I was gonna save it for graduation... but after what you did, I think I'll give it to you now.
Estava a guardá-la para a formatura, mas depois do que fizeste, acho que ta vou dar agora.
Did you really think I hadn't figured out... what it was about you and Superman?
Pensas que ainda não tinha percebido o que se passa entre ti e o Super-Homem?
Did you think it was someone in the band? Is that what you thought?
Pensou que era um dos músicos?
I was going to ask what you did this weekend, but I think it's painfully clear.
Eu ia-lhe perguntar o que fez no fim de semana, mas é dolorosamente claro.
Well, it's not gonna happen What did you think Congress was gonna do?
O que achou que o Congresso faria?
It was like, "Did you or didn't you?" I let him think what he wanted to.
Foi algo do tipo "Fizeste ou não?". Deixei-o pensar o que quisesse.
I think it was really nice what you did.
Acho que foi muito simpático o que fizeste.
It was just a question. What did you think I was gonna do? Sit on my ass all day and slack off?
Achas que me ia sentar sem fazer nada o dia todo?
Oh! What did you think it was?
O que achavas que era?
At what point did you think it was going to get really classy?
Em que arte pensaste que se agiria com classe?
and that is in me, you undertand you didn't think it was important I had to go tidying up after you and you didn't notice that I was exhausted from working instead of helping, what you did was insult me.
e isso está em mim, compreendes? e como vocês não arrumavam eu tinha que ir atrás de vocês arrumar não notavas que eu estava cansada de trabalhar fora e de trabalhar na casa, em vez de ajudar o que faziam era insultar-me.o teu pai fazia era isso
Oh, what-what the hell did you think it was about?
De que raios pensavas que estava a falar?
What I did that day in the square, it was second nature. I didn't think about it. You needed help.
O que fiz aquele dia na praça... foi seguindo minha natureza.
What did you think it was going to be?
O que achaste que ia ser?
I mean, I do think what you did was wrong. But... It's a tattoo.
Ainda acho que o que fizeste foi errado, mas é uma tatuagem.
- What day did you think it was?
- Que dia pensavas que era?
I know it was wrong of the Duke of Suffolk to say what he did but do you think it's possible we could forgive him?
Sei que o Duque de Suffolk errou ao dizer o que disse, mas achais que podemos perdoar-lhe?
What did you think her name was before it was Kennedy?
Qual pensavas que era o nome dela antes de ser Kennedy?
Hef told me what you did, and I don't think it was very sisterly of you.
O Hef disse-me o que fizeste e não acho muito fraternal da tua parte.
- When you heard it was a hoax, the thing that we did, were you, like — what did you think of it at first?
Quando soube que era mentira, o que pensou disso?
Precious, what did you think of the film? I thought it was fabulous.
O que achou do filme?
What did you think, it was just gonna shoot up in perpetuity?
Você achou que os preços iam subir pra sempre?
If you think about it, the worst part of what she did was taking the kid, right?
Se pensares, a pior coisa que ela fez foi levar o filho, certo?
You think it was easy for your parents to do what they did?
Pensas que foi fácil para os teus pais fazerem o que fizeram?
Spencer, you may not think what you did to Jesse was wrong, but he thinks it was wrong, and he was hurt by it.
Spencer, tu podes pensar que o que fizeste ao Jesse não foi errado, mas ele acha que sim e está magoado com isso.
What was it, do you think, that made you react the way you did?
O que achas que te levou a reagir da maneira como reagiste?
What year did you think it was?
Que ano pensou que fosse?

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